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Topic: range N and fin N
MohanadAhmed (Apr 19 2023 at 15:17):
Hello everyone,
I am trying to understand the correspondence between range N and fin N. As far as I understand these two are the same, but I can't figure out how to move one to the other.
For example in mathlib the geometirc sum is written in terms of algebra.geom_sum. If I have a sum over fin N how can I use the geometric sum formula.
The code below contains a general sum and a geometric sum but with the sum in terms of fin: N instead of range N.
lemma sum_finN_sum_rangeN {N:ℕ} (f: ℕ → ℂ):
∑ (i : fin N), f i = ∑ i in (range N), f i :=
induction N with N hN,
-- The case of N = 0. Both sides are zero
simp only [fintype.univ_of_is_empty, finset.sum_empty, range_zero],
-- The case of N = succ something
lemma geom_sum_finN {N:ℕ} {hN: 1 < N} (α: ℂ) (hα: α ≠ 1) :
∑ (i : fin N), α ^ (i:ℕ) = (α^N - 1) / (α - 1) :=
-- rw geom_sum_eq, -- This of course does not work!
Eric Rodriguez (Apr 19 2023 at 15:19):
range n
is a finite subset of ℕ
. It is a term of type finset ℕ
. fin n
is a type in and of itself.
Eric Rodriguez (Apr 19 2023 at 15:20):
docs#finset.sum_fin_eq_sum_range docs#fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range { is the theorem that links both together (notice that the name is very guessable)
Eric Rodriguez (Apr 19 2023 at 15:21):
Also note that in your sum, the i
in f i
has an arrow before it (if you look at the infoview). This is because Lean is automatically converting the i
from a fin n
into a natural number using a system called a coercion.
MohanadAhmed (Apr 19 2023 at 15:37):
Thanks! that was very informative.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 19 2023 at 17:56):
I guess one subtle difference in this context is that if you want to sum f
over range n
then f
needs to be defined on all naturals, whereas if you only want to sum f
over fin n
then f
only needs to be defined on fin n
MohanadAhmed (Apr 19 2023 at 19:06):
Kevin Buzzard said:
I guess one subtle difference in this context is that if you want to sum
overrange n
needs to be defined on all naturals, whereas if you only want to sumf
overfin n
only needs to be defined onfin n
So if I understand correctly, refuses the following lemma because the function is expected to map fin N
to \C
. So is there a way to go the other way round i.e. force a function that takes naturals to take fin N
lemma sum_finN_sum_rangeN {N:ℕ} (f: (fin N) → ℂ):
∑ (i : fin N), f i = ∑ i in (range N), (f i) :=
Yaël Dillies (Apr 19 2023 at 19:11):
You will have to define f
outside of range N
. It shouldn't matter what you define it to be, but you'll need something.
Eric Rodriguez (Apr 19 2023 at 19:14):
Or you can use the lemma I crossed out
MohanadAhmed (Apr 19 2023 at 19:22):
@Eric Rodriguez
In the lemma you crossed out, the following scary looking statement is the part Yael is talking about (I am guessing it defines outside fin N to be zero)?
λ (i : ℕ), dite (i < n) (λ (h : i < n), c ⟨i, h⟩) (λ (h : ¬i < n), 0)
Eric Rodriguez (Apr 19 2023 at 19:24):
Precisely so, yes
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 19 2023 at 20:08):
just means "if then else"
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 19 2023 at 20:10):
"if i < n the evaluate c on i else 0". The idea is that to make a term of type Fin N
you have to give a pair of pieces of data -- first a natural number, and second a proof that it's less than N. That's what ⟨i, h⟩
is. In particular, an element of Fin N
is not "a natural number" -- it is a pair.
Yaël Dillies (Apr 19 2023 at 20:10):
dependent if then else, to be precide. The "dependent bit refers to the fact that the branches are allowed to use the proofs of p
or of ¬p
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC