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Topic: powerset and subtypes

Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Sep 12 2021 at 06:16):

Is there a way to connect the subtype {B // B ⊆ A} with the set A.powerset so as to prove the following?

variables {V : Type*} [decidable_eq V]
theorem card_and_subtype_difficulty (F : finset (finset V)) (A : finset V)
(φ : {B // B  A}  {C : finset V // C  F}) :
function.injective φ 
A.powerset.card  F.card :=

Or would it be possible to just directly say {B // B ⊆ A}).card ≤ {C : finset V // C ∈ F}.card somehow?

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 12 2021 at 07:24):

I'm not at lean right now but it seems to me that the result you want follows from more primitive results such as if f : X -> Y is injective then card X <= card Y and so on. What you seem to need is a bijection between your subtype and A.powerset. This bijection will have an explicit two-sided inverse so you can use equiv to do this. Is A.powerset really a set?

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 12 2021 at 07:24):


Kevin Buzzard (Sep 12 2021 at 07:27):

It's a finset so it can be promoted to a type and you could write down an equiv between it and your type of subsets. Will probably be slightly fiddly

Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Sep 12 2021 at 07:32):

Thanks @Kevin Buzzard . Maybe there's a way to avoid powerset altogether and just talk about cardinality of types?

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 12 2021 at 07:36):

Sure, there's something like docs#nat.card

Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Sep 12 2021 at 18:15):

Somehow I'm not able to import set_theory.fincard even though I can import set_theory.cardinal... and when I drop the set_theory.fincard file into my directory then it has errors like invalid field notation, 'to_nat' is not a valid "field" because environment does not contain 'cardinal.to_nat' mk α which has type cardinal

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:10):

@Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen In case you're still stuck, here's a proof of your lemma:

This will also show you how to go between finset.card and cardinality, and the names of some lemmas that help proving that cardinals are equal.

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:11):

This lemma can probably be golfed into just a few lines, but this proof is probably a bit more readable.

Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Sep 12 2021 at 20:23):

Oh my. I'll use this, and maybe with time start to understand it! For now I do get an error though, rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression ?m_2 ∈ powerset ?m_3 at the line rw finset.mem_powerset at hB, exact hB

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:25):

Oh strange... Maybe I was using an old version of mathlib?

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:26):

Let me double check...

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:28):

No, it works for me just fine. Could be a namespace issue?

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:28):

Are you using this in a large file with more imports perhaps?

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:29):

E.g. there may be a conflict with docs#set.powerset and docs#finset.powerset if both the finset and set namespaces are open.

Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Sep 12 2021 at 20:31):

Actually I pasted your code in a blank file now and it has the same error. My installation of Lean, VS Code, mathlib etc. is from about a year ago if that helps.

Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Sep 12 2021 at 20:33):

But I see that your code works in the Lean Web Editor @Adam Topaz

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 20:36):

Oh, you probably need to upgrade mathlib. Do you have mathlib-tools installed? If so, you can use the command leanproject upgrade-mathlib (but be prepared for some code to break if your current mathlib is ~1 year old)

Adam Topaz (Sep 12 2021 at 21:23):

Here's a reasonably golfed proof of this:

import set_theory.cardinal
import data.finset.powerset

variables {V : Type*} [decidable_eq V]

theorem card_and_subtype_difficulty (F : finset (finset V)) (A : finset V)
(φ : {B // B  A}  {C : finset V // C  F}) :
function.injective φ 
A.powerset.card  F.card :=
  intro h,
  rw  cardinal.nat_cast_le,
  convert cardinal.mk_le_of_injective h,
  { rw [cardinal.finset_card, cardinal.eq],
    exact ⟨⟨λ B, B, by simpa [finset.mem_powerset] using B.2⟩,
      λ B, B, by simpa [finset.mem_powerset] using B.2⟩, λ B, by simp, λ B, by simp⟩⟩ },
  { exact cardinal.finset_card },

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC