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Topic: resetting instance cache in term mode?
Matt Diamond (Aug 14 2022 at 00:28):
Is there a way to reset the instance cache when writing definitions in term mode? I'm wondering if there's a cleaner way to write this:
def comp_dec {α : Type*} {p : α → Prop} (d : decidable_pred p) (f : α → α) : decidable_pred (p ∘ f) :=
λ a, dite (p (f a)) is_true is_false
def ε : Π (n : ℕ) (p : cantor → Prop) [decidable_pred p], cantor
| 0 _ _ := λ _, zero
| (n+1) p p_dec :=
let p_zero := p ∘ cons zero,
p_one := p ∘ cons one,
p_zero_dec := comp_dec p_dec (cons zero),
p_one_dec := comp_dec p_dec (cons one),
ite_prop_dec := p_zero_dec (@ε n p_zero ‹_›) in
@ite _ (p_zero (@ε n p_zero ‹_›)) ‹_›
(zero :: @ε n p_zero ‹_›)
(one :: @ε n p_one ‹_›)
(The type cantor
is an alias for stream bit
, where bit
is an enumerated type with values of zero
or one
This function performs a limited search of the Cantor space, and you can see that it involves a lot of passing around decidable
and decidable_pred
instances. I'm wondering if there's a way to avoid that... like an equvalent of resetI
but for term mode. This would allow me to get rid of comp_dec
, which I think is only necessary because Lean doesn't know that the function being composed is decidable.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC