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Topic: monotone decreasing ```ℕ → ℕ```

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:25):

Dear All,

I want to prove the lemma below, stating essentially which is an easy consequence of the fact that the map rev_at is monotone decreasing. If I formulated it correctly, it says the following. Given a finite subset s of , the "reflected" set, formed of the elements (max s) - e as e ∈ s, has as maximum the "reflection" of the minimum (max s) - (min s).

I found monotone, but I think that it is only non-decreasing. Note that, due to how subtraction works, every natural number above max s squashes to 0: this is not a problem, since I never evaluate at those naturals.


import tactic

open finset

def rev_at (N : ) :    := λ i :  , (N-i)

lemma min_max {s : finset } {hs : s.nonempty} : max' (image (rev_at (max' s hs)) s) (by exact nonempty.image hs (rev_at (max' s hs))) = rev_at (max' s hs) (min' s hs) :=

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:29):

I think there's a simpler way to state that a map is monotone decreasing

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:30):

I'd be happy to know how to do it! I tried looking for it, but could not find it...

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:30):

x <= y -> f y <= f x?

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:30):

(I found a lot of lemmas with maxs, mins, sups,... for monotone non-decreasing maps, but I could not find monotone non-increasing lemmas

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:31):

Kenny Lau said:

x <= y -> f y <= f x?

The map rev_at satisfies this condition. Is there then a lemma saying what I want?

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:32):

I'm just objecting your statement that min_max is the right way to say that a map is monotone decreasing

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:33):

Kenny Lau said:

I'm just objecting your statement that min_max is the right way to say that a map is monotone decreasing

Ah, I see! I had meant that my lemma is an immediate consequence of the fact that rev_at is monotone non-increasing! Sorry! I will correct it.

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:33):

then generalize the lemma and remove rev_at

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:35):

Ok, how do I introduce the hypothesis that a map N->N is monotone non-increasing? The lemma that I stated already exists for monotone non-increasing maps and I would like to use something that is already available, if possible

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:36):

just say that x <= y -> f y <= f x

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:36):

also generalize the domain and codomain

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:48):

Is this what you had in mind? The lemma that I want follows easily from the statement below.

import tactic

open finset

def mon {α β : Type} [decidable_linear_order α] [decidable_linear_order β] (f : α  β) :=  (x y : α), x  y  f y  f x

lemma min_max {α β : Type} [decidable_linear_order α] [decidable_linear_order β] {s : finset α} {hs : s.nonempty} {f : α  β} {mf : mon f} : max' (image f s) (by exact nonempty.image hs f) = f (min' s hs) :=

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:49):

But I still cannot find this last statement in mathlib...

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:57):

yeah now you can prove it

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:57):

you don't need decidable for mon

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 08:57):

also make it \{{x y : \a\}}

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 08:58):

Kenny Lau said:

also make it \{{x y : \a\}}

What does this mean?

Johan Commelin (Sep 09 2020 at 08:59):

It's something in between {x y} and (x y)

Johan Commelin (Sep 09 2020 at 09:00):

The thing is... if you use (x y), then you have to write them down all the time, when you use your lemma

Johan Commelin (Sep 09 2020 at 09:01):

With {x y} and {{x y}} you tell Lean that you want it to figure them out itself.

Johan Commelin (Sep 09 2020 at 09:01):

But the difference between the two is how greedy Lean is when trying to do this.

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:01):

ok, i knew one curly bracket, but not two

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:01):

i see, thanks!

Johan Commelin (Sep 09 2020 at 09:01):

With {x y} it will try to figure out x and y as soon as possible.

Johan Commelin (Sep 09 2020 at 09:02):

But with {{x y}} it will leave them as part of the expression, until you start filling in arguments that come after them.

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:02):

so, I should try to prove this lemma, then?

def mon {α β : Type*} [linear_order α] [linear_order β] (f : α  β) :=  x y : α⦄, x  y  f y  f x

lemma min_max_mon {α β : Type*} [decidable_linear_order α] [decidable_linear_order β]
  {s : finset α} (hs : s.nonempty) {f : α  β} (mf : mon f) :
  max' (image f s) (by exact nonempty.image hs f) = f (min' s hs) :=

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:03):

make hs explicit

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:03):

and also mf

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:04):

and also use more newlines

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:05):

wow we can copy codes now?

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:05):

also indentation is 2 spaces not 1

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:05):

also \{{x not \{{ x

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:05):

(I have been updating the code above, so your statements do not seem to make sense!)

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:07):

also hs.image f

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:09):

I cannot believe how many issues there were with my coding grammar...

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:10):

by exact can go

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:10):

One question: using {α β : Type*} can the universes of α and β be different?
A: Yes.

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 09:11):

what does the goal say?

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:11):

1 goal
α: Type u_1
β: Type u_2
_inst_1: decidable_linear_order α
_inst_2: decidable_linear_order β
s: finset α
hs: s.nonempty
f: α  β
mf: mon f
 (image f s).max' _ = f (s.min' hs)

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 09:12):

good, thanks!

Damiano Testa (Sep 09 2020 at 12:31):

In case anyone is keeping track, below is a solution to my question!
Thanks for @Kenny Lau and @Johan Commelin for helping me!

import tactic

open finset

def mon {α β : Type*} [linear_order α] [linear_order β] (f : α  β) :=  x y : α⦄, x  y  f y  f x

lemma min_max_mon {α β : Type*} [decidable_linear_order α] [decidable_linear_order β]
  {s : finset α} (hs : s.nonempty) {f : α  β} (mf : mon f) :
  max' (image f s) (hs.image f) = f (min' s hs) :=
  apply le_antisymm,
    { refine (image f s).max'_le (nonempty.image hs f) (f (min' s hs)) _,
      intros x hx,
      rw mem_image at hx,
      rcases hx with  b , bs , rfl,
      apply mf,
      apply min'_le,
      assumption, },
    { apply le_max',
      refine mem_image_of_mem f _,
      exact min'_mem s hs, },

def rev_at (N : ) :    := λ i :  , (N-i)

lemma min_max {s : finset } {hs : s.nonempty} : max' (image (rev_at (max' s hs)) s) (by exact nonempty.image hs (rev_at (max' s hs))) = rev_at (max' s hs) (min' s hs) :=
  refine min_max_mon hs _,
  intros x y hxy,
  unfold rev_at,

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 12:39):

we should really have finset.forall_mem_image

Kenny Lau (Sep 09 2020 at 12:39):

like list.forall_mem_map iirc

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC