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Topic: rcases vs cases
Moti Ben-Ari (Dec 08 2023 at 09:31):
In the example on p. 64 of MiL I replaced obtain
with have
and rcases
example (m n : ℕ) (coprime_mn : m.Coprime n) : m ^ 2 ≠ 2 * n ^ 2 := by
intro sqr_eq
have : 2 ∣ m := by
have h : ∃ c, m = c * 2 := by
apply dvd_iff_exists_eq_mul_left.mp this
rcases h with ⟨k, meq⟩
When I try to replace rcases
cases h with k meq
following Section 5 of @Kevin Buzzard 's RM where it is listed as the tactic to apply for an existential hypothesis like h: ∃ c, m = c * 2
. P. 39 seems to say exactly what I want
5) If you have a hypothesis
h : ∃ a, a^3 + a = 37
thencases h with x hx
will give you a numberx
and a proof [should be hypothesis?]hx : x^3 + x = 37
Riccardo Brasca (Dec 08 2023 at 09:34):
In Lean 4 the syntax is
cases h with
| intro w h => sorry
(you can write cases h
and then click on the bulb). The other syntax comes from Lean3, but you can still use cases' h with n hn
Riccardo Brasca (Dec 08 2023 at 09:36):
"...will give you a proof..." is correct, even if is't not standard mathematical terminology. It gives you (hx : x^3+x=37)
, that is a proof that x^3+x=37
. Of course this proof comes from your h
(that itself is a proof that ∃ a, a^3 + a = 37
Mauricio Collares (Dec 08 2023 at 10:03):
I assume "RM" means "reference manual" and refers to https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/formalising-mathematics-2023/Part_C/tactics/cases.html, which uses Lean 3 as Riccardo pointed out. Although Lean 4 is standard now, it wasn't in January 2023 when the course was last taught. Maybe the 2024 version of the course, if it exists, will use Lean 4.
Mario Carneiro (Dec 08 2023 at 10:38):
You can also use let ⟨w, h⟩ := h
when it is a single pattern, or obtain ⟨w, h⟩ := h
to use the rcases backend
Moti Ben-Ari (Dec 08 2023 at 12:35):
Thanks for the help. It's rather confusing when there are many ways to implement the same thing; I guess it will become clear when I have more experience.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2023 at 12:49):
Mauricio Collares said:
I assume "RM" means "reference manual" and refers to https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/formalising-mathematics-2023/Part_C/tactics/cases.html, which uses Lean 3 as Riccardo pointed out. Although Lean 4 is standard now, it wasn't in January 2023 when the course was last taught. Maybe the 2024 version of the course, if it exists, will use Lean 4.
Indeed, my job for December is to rewrite that entire course document and all of the course repo in Lean 4 because the course will be running again in January.
Utensil Song (Dec 08 2023 at 14:20):
Moti Ben-Ari said:
Thanks for the help. It's rather confusing when there are many ways to implement the same thing; I guess it will become clear when I have more experience.
Personally, I don't like the verbose Lean 4 cases
, nor do I need cases'
as I can always go with obtain
(handles 1 or more cases, plus accepting a proof) and it spells natural.
is another weird spelling that joined the confusions around cases
(if one only looks at their naming and their not-really-new-user-facing doc strings), until I simply see it as intro
s + obtain
Understanding "rintro" for 1 pattern
Understanding "rintro" for 1+ patterns
Moti Ben-Ari (Dec 08 2023 at 16:14):
Utensil Song said:
Personally, I don't like the verbose Lean 4
, nor do I needcases'
as I can always go withobtain
(handles 1 or more cases, plus accepting a proof) and it spells natural.
is another weird spelling that joined the confusions aroundcases
(if one only looks at their naming and their not-really-new-user-facing doc strings), until I simply see it asintro
s +obtain
Most of my career has been in educational aspects of math and computer science, with emphasis on logic. It is rather frustrating that - although the logic and proof methods, as well as programming techniques, are very familiar - I'm having too much difficulty navigating Lean. I want to see if I can find better approaches to learning and teaching Lean. The answers to my questions have been extremely helpful and I will consider them in the light of my educational experience. Thanks!
Alex J. Best (Dec 08 2023 at 16:18):
Moti Ben-Ari said:
Thanks for the help. It's rather confusing when there are many ways to implement the same thing; I guess it will become clear when I have more experience.
Part of the reason is that there are basic tactics for doing certain things that are defined in Lean core itself. But the system is user extensible so that users can add their own more powerful tactics that in many cases subsume the functionality of the core ones to some extent. Mathlib and Std add many such tactics, but it would be bad style to override the names of the built in ones (as this could be even more confusing if tactics change meaning) so often similar but distinct names are chosen, hence there are many ways of doing the same thing when you build on these libraries.
Ruben Van de Velde (Dec 08 2023 at 16:33):
I don't see a good reason to have rcases alongside obtain, though
Alex J. Best (Dec 08 2023 at 16:38):
That is more of a historical artifact right? I must say that I do still think more in terms of rcases than obtain personally, maybe it just flows better left to right in my head that way
Utensil Song (Dec 08 2023 at 16:53):
If a new user learns rcases
from verbose lean or informal , it certainly flows better.
only feels better when one is already used to Lean's way of statement := proof
and the idea of destructive style of pattern matching. It doesn't fully feel like "we obtain ... from ...".
Wrenna Robson (Dec 09 2023 at 08:22):
How does one use obtain
, or Lean-4 cases
? I really feel the lack of good tactic documentation nowadays!
Yaël Dillies (Dec 09 2023 at 08:24):
obtain patterns := terms
is the syntax, where patterns
is the appropriate combination of ⟨_, _⟩
and (_ | _)
Utensil Song (Dec 09 2023 at 08:40):
Wrenna Robson said:
How does one use
, or Lean-4cases
? I really feel the lack of good tactic documentation nowadays!
import Mathlib.Tactic
variable (p q r: Prop)
example (h: p ∨ q) : q ∨ p := by
obtain (hp | hq) := h
. exact Or.inr hp
. exact Or.inl hq
example (h: p ∧ q) : q ∧ p := by
obtain ⟨hp, hq⟩ := h
exact ⟨hq, hp⟩
example (h: (p ∨ q) ∧ r) : r ∧ (q ∨ p) := by
obtain ⟨hp | hq, hr⟩ := h
. exact ⟨hr, Or.inr hp⟩
. exact ⟨hr, Or.inl hq⟩
Do this example and these help?
Ruben Van de Velde (Dec 09 2023 at 08:48):
And for cases
, you just type cases x
and a little :light_bulb: comes up in Vs code that fills in the rest
Utensil Song (Dec 09 2023 at 08:59):
Ruben Van de Velde said:
And for
, you just typecases x
and a little :light_bulb: comes up in Vs code that fills in the rest
Or if you are using Cursor as the editor, you can just use Ctrl+.
or Cmd+.
because the :light_bulb: won't be showing, related: getcursor/cursor#745 .
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 09 2023 at 10:17):
It's a blue bulb FWIW
Mario Carneiro (Dec 09 2023 at 20:46):
BTW vscode has both yellow and blue bulbs. The blue one is a bit bigger and comes with a key combination to accept it, and represents code actions that are particularly recommended, like completions and error fixes. (Internally this corresponds to the isPreferred
field on the code action.)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC