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Topic: notation
Michael Beeson (Sep 21 2020 at 21:07):
Section 6.6 of Theorem Proving in Lean says,
Lean’s core library declares the left-binding powers of a number of common symbols.
You are welcome to overload these symbols for your own use, but you cannot change their binding power.
That seems to be false--in my ignorance I declared binding powers for some of these operators
at the top of my first file. If I remove those lines there's no problem with the parsing, indicating that
infix is still ok, but my proofs no longer check, indicating that the binding powers I had declared
were in force, rather than the defaults, before I removed those lines. Put those lines back, of
course the project builds again.
Pedro Minicz (Sep 22 2020 at 00:59):
I also believe that to be false. You _can_ change the binding power. Maybe what the book means is that you _probably_ shouldn't.
Pedro Minicz (Sep 22 2020 at 01:00):
For reference, this is an thread where redefining the binding power of existing notation fixed a problem I was having: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Substitution.20notation
Pedro Minicz (Sep 22 2020 at 01:00):
Also. It is always possible that it wasn't possible when the book was written.
Jeremy Avigad (Sep 22 2020 at 15:57):
The statement was probably true when it was first written. Lean changed a lot over the years, and I am guessing that this changed and nobody noticed (until now) that the documentation was out of date. I'll fix it.
tica (Mar 13 2023 at 14:54):
How does infix and notation work with lean 3? I can't find a complete source.
Is it possible to do this (it doesn't work):
constant Cong : Point → Point → Point → Point → Prop
notation `[`a b ≡ c d`]` := Cong a b c d
Alex J. Best (Mar 13 2023 at 15:00):
I don't know if its possible with spaces only between a b
constant Point : Type
constant Cong : Point → Point → Point → Point → Prop
notation `[` a `,` b ` ≡ ` c `,` d `]` := Cong a b c d
variables (a b c d : Point)
#check [a, b ≡ c, d]
this works though
Be careful definition notations too similar to core ones (like list) though, you may end up with strange errors
tica (Mar 13 2023 at 15:16):
It works :grinning:
What should I replace the []
If I remove them it doesn't work anymore
tica (Mar 13 2023 at 21:12):
Any other ideas? I'm looking for a solution to stop writing Cong a b c d
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2023 at 21:56):
Choose weird brackets which aren't being used for anything else (so not [
or {
or (
) and you'll be in much better shape. If you don't intend on using Lie Algebras then you could use the brackets which they use.
Kyle Miller (Mar 13 2023 at 22:06):
I haven't tested it, but this probably would work too:
notation `C[` a `,` b ` ≡ ` c `,` d `]` := Cong a b c d
tica (Mar 13 2023 at 22:09):
Thank you very much
Eric Wieser (Mar 13 2023 at 22:30):
What does Cong
mean here?
Eric Wieser (Mar 13 2023 at 22:30):
Is it congruence of two line segments?
tica (Mar 13 2023 at 22:41):
@Eric Wieser Cong = Congruent
tica (Mar 13 2023 at 22:41):
Eric Wieser said:
Is it congruence of two line segments?
Yes, but it is with the axioms of traski so there are 4 points and not 2 segments
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 13 2023 at 23:22):
It's modelling dist(a,b)=dist(c,d) without numbers.
Eric Wieser (Mar 13 2023 at 23:40):
The reason I ask, is that if you worked in terms of segments (or just pairs of points) you could write (a, b) ≡ (c, d)
where your axiom isCong' (a, b) (c, d)
instead of Cong a b c d
tica (Mar 14 2023 at 12:51):
@Eric Wieser I tried to follow your advice and here is what I did:
-- basic.lean
import tactic.alias
structure segment (Point : Type*) := (a b : Point)
infix `⬝`:56 := segment.mk
class tarski_relation (Point : Type*) :=
--`B a b c` means that `c` is between `a` and `b`
(between : Point → segment Point → Prop)
--`C a b c d` means that `a b` and `c d` are congruent segments
(congruent : segment Point → segment Point → Prop)
infix ` ≅ `:50 := tarski_relation.congruent
variables {α : Type*}[tarski_relation α]
instance : has_mem α (segment α) := ⟨λ p s, tarski_relation.between p s⟩
class tarski (Point : Type*) extends tarski_relation Point:=
(cong_pseudo_reflexive : ∀ a b : Point, a⬝b ≅ b⬝a)
(cong_inner_transitivity : ∀ a b c d e f : Point, a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → a⬝b ≅ e⬝f → c⬝d ≅ e⬝f)
(cong_identity : ∀ a b c : Point, a⬝b ≅ c⬝c → a = b)
( segment_construction : ∀ a b c d : Point, ∃ e, b ∈ a⬝e ∧ b⬝e ≅ c⬝d)
( five_segment : ∀ a a' b b' c c' d d' : Point,
a⬝b ≅ a'⬝b' ∧ b⬝c ≅ b'⬝c' ∧ a⬝d ≅ a'⬝d' ∧ b⬝d ≅ b'⬝d' ∧
b ∈ a⬝c ∧ b' ∈ a'⬝c' ∧ a ≠ b → c⬝d ≅ c'⬝d')
alias tarski_relation.between ← tarski.between
alias tarski_relation.congruent ← tarski.congruent
alias tarski.cong_inner_transitivity ← tarski.congruent.inner_transitivity
alias tarski.cong_pseudo_reflexive ← tarski.congruent.pseudo_reflexive
alias tarski.cong_identity ← tarski.congruent.identity
class tarski_2d (Point : Type*) extends tarski Point:=
-- A9
(upper_dim : ∀ a b c p q : Point, p ≠ q ∧ a⬝p ≅ a⬝q ∧ b⬝p ≅ b⬝q ∧ c⬝p ≅ c⬝q →
b ∈ a⬝c ∨ c ∈ b⬝a ∨ c ∈ a⬝b)
import tactic
import basic
variables {Point : Type*} [tarski Point]
namespace tarski
@[refl] lemma congruent.refl {a b : Point} : a⬝b ≅ a⬝b :=
apply cong_inner_transitivity,
apply cong_pseudo_reflexive,
apply cong_pseudo_reflexive,
@[symm]lemma congruent.symm {a b c d : Point} : a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → c⬝d ≅ a⬝b :=
intro h,
apply cong_inner_transitivity,
apply h,
end tarski
example {a b c d : Point} : a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → c⬝d ≅ a⬝b :=
intro h,
apply tarski.congruent.symm h,
Is this a good way to do it?
I also have an error that I don't understand.
That works:
example {a b c d : Point} : a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → c⬝d ≅ a⬝b :=
intro h,
apply tarski.congruent.symm h,
It does not work :
example {a b c d : Point} : a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → c⬝d ≅ a⬝b :=
intro h,
apply h.symm,
invalid field notation, 'symm' is not a valid "field" because environment does not contain 'tarski_relation.congruent.symm'
which has type
a⬝b ≅ c⬝d
Additional information:
src\geometry.lean: context: invalid field notation, 'symm' is not a valid "field" because environment does not contain 'tarski_relation.rec.symm'
which has type
(λ (between : Point → segment Point → Prop) (congruent : segment Point → segment Point → Prop), congruent)
Point : Type u_1,
_inst_1 : tarski Point,
a b c d : Point,
h : a⬝b ≅ c⬝d
⊢ c⬝d ≅ a⬝b
I thought the alias would make it work.
Eric Wieser (Mar 14 2023 at 12:54):
The alias doesn't work because the a⬝b ≅ c⬝d
notation refers to tarski_relation.congruent
not tarski.congruent
Eric Wieser (Mar 14 2023 at 12:54):
alias tarski_relation.congruent ← tarski.congruent
infix ` ≅ `:50 := tarski.congruent
should work
tica (Mar 14 2023 at 13:09):
@Eric Wieser I had thought about it but I wanted to be able to use the new notations in the 'tarski' class.
In this case my class 'tarski_relation' is no longer useful
Eric Wieser (Mar 14 2023 at 13:10):
doesn't need to exist yet when you define that alias
Eric Wieser (Mar 14 2023 at 13:10):
There's no rule that prevents you defining foo.bar
before defining foo
tica (Mar 14 2023 at 13:12):
Eric Wieser said:
doesn't need to exist yet wen you define that alias
Oh great I didn't know! Thanks
Eric Wieser (Mar 14 2023 at 13:13):
Note that
(cong_inner_transitivity : ∀ a b c d e f : Point, a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → a⬝b ≅ e⬝f → c⬝d ≅ e⬝f)
will be more convenient to use as
(cong_inner_transitivity : ∀ ab cd ef : segment Point, ab ≅ cd → ab ≅ ef → cd ≅ ef)
tica (Mar 14 2023 at 13:19):
Eric Wieser said:
Note that
(cong_inner_transitivity : ∀ a b c d e f : Point, a⬝b ≅ c⬝d → a⬝b ≅ e⬝f → c⬝d ≅ e⬝f)
will be more convenient to use as
(cong_inner_transitivity : ∀ ab cd ef : segment Point, ab ≅ cd → ab ≅ ef → cd ≅ ef)
Indeed, I remained in the 'style' of tarski but I can go further.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC