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Topic: lean3 aarch64 (apple m2) build issues
Alex Kontorovich (May 26 2023 at 22:30):
Got a new computer (Apple M2 chip), trying to reinstall Lean3 (and Lean4); tried a bunch of things (even had ChatGPT help!...) but still can't get Lean to work; main error is: "error: binary package was not provided for 'darwin_aarch64'"... Is there an M2 version of these instructions? https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/macos.html Thanks!
Yaël Dillies (May 26 2023 at 22:32):
Run elan self update
(or rather the brew version thereof). You have an outdated (by 10 months) elan.
Alex Kontorovich (May 26 2023 at 22:34):
error: self-update is disabled for this build of elan
error: you should probably use your system package manager to update elan
Alex Kontorovich (May 26 2023 at 22:40):
GPT said that the brew version might be: "brew upgrade elan". That gave the error:
"Error: Cannot install under Rosetta 2 in ARM default prefix (/opt/homebrew)!
To rerun under ARM use:
arch -arm64 brew install ..."
Alex Kontorovich (May 26 2023 at 22:41):
So I tried "arch -arm64 brew install elan". Got this:
"Warning: Treating elan as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/elan
Warning: elan-init 1.4.5 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 1.4.5, run:
brew reinstall elan-init"
Matthew Ballard (May 27 2023 at 15:33):
It looks like you are trying to use the arm-based brew
since it is looking in /opt/
. Check that you have another copy of brew
at /usr/local/bin/brew
and make sure to preface all calls to brew
with the full path.
Matthew Ballard (May 27 2023 at 15:35):
Or just stick to Lean 4 ;)
Julian Berman (May 27 2023 at 19:55):
What does type -a elan
Alex Kontorovich (May 30 2023 at 18:26):
It says:
elan is /opt/homebrew/bin/elan
elan is /usr/local/bin/elan
Kevin Buzzard (May 30 2023 at 21:13):
Are they defeq?
Alex Kontorovich (May 30 2023 at 22:49):
...? I don't have univalence...
Julian Berman (May 31 2023 at 13:37):
Might be a Lean 5 feature.
But that's saying you have 2 Homebrews, and thereby 2 elans. Your x86_64 brew lives at /usr/local/bin/brew
probably, and your ARM one at /opt/homebrew/bin/brew
(you can confirm with type -a brew
). It would seem also that your /usr/local/bin/
directory is probably first on your PATH -- so writing brew
is finding you /usr/local/bin/brew
. When you write arch -arm64 brew whatever
that isn't magically making brew
find the other one I don't think.
So tl;dr:
- Run
/opt/homebrew/bin/brew info elan-init
to see what version of ARM elan you have -- is it up to date? If not, run/opt/homebrew/bin/brew update && /opt/homebrew/bin/brew upgrade elan
- If that works and you have no reason to specifically want an x86_64 homebrew for other reasons, uninstall it entirely
- If you get some other error after doing ^^ lemme know :)
Wojciech Nawrocki (Jun 07 2023 at 23:30):
Hi! I am facing the same issue. elan --version
shows elan 1.4.5 (b325638d9 2023-04-26)
, so quite new, and it is an ARM64 binary. Then elan install leanprover-community/lean:3.51.1
shows error: binary package was not provided for 'darwin_aarch64'
Wojciech Nawrocki (Jun 07 2023 at 23:32):
Oh, are there actually just not binary builds of Lean 3 for this platform? That's ok, I'll build it manually.
Xavier Roblot (Jun 08 2023 at 04:29):
There are no Silicon binary for Lean3. You have to either build it yourself (that’s what I do) or use the Intel binary via Rosetta.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC