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Topic: linear-algebra-bounded-op
Monica Omar (May 22 2022 at 16:27):
I am trying to formalise that given is a bounded operator in a Hilbert space , then if and only if for all such that .
Here is what I have got so far,
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
variables {H 𝕜 : Type*} [is_R_or_C 𝕜]
variables [inner_product_space 𝕜 H]
variables [complete_space H]
variables (T : H →L[𝕜] H)
local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y
lemma easy_lemma (h : T = 1) : ∀ (ψ : H), ∥ψ∥=1 → ⟪ψ,T ψ⟫ = 1 :=
λ ψ hψ, by simp [h, inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K, hψ]
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (ψ : H) (h : ∥ψ∥=1) (h' : ⟪ψ,T ψ⟫ = 1) : T = 1 :=
I am not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated :)
Ruben Van de Velde (May 22 2022 at 16:33):
What's the mathematical proof? Do you know already?
Monica Omar (May 22 2022 at 16:39):
Yeah, you use the polarisation identity to first show is self-adjoint. Then you take the orthonormal basis to show is the identity.
Ruben Van de Velde (May 22 2022 at 18:21):
First, note that your statement only assumes that there's a particular psi that had that property, not that all psi have that property
Ruben Van de Velde (May 22 2022 at 18:23):
Some versions of the polarization identity are here: https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/analysis/inner_product_space/basic.html#re_inner_eq_norm_add_mul_self_sub_norm_mul_self_sub_norm_mul_self_div_two
Monica Omar (May 26 2022 at 11:03):
Here's what I got so far. Not sure if this is the right direction or not, though. Any advice? @Ruben Van de Velde
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic analysis.complex.basic analysis.normed_space.bounded_linear_maps
variables {H : Type*} [inner_product_space ℂ H]
variables [complete_space H]
variables (T : H →ₗ[ℂ] H)
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (ψ : H) (h : ∥ψ∥=1) (h' : ⟪ψ,T ψ⟫_ℂ = 1) : T ψ = id ψ :=
have t1 : ∥ψ∥^2 = 1 := by simp [h],
have t2 : ⟪ψ,ψ⟫_ℂ = 1 := by { simp [inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K ψ],finish, },
have : ⟪ψ,ψ⟫_ℂ - ⟪ψ,T ψ⟫_ℂ = 0 := by simp [h', t2],
rw ← inner_sub_right at this,
have t3 : ψ ≠ 0 := λ c, by simp [c, norm_zero] at h;contradiction,
have :=
calc ⟪T ψ - ψ,T ψ - ψ⟫_ℂ = ⟪T ψ,T ψ⟫_ℂ - 1 : by simp [inner_sub_right, inner_sub_left, inner_sub_left, h', t2, ← inner_conj_sym (T ψ) ψ, h']
... = ⟪T ψ,T ψ⟫_ℂ - ⟪T ψ,ψ⟫_ℂ : by simp [← inner_conj_sym (T ψ) ψ, h']
... = ⟪T ψ,T ψ - ψ⟫_ℂ : by rw inner_sub_right
... = ⟪ψ,ψ - T ψ⟫_ℂ : sorry
... = 0 : by assumption,
have := (inner_self_eq_zero).mp this,
have : T ψ = ψ := by { apply sub_eq_zero.mp,assumption, },
Yaël Dillies (May 26 2022 at 11:19):
Your statement is still wrong. Consider a shear in a direction orthogonal to psi
. The correct statement is by quantifying over all psi
both in the hypothesis and the conclusion.
Yaël Dillies (May 26 2022 at 11:19):
Regarding your sorry
, what I just said is precisely what makes it wrong.
Monica Omar (May 26 2022 at 11:27):
Would the statement just be this then?
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (h : ∀ ψ,∥ψ∥=1 → ⟪ψ,T ψ⟫_ℂ = 1) : T = 1 :=
Ruben Van de Velde (May 26 2022 at 11:30):
Yeah, this could be a better start:
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (h : ∀ (ψ : H), ∥ψ∥ = 1 → ⟪ψ, T ψ⟫_ℂ = 1) :
T = 1 :=
ext ψ,
simp only [linear_map.one_apply],
have : inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint T,
{ sorry },
Monica Omar (May 26 2022 at 11:41):
How do you go about proving that?
Ruben Van de Velde (May 26 2022 at 11:45):
I don't know, that's what you said the proof was :)
Ruben Van de Velde (May 26 2022 at 12:34):
I managed a proof starting with
rw [←sub_eq_zero, ←inner_map_self_eq_zero],
but perhaps that's cheating
Monica Omar (May 26 2022 at 13:03):
Oh, yeah. That does work:
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (h : ∀ ψ : H,∥ψ∥=1) (h' : ∀ ψ : H, ⟪ψ,T ψ⟫_ℂ = 1) : T = 1 :=
rw [←sub_eq_zero, ←inner_map_self_eq_zero],
intro ψ,
have t12 :=
calc ⟪ψ,ψ⟫_ℂ = ∥ψ∥^2 : by simp [inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K]
... = 1 : by simp [h ψ],
simp [inner_sub_left],
rw [← inner_conj_sym,h' ψ,t12],
Kevin Buzzard (May 26 2022 at 14:17):
Kevin Buzzard (May 26 2022 at 14:19):
Wait -- does this say "assume the false statement that everything in H has norm 1" though? I have not used this stuff before but it might be good to get the statement straight. I think Ruben's version looks ok but I am a bit suspicious of Monica's.
Ruben Van de Velde (May 26 2022 at 14:32):
Oh, that explains why your version is quite a bit shorter than mine :)
Monica Omar (May 26 2022 at 16:27):
Oh, wait. Yeah, I was using my old statement.
Monica Omar (May 26 2022 at 16:27):
Ruben Van de Velde said:
Oh, that explains why your version is quite a bit shorter than mine :)
How did you go about proving it with your statement, then?
Ruben Van de Velde (May 26 2022 at 19:06):
This is the structure I ended up with - you might try to finish it from here
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (h : ∀ (ψ : H), ∥ψ∥ = 1 → ⟪ψ, T ψ⟫_ℂ = 1) :
T = 1 :=
rw [←sub_eq_zero, ←inner_map_self_eq_zero],
intro ψ,
obtain rfl|hψ := eq_or_ne ψ 0,
{ sorry },
obtain ⟨φ, n, hφ, rfl⟩ : ∃ φ (r : ℝ), ∥φ∥ = 1 ∧ ψ = (r : ℂ) • φ,
{ sorry },
suffices : ⟪(T - 1) φ, φ⟫_ℂ = 0,
{ sorry },
Monica Omar (May 28 2022 at 17:07):
@Ruben Van de Velde I tried with your structure, but I'm stuck here
lemma bounded_op_eq_one_if_norm_is_one (h : ∀ (ψ : H), ∥ψ∥ = 1 → ⟪ψ, T ψ⟫_ℂ = 1) :
T = 1 :=
rw [←sub_eq_zero, ←inner_map_self_eq_zero],
intro ψ,
obtain rfl|hψ := eq_or_ne ψ 0,
{ simp },
obtain ⟨φ, n, hφ, rfl⟩ : ∃ φ (r : ℝ), ∥φ∥ = 1 ∧ ψ = (r : ℂ) • φ,
use ψ,
use 1,
refine ⟨_,by finish⟩,
suffices : ⟪(T - 1) φ, φ⟫_ℂ = 0,
rw [inner_smul_right],
have t2 : conj ↑n * ⟪(T-1) φ,φ⟫_ℂ = conj ↑n * 0 := by rw this,
rw ← inner_smul_left at t2,
have t3 : ⟪↑n • (T-1) φ,φ⟫_ℂ = ⟪(T-1) (↑n • φ),φ⟫_ℂ := sorry,
rw [← t3,t2],
simp [inner_sub_left],
rw [inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K, hφ, ←inner_conj_sym (T φ) φ, h φ hφ],
Kevin Buzzard (May 28 2022 at 18:12):
have t3 : ⟪↑n • (T-1) φ,φ⟫_ℂ = ⟪(T-1) (↑n • φ),φ⟫_ℂ,
{ rw linear_map.map_smul, },
Kevin Buzzard (May 28 2022 at 18:13):
The only reason the terms on either side of the =
are different is that you are taking a scalar multiplication (smul
) out of an application (map
) of a linear map. Now you can guess the name of the lemma which gets you home.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC