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Topic: make a group
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 17:44):
I try to construct a group, and i have a problem i don't understand what i have to do :D
import algebra.category.CommRing.basic import algebra.ring /-- ## This is the groupe AGL_1(R) : x ↦ ax + b invertible i.e with a inveritible ! The goal is to make ## into a groupe for composition ! -/ structure AGL_1 ( R : Type) [comm_ring R] := mk {} :: (a b : R) (y : R) (certif : a * y = 1) namespace agl_1 section parameters (R : Type)[comm_ring R] def one : AGL_1(R) := {a := 1 ,b:=0, y := 1,certif := begin exact mul_one 1 end} instance : has_one (AGL_1 R) := ⟨one⟩ def of (r : R) : AGL_1(R) := {a := 1, b := r, y := 1,certif := begin exact mul_one 1, end} lemma one_eq_of_one : one = of (0) := rfl protected def mul_map' : AGL_1(R) → AGL_1 (R) → AGL_1(R) := λ ⟨a1,b1,y1,certif_1⟩ ⟨a2,b2,y2,certif_2⟩, begin have certif_ : (a1 * a2) * (y2 * y1) = 1, rw ← mul_assoc (a1 * a2) y2 y1, rw mul_assoc a1 a2 y2, rw certif_2, rw mul_one, rw certif_1, exact {a := a1 * a2, b := a1 * b2 + b1, y := y2 * y1 , certif := certif_}, end instance : inhabited (AGL_1 R) := ⟨1⟩ instance : has_mul (AGL_1 R) := ⟨mul_map'⟩ protected def mul_inv : AGL_1 R → AGL_1 R := λ ⟨a,b,y,certif⟩, begin exact {a := y, b:= -y * b , y := a , certif := begin rw mul_comm at certif, assumption end } end instance : has_inv (AGL_1 R) := ⟨ mul_inv⟩ def Rotation (R : Type)[comm_ring R] (a : R) (y : R): ( a * y = 1 ) → AGL_1(R) := λ certif, begin exact {a := a, b := 0, y := y, certif := certif}, end def mul_one' : ∀ g : AGL_1 R, g * 1 = g := λ ⟨a1,b1,y1,certif_1⟩, begin --- i thinck it's ok g * 1 cause has_instance mul ! have certif_a : a1 * 1 = a1, exact mul_one a1, have certif_b : a1 * 0 + b1 = b1, rw [mul_zero,zero_add], have certif_y : 1 * y1 = y1, exact one_mul y1, have certif_certif : (a1 * 1) * (1 * y1) = a1 * y1, rw [mul_one,one_mul], sorry, --- I don't know what i have to do :D end end end agl_1
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:46):
You could just ask for a: units R
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 17:47):
Yes !
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:47):
In your definition
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:47):
I'm not at a computer right now, what is the goal you're stuck on?
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 17:48):
1 goal R : Type, _inst_1 : comm_ring R, _x : AGL_1 R, _fun_match : ∀ (_a : AGL_1 R), _a * 1 = _a, a1 b1 y1 : R, certif_1 : a1 * y1 = 1, certif_a : a1 * 1 = a1, certif_b : a1 * 0 + b1 = b1, certif_y : 1 * y1 = y1, certif_certif : a1 * 1 * (1 * y1) = a1 * y1 ⊢ {a := a1, b := b1, y := y1, certif := certif_1} * 1 = {a := a1, b := b1, y := y1, certif := certif_1} << --- Here Kevin,
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:48):
You know that all these basic ring theory equalities can be proved with the ring
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:49):
You need to prove an ext
lemma for your structure
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:50):
I am on my phone at the minute so it's difficult for me to give precise links but take a look at data.conplex.basic in mathlib
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 17:50):
For ring : Yes i know but here calculus are not too complicated so i do by hand for fun !
Ah ok, ext is the equality of two elements of the structure !
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:51):
If my memory is correct, very soon after the definition of a complex number they prove that if two complex numbers have the same real and imaginary part then they are equal
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:51):
If you apply the ext lemma then you will immediately get a bunch of trivial goals
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 17:52):
Your memory is good !
@[ext] theorem ext : ∀ {z w : ℂ}, z.re = w.re → z.im = w.im → z = w | ⟨zr, zi⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ rfl rfl := rfl
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:52):
Take a look at the ext lemma for units
. There is something interesting going on there
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:52):
If you find the definition of units in mathlib it is probably one of the first lemmas afterwards
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:53):
The interesting thing here is that you only need some of the structure fields to be equal in order to reduce that the terms are equal
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:54):
A term of type units R
is a and b and a proof that ab=1 and a proof that ba=1
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:54):
But if two units have the same a, they are the same :-)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:56):
Your namespace is agl_1 but your structure is AGL_1
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:57):
If you make them the same, then you will have access to "dot notation"
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 17:59):
begin exact X end
can just be shortened to X
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 18:15):
Yes i'm ok for the interesting thing !
For the shortened : the problem is if i don't write begin ... end, i d'ont see the goal in lean so i always start with begin end !
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 18:23):
Yes sure, but after you write begin exact mul_one 1 end
you can just change it to mul_one 1
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 18:23):
begin end
and by
turns Lean from term mode into tactic mode; exact
turns Lean from tactic mode into term mode.
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:26):
Orlando, you need the first lemma after the definition to be:
@[ext] lemma ext : ∀ {x y : AGL_1 R}, x.a = y.a → x.b = y.b → x = y := begin intros x y h h', cases x, cases y, congr ; try { assumption }, change x_a = y_a at h, rw h at x_certif, apply_fun (*) y_y at x_certif, rwa [← mul_assoc, mul_comm y_y, y_certif, one_mul, mul_one] at x_certif, end
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:27):
Then, each time you need to prove equality of two elements of AGL_1 R
you'll be able to use the ext
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:28):
Next you need to get rid of parameter
. There is a very simple rule deciding whether you want variables
or parameters
: you want variables
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:29):
Then your multiplication definition is wrong, for a very subtle reason. Using pattern matching from the beginning, you won't get that (x*y).a = x.a*y.a
by definition (in the very specific type theory sense of this word). This is will bring hell on you.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 18:31):
By "wrong" Patricks means that mathematically it is correct, but if two things are equal because of a theorem, this is far less convenient than if they are equal by definition.
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 18:34):
hum ,it's because i put ?
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:35):
No, it's because of your angle bracket pattern matching.
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:36):
I cleaned up the beginning:
import algebra.category.CommRing.basic import algebra.ring import tactic /-- ## This is the groupe AGL_1(R) : x ↦ ax + b invertible i.e with a inveritible ! The goal is to make ## into a groupe for composition ! -/ structure AGL_1 ( R : Type) [comm_ring R] := (a b : R) (y : R) (certif : a * y = 1) namespace agl_1 section variables {R : Type} [comm_ring R] @[ext] lemma ext : ∀ {x y : AGL_1 R}, x.a = y.a → x.b = y.b → x = y := begin intros x y h h', cases x, cases y, congr ; try { assumption }, change x_a = y_a at h, rw h at x_certif, apply_fun (*) y_y at x_certif, rwa [← mul_assoc, mul_comm y_y, y_certif, one_mul, mul_one] at x_certif, end def one : AGL_1(R) := {a := 1, b:=0, y := 1, certif := mul_one 1} instance : has_one (AGL_1 R) := ⟨one⟩ def of (r : R) : AGL_1(R) := {a := 1, b := r, y := 1, certif := mul_one 1} lemma one_eq_of_one : one = of (0 : R) := rfl protected def mul_map' : AGL_1(R) → AGL_1 (R) → AGL_1(R) := λ x y, { a := x.a * y.a, b := x.a * y.b + x.b, y := x.y * y.y , certif := begin sorry -- too lazy to retype the proof with dot notations end} instance : inhabited (AGL_1 R) := ⟨1⟩ instance : has_mul (AGL_1 R) := ⟨agl_1.mul_map'⟩ protected def mul_inv : AGL_1 R → AGL_1 R := λ ⟨a,b,y,certif⟩, { a := y, b:= -y * b, y := a , certif := by rwa mul_comm at certif } instance : has_inv (AGL_1 R) := ⟨agl_1.mul_inv⟩ def Rotation (R : Type)[comm_ring R] (a : R) (y : R): ( a * y = 1 ) → AGL_1(R) := λ certif, {a := a, b := 0, y := y, certif := certif} def mul_one' : ∀ g : AGL_1 R, g * 1 = g := begin intros g, ext, { change g.a*1 = g.a, rw mul_one }, { change g.a*0 + g.b = g.b, simp } end end end agl_1
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:36):
My advice is to very carefully compare, line by line, with your version. There are many small tricks to learn here.
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 18:36):
I'm not saying anything about your global strategy, only locally cleaning things.
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 18:37):
Ok Patrick ! Thx !!!
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 18:44):
For technical reasons, λ ⟨a1,b1,y1,certif_1⟩ ...
is almost never right. I'm talking about mul_map'
. Mathematically what you and Patrick did is the same, but Patrick's version is better for Lean for computer-science reasons.
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 18:45):
Ok if a understand, i need to use a.a a.b a.y etc and not bracket !
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 18:46):
protected def mul_map' : AGL_1(R) → AGL_1 (R) → AGL_1(R) := λ x y, { a := x.a * y.a, b := x.a * y.b + x.b, y := x.y * y.y , certif := begin rw [(show x.a * y.a * (x.y * y.y) = (x.a * x.y) * (y.a * y.y), by ring), x.certif, y.certif, mul_one], end}
I filled in a sorry in a fairly efficient way
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 18:47):
orlando said:
Ok if a understand, i need to use a.a a.b a.y etc and not bracket !
In your definitions, it is better.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 19:02):
import data.real.basic structure complex := (re : ℝ) (im : ℝ) notation `ℂ` := complex @[ext] theorem ext : ∀ {z w : ℂ}, z.re = w.re → z.im = w.im → z = w | ⟨zr, zi⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ rfl rfl := rfl def add_bad : ℂ → ℂ → ℂ := λ ⟨x1, y1⟩ ⟨x2, y2⟩, ⟨x1 + x2, y1 + y2⟩ def add_good (z w : ℂ) : ℂ := ⟨z.re + w.re, z.im + w.im⟩ section bad @[priority 100] instance : has_add ℂ := ⟨add_bad⟩ def add_bad_assoc (a b c : ℂ) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) := begin ext, -- what now? { cases a, cases b, cases c, show a_re + b_re + c_re = a_re + (b_re + c_re), ring, }, { cases a, cases b, cases c, change a_im + b_im + c_im = a_im + (b_im + c_im), ring, }, end end bad section good @[priority 100000] -- new addition will be used instead of old one instance complex.has_good_add : has_add ℂ := ⟨add_good⟩ def add_good_assoc (a b c : ℂ) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) := begin ext, { change a.re + b.re + c.re = a.re + (b.re + c.re), ring, }, { show a.im + b.im + c.im = a.im + (b.im + c.im), ring, }, end end good
There is one simple reason why using dot is better than using bracket: I don't have to do cases
lots of times in my proofs.
Johan Commelin (Mar 21 2020 at 19:03):
orlando said:
Yes i'm ok for the interesting thing !
For the shortened : the problem is if i don't write begin ... end, i d'ont see the goal in lean so i always start with begin end !
If you write := _
, then you can see the goal if you put your cursor on the _
. This is a way to write things without begin ... end
. Just always keep a _
to the right of your cursor.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 19:03):
In fact with the good addition I can just do
def add_good_assoc (a b c : ℂ) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) := begin ext; apply add_assoc end
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 19:05):
and this is very close to a way a mathematician thinks about the proof: "suffices to check on real and imaginary parts, where it follows from associativity of addition on the reals"
orlando (Mar 21 2020 at 20:10):
I do the associativity :grinning:
import algebra.category.CommRing.basic import algebra.ring import tactic /-- ## This is the groupe AGL_1(R) : x ↦ ax + b invertible i.e with a inveritible ! The goal is to make ## into a groupe for composition ! -/ structure AGL_1 ( R : Type) [comm_ring R] := (a b : R) (y : R) (certif : a * y = 1) namespace AGL_1 section variables {R : Type} [comm_ring R] @[ext] lemma ext : ∀ {g1 g2 : AGL_1 R}, g1.a = g2.a → g1.b = g2.b → g1 = g2 := λ g1 g2, --- it's ok ? just don't use Bracket ? begin intros h1 h2, cases g1, --- difficult i have to analyse ! cases g2, congr ; try { assumption }, change g1_a = g2_a at h1, rw h1 at g1_certif, apply_fun (*) g2_y at g1_certif, rwa [← mul_assoc, mul_comm g2_y, g2_certif, one_mul, mul_one] at g1_certif, end def one : AGL_1(R) := {a := 1, b:=0, y := 1, certif := mul_one 1} instance : has_one (AGL_1 R) := ⟨one⟩ def of (r : R) : AGL_1(R) := {a := 1, b := r, y := 1, certif := mul_one 1} lemma one_eq_of_one : one = of (0 : R) := rfl protected def mul_map' : AGL_1(R) → AGL_1 (R) → AGL_1(R) := λ g1 g2, { a := g1.a * g2.a, b := g1.a * g2.b + g1.b, y := g1.y * g2.y , certif := begin have H : g1.a * g2.a * (g1.y * g2.y) = (g1.a * g1.y) * (g2.a * g2.y), ring, rw H, rw [g1.certif,g2.certif], exact one_mul 1, end} instance : inhabited (AGL_1 R) := ⟨1⟩ instance : has_mul (AGL_1 R) := ⟨AGL_1.mul_map'⟩ lemma a_comp (g1 g2 : AGL_1 R) : (g1 * g2).a = g1.a * g2.a := rfl lemma b_comp (g1 g2 : AGL_1 R) : (g1 * g2).b = g1.a * g2.b + g1.b := rfl protected def mul_inv : AGL_1 R → AGL_1 R := λ ⟨a,b,y,certif⟩, --- change here ? { a := y, b:= -y * b, y := a , certif := by rwa mul_comm at certif } instance : has_inv (AGL_1 R) := ⟨AGL_1.mul_inv⟩ def Rotation (R : Type)[comm_ring R] (a : R) (y : R): ( a * y = 1 ) → AGL_1(R) := λ certif, {a := a, b := 0, y := y, certif := certif} def mul_one' : ∀ g : AGL_1 R, g * 1 = g := begin intros g, ext, { change g.a*1 = g.a, rw mul_one }, { change g.a*0 + g.b = g.b, simp } end def mul_assoc' (g1 g2 g3 : AGL_1 R) : (g1 * g2) * g3 = g1 * (g2 * g3) := begin ext, rw [a_comp,a_comp, a_comp g1 (g2 *g3), a_comp g2 g3, mul_assoc], rw [b_comp,a_comp,b_comp,b_comp,b_comp], ring, end end end AGL_1
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 20:33):
I didn't notice earlier, but you have definitions that should be lemmas.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 20:33):
I think a_comp
and b_comp
should be simp lemmas. See if you can train simp to solve some of these things. And you should now make a group instance for your structure I guess
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 20:40):
Going a bit along the Kevin-like automation path can be a fun path too. Have a look at:
lemma one_a : (1 : AGL_1 R).a = 1 := rfl lemma one_b : (1 : AGL_1 R).b = 0 := rfl lemma a_comp (g1 g2 : AGL_1 R) : (g1 * g2).a = g1.a * g2.a := rfl lemma b_comp (g1 g2 : AGL_1 R) : (g1 * g2).b = g1.a * g2.b + g1.b := rfl meta def AGL_ring : tactic unit := `[simp only [one_a, one_b, a_comp, b_comp], ring] run_cmd add_interactive [`AGL_ring] lemma mul_one' (g : AGL_1 R) : g * 1 = g := begin ext ; AGL_ring, end lemma mul_assoc' (g1 g2 g3 : AGL_1 R) : (g1 * g2) * g3 = g1 * (g2 * g3) := begin ext ; AGL_ring, end
Patrick Massot (Mar 21 2020 at 21:13):
Note you can write by ext ; AGL_ring
to save some space.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC