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Topic: non-empty lists, again
Vincent Beffara (Oct 25 2019 at 22:04):
Hi again,
Still playing around with various ways to define non-empty lists, this time following advice and using V \times list V
to be able to use library functions. I still would like to make inductive definitions using pattern matching (if only for practice), but I am getting complaints about well-founded relations,
def llist (V : Type) : Type := V × list V def simple {V : Type} : llist V -> Prop | ⟨v,[]⟩ := true | ⟨v,w::l⟩ := ¬ v ∈ w::l ∧ simple ⟨w,l⟩
What would be the proper way to do what I want? It would be very nice to avoid auxiliary functions and piling to_list and from_list, because that would push me towards defining an inductive type and having to reinvent the wheel...
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 25 2019 at 22:42):
Unfortunately I haven't been able to solve your issue but this is the doc page that's usually suggested when Lean has trouble proving something well-founded. Apologies if you've already seen it.
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 07:17):
This works:
def llist (V : Type) : Type := V × list V def simple {V : Type} : llist V → Prop | (v,[]) := true | (v,w::l) := ¬ v ∈ w::l ∧ simple (w,l) using_well_founded {rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (list.length ∘ prod.snd)⟩]}
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:06):
Thanks for the working version! Still the version with an auxiliary function,
def simple_l {V : Type} : list V -> Prop | [] := true | (x::xs) := ¬ x ∈ xs ∧ simple_l xs def simple {V : Type} : V × list V -> Prop | (x,xs) := simple_l (x::xs)
feels much simpler. I'm ok with incantations about measure_wf
that I don't understand (yet?) but I really would prefer not having to put them near the definition of simple
because there are a lot of other things that I am defining in a similar way.
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:29):
Ah, in fact I still get an error with your version:
error: failed to prove recursive application is decreasing, well founded relation @has_well_founded.r (llist V) (@has_well_founded.mk (llist V) (@measure (llist V) (λ (l : llist V), @length V (@prod.snd V (list V) l))) _) The nested exception contains the failure state for the decreasing tactic. nested exception message: tactic failed, there are no goals to be solved
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:31):
But this does:
def simple {V : Type} : llist V → Prop | (v,[]) := true | (v,w::l) := have length l < length (w::l), by { simp }, ¬ v ∈ w::l ∧ simple (w,l) using_well_founded wf_tacs
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 26 2019 at 20:32):
Bryan's version works for me. Which version of Lean are you using?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 20:33):
Ah, my version fails if I add import data.list.basic
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 26 2019 at 20:33):
because simp
gets too good.
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:34):
All right, explanation is in mathlib/src/tactic/well_founded_tactics.lean
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 20:34):
Yep, you need to add a dec_tac
line from that file:
import tactic.well_founded_tactics import data.list.basic def llist (V : Type) : Type := V × list V def simple {V : Type} : llist V → Prop | (v,[]) := true | (v,w::l) := ¬ v ∈ w::l ∧ simple (w,l) using_well_founded {rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (list.length ∘ prod.snd)⟩], dec_tac := well_founded_tactics.default_dec_tac'}
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 20:44):
I wonder if this issue with default_dec_tac
described in tactic/well_founded_tactics.lean
is something which ought to be addressed in 3.5? @Simon Hudon
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:48):
In the meantime, is there any way to attach the information to use wf_tacs
to the type llist V
rather than having to mention it with every inductive definition?
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:49):
Or to cheat by using a slightly more complicated measure instead of list.length
so that the default tactic works again, but that would feel a little dirty ...
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 20:50):
I would be curious to know the answers to those questions too.
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:51):
Like so:
def llist (V : Type) : Type := V × list V instance llist_wf {V : Type} : has_well_founded (llist V) := ⟨_, measure_wf ((λ n, n+n) ∘ list.length ∘ prod.snd)⟩ def simple {V : Type} : llist V → Prop | (v,[]) := true | (v,w::l) := ¬ v ∈ w::l ∧ simple (w,l)
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 20:53):
What's the reason for (λ n, n+n)
? I removed it and it still works for me.
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:54):
Ah, that's the dirty trick to answer my second question, if I leave it out then it fails again with the "no goals to be solved" error
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Oct 26 2019 at 20:55):
Yes, you're right. I had some interfering definitions that confused me.
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 20:56):
(\lambda n, 2*n)
apparently is too transparent though
Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2019 at 21:23):
I think simple_l
is list.nodup
Vincent Beffara (Oct 26 2019 at 21:51):
Yes it is! Hadn't grepped for that ...
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC