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Topic: polynomial op_C

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 07:24):

Dear All,

I am trying to work with mul_opposite and polynomial. As far as I can see, there is little more in mathlib, besides the equivalence

op_ring_equiv R : R[X]ᵐᵒᵖ ≃+* Rᵐᵒᵖ[X]

I can get by with the two lemmas below: if my understanding is correct, they should be true. Can someone either provide a proof, or give a hint as to how to use op_ring_equiv to prove them?


import ring_theory.polynomial.basic

open_locale polynomial
open polynomial mul_opposite

variables {R : Type*} [semiring R]

@[simp] lemma mul_opposite.op_C (a : R) :
  (op_ring_equiv R) (op (C a)) = C (op a) :=

@[simp] lemma mul_opposite.op_X :
  (op_ring_equiv R) (op (X : R[X])) = X :=

Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2022 at 07:44):


Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2022 at 07:45):

docs#add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single is basically the proof you want

Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2022 at 07:46):

You just need to do the appropriate unfolding to turn polynomial into add_monoid_algebra

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 14:16):

I spent quite some time trying various combinations of

unfold polynomial
unfold op_ring_equiv,
unfold add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv,
unfold C,
unfold monomial,
unfold monomial_fun,
exact add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single a 0,
convert add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single a 0,
exact add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single 0 a,
convert add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single 0 a,

but (I can say with almost certainly) none of these commands in any order actually works.

I imagine that the proof is just a few characters, but I am having a really hard time figuring out which ones...

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 02 2022 at 14:36):

Eric Wieser said:


#13132 :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 02 2022 at 14:48):

This is harder to do now polynomial is a structure with one field.

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 15:30):

I feel very silly, but... this does not answer the question, right?

I had not realized the typo in the doc-string, since I had only read the lean code. :face_palm:

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 02 2022 at 15:40):

Yes, I can't answer the question in just a few characters. I could imagine proving it using ext and checking coefficients but I think Eric has something much smarter in mind. The issue is that we can no longer unfold polynomial into add_monoid_algebra because they're no longer defeq.

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 15:41):

Ok, for the moment, I am happy with working assuming that the two lemmas that I wrote above are provable. I can always leave sorrys and go back to them later.

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 15:42):

Ideally, I would like to know that nat_degree, support, leading_coeff convert "the obvious way" from a polynomial to its op. I think that I may be able to do the conversion, once those two pieces are in place.

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 15:43):

(that is, once that bridgegap is closed, then I can make everything fit through the equivalence, or so I hope)

Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2022 at 16:45):

I made a start on this, but needed #13139 first

Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2022 at 16:58):

It should be possible to just do something like (docs#to_finsupp_iso)

apply to_finsupp_iso.injective,
exact the_lemma_i_mentioned_earlier

Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2022 at 16:58):

But I can't work out what the intended spelling of clean_up_the_mess is

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 17:02):

Ok, thanks for the suggestion! I'm probably not going to look at this today, but I have full proofs of the fact that supports, natdegrees, coeffs, leading coeffs... are what they should be, modulo these two lemmas.

Damiano Testa (Apr 02 2022 at 19:40):

Besides failing at proving X = X, this question exposed two typos in doc-strings: the one Kevin opened above and #13144.

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 08:35):

As is often the case, once you find a solution to a problem, the problem suddenly appears much easier! What is below works:

@[simp] lemma op_monomial (n : ) (r : R) :
  (op_ring_equiv R) (op (monomial n r : R[X])) = monomial n (op r) :=
by simp [op_ring_equiv]

@[simp] lemma op_C (a : R) :
  (op_ring_equiv R) (op (C a)) = C (op a) :=
op_monomial 0 a

@[simp] lemma op_X :
  (op_ring_equiv R) (op (X : R[X])) = X :=
op_monomial 1 1

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 08:36):

The first by simp [op_ring_equiv] squeezes to

simp only [op_ring_equiv, ring_equiv.trans_apply, ring_equiv.op_apply_apply,
  ring_equiv.to_add_equiv_eq_coe, add_equiv.mul_op_apply, add_equiv.to_fun_eq_coe,
  add_equiv.coe_trans, op_add_equiv_apply, ring_equiv.coe_to_add_equiv, op_add_equiv_symm_apply,
  function.comp_app, unop_op, to_finsupp_iso_monomial, add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single,

No wonder there were lots of wring turns that I was taking!

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 08:54):

I am thinking of making a PR with the lemmas above and also

 @[simp] lemma coeff_op (p : R[X]) (n : ) :
  (op_ring_equiv R (mul_opposite.op p)).coeff n = mul_opposite.op (p.coeff n) := sorry

 @[simp] lemma support_op (p : R[X]) :
  (op_ring_equiv R (op p)).support = p.support := sorry

 @[simp] lemma nat_degree_op (p : R[X]) :
  (op_ring_equiv R (op p)).nat_degree = p.nat_degree := sorry

 @[simp] lemma leading_coeff_op (p : R[X]) :
  (op_ring_equiv R (op p)).leading_coeff = op p.leading_coeff :=

Assuming this seems like a good idea, what should the namespaces for these lemmas be? polynomial for dot-notation? Should mul_opposite or op_ring_equiv appear somewhere?


Johan Commelin (Apr 04 2022 at 09:14):

Those look useful. And yes, I would go for namespace polynomial.

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:15):

Thanks! I'm preparing a PR. I am thinking of starting a new file ring_theory.polynomial.opposites. The polynomial files tend to be big and slow, and probably not often people need opposites, when working with polynomials.

Does this sound reasonable?

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:17):

I think they should be called coeff_op_ring_equiv, and be stated without the op on the LHS by changing the type of p

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:17):

But those lemmas look good to me

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:17):

Also, in the context of this PR, op (a * b) converts to op b * op a. However, it would make more sense to have op (C a * X ^ n) convert to (C (op a) * X ^ n. Is there a way to instruct simp to use a different lemma than the "obvious" one?

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:17):

If you do that, I think op_ring_equiv should move to that file

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:18):

We could add a simp lemma that sends X ^ n * C to C * X ^ n?

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:18):

We already have docs#polynomial.X_pow_mul, but that's not safe as a simp lemma

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:18):

The lemma already exists.

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:18):

Not specialized to C, does it?

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:19):

Ah, I see your point!

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:19):

I will also add this lemma, then. Though to a more basic file.

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:19):

The idea with specializing to C is that it becomes a valid simp lemma that doesn't loop on X ^ n * X ^ n

Eric Wieser (Apr 04 2022 at 09:19):

Note that I just finished off my polynomial refactor in #13139, which will likely upset some calls to simp in your code if it gets merged

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:20):

Thanks for the heads up! However, having learned that monomial is a much more stable spelling of C a * X ^ n, I am confident that it will be easy to fix the first lemma and all the other ones follow from it.

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 09:30):

Eric Wieser said:

I think they should be called coeff_op_ring_equiv, and be stated without the op on the LHS by changing the type of p

I thought that I understood this comment, but is what is below what you had in mind?

@[simp] lemma coeff_op_ring_equiv (p : R[X]ᵐᵒᵖ) (n : ) :
  (op_ring_equiv R p).coeff n = op ((unop p).coeff n) :=

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 10:59):


It seems that no file used polynomial.op_ring_equiv, so I simply moved the definition to a new file and placed there also the lemmas above.

I will see if CI finds a hidden use of op_ring_equiv somewhere.

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 11:15):

I also PRed the simp version of X_mul and X_pow_mul: #13163.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC