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Topic: nat.rfl.dvd

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:35):

Dear All,

I wanted to extract the lemma below about natural numbers from PR #7082. The natural place would seem to be data/nat/lemmas. As you can see, the proof uses dvd_refl which is the statement n | n. However, this lemma appears in larger generality and is not imported by data/nat/lemmas. Should the nat-version of rfl.dvd be also added? Is there a reason that it is not there?


-- lemma to be extracted from PR
lemma nat_dvd_iff_eq {m n : } : ( a : , m  a  n  a)  m = n :=
λ h, nat.dvd_antisymm ((h _).mpr (dvd_refl _)) ((h _).mp (dvd_refl _)), λ h n, by rw h

-- auxiliary lemma?
lemma rfl.dvd (n : ) : n  n := 1, (mul_one _).symm

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:42):

How could it not import dvd_refl? I would assume it is in the same file that defines dvd, so how are you getting dvd on nat in that case?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:42):

anyway the lemma should be called nat.dvd_refl

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:43):

We don't usually prove the nat version of a lemma if it is an application of the generic lemma

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):

(unless it happens to come up during bootstrapping)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):

There's a root namespace dvd_refl in algebra.divisibility which applies to all monoids.

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):

I must have messed something up, but this is the beginning of the file that VSCode opens, when I tell it to open data/nat/lemmas:

import init.data.nat.basic init.data.nat.div init.meta init.algebra.functions

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):


Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):

what file are you working on?

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):

Hoewever, if I look at the path of the file, I see this:

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:44):

There aren't any prelude files in mathlib

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:45):

Oh this is init.data.nat.lemmas

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 09 2021 at 09:45):

That's core Lean!

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:45):

But I opened it by browsing to src/data/nat/lemmas.lean: something is weird...

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:45):

Core lean doesn't have any lemmas about nat unless they are absolutely necessary for setting up some part of the tactic framework or other core stuff

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:46):

Ok, then I would like to add this to the non-core file, but I do not know how to open it...

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:46):

The main initial mathlib file about nat is data.nat.basic

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:46):

and you should already have dvd_refl available in that file

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 09:47):

I don't think there is a mathlib file called data.nat.lemmas

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:49):

Ok, I think that what happened is that I clicked on "go to def" and it went to the preludefile, and, after that, I was navigating already in the wrong path. I think that I found the correct file now!

No wonder I could not use library_search!

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 09 2021 at 09:49):

PS Damiano, if you edited a core Lean file then be super-careful to change it back to exactly how it was, or you'll break your entire set-up (in a way which leanproject will not be able to fix)

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:49):

I will try to be careful: I had no idea that this was a potential pitfall!

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:50):

In fact, I do not intend to change these files: this was a mistake!

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 09 2021 at 09:51):

If later on you find yourself not being able to get rid of orange bars whatever you try, then come and ask for help in re-downloading Lean 3.28.0 on your system.

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 09:53):

Ok, thanks! I have had difficulty working with those files, so I think that I did all my experimenting in a git.ignored file, so I am hoping that I will not have problems!

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 09:59):

The latest version of elan should make those files read-only on your system. So upgrade your elans (-;

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:01):

What do you need to do to upgrade elan?

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:02):

elan update

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:03):

Also, PR #7132!

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:06):

@Damiano Testa Your PR is true more generally in an arbitrary semiring_with_one_unit :stuck_out_tongue_wink:

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:07):

I actually wanted it to be a formulation of Yoneda's lemma for the category associated to the divisibility lattice on nat, but decided against the alternate proof...

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:07):

Isn't that just a monoid?

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:08):

@Mario Carneiro I mean that units M has cardinality 1

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 09 2021 at 10:08):

Maybe it's a distrib-monoid

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:08):

I believe there is already a version of this lemma stated for partial orders with le

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:08):

But I guess semiring can be weakened to div_monoid.

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:09):

I remember that there was a discussion about putting the order structure on nat given by divisibility, but I was scared of working with a "non-standard" ordering on nat and decided not following this route.

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:10):

We should make a type alias for that

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:10):

How many other such monoid are there? I guess polynomial nat is a useful one.

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:10):

Once you have this, the lemma is a statement about existence of inf/sups, essentially.

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:10):

And polynomial (zmod 2), I guess

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 09 2021 at 10:10):

mv_polynomial S nat

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:11):

you could prove that elements that divide the same elements are associated and then get more mileage out of this.

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:11):

The nat_dvd_iff_eq lemma is just true in all partial orders

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:11):

you don't need inf/sup for that

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:12):

Right so we need associated_iff_eq for a couple of rings (-;

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:12):

Any ring can be usefully turned into a partial order and a semilattice using the divisibility order

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:12):

Marios type alias could possibly be a quotient by associated, and then we can use it for arbitrary monoids.

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:12):

Ok, this is motivating to pull up my sleeves and actually prove this with for partial orders and using the dvd-lattice. I would like to have a hint at a start for this, though...

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:13):

partial orders can have loops?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:13):

Oh, good point about the preorder issue

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:13):

I am worried about non-cancellative stuff.

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:14):

I would do it in two stages: make a preorder from the divisibility, and then make an arbitrary preorder into a partial order by quotienting

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:14):

maybe no_zero_divisors is good enough?

Johan Commelin (Apr 09 2021 at 10:14):

Mario Carneiro said:

I would do it in two stages: make a preorder from the divisibility, and then make an arbitrary preorder into a partial order by quotienting

But we still need glue with associated, right?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:15):

I guess you can prove that associated is either equivalent to or defeq with the equivalence on a preorder

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:15):

ah, I was going via the route of assuming enough to avoid pathologies, but I also like the approach of getting pathological stuff and "making it work" by quotienting! Assuming that I understood Mario's approach.

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:15):

You can also prove that the preorder quotient is an isomorphism if the preorder is already a partial order

Mario Carneiro (Apr 09 2021 at 10:16):

which would be the case for nat, for instance

Damiano Testa (Apr 09 2021 at 10:16):

Can I suggest moving this conversation to a new topic: "semilattice, dvd, associated"? I still think that the lemma on naturals could work fine as is...

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC