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Topic: rw matches wrong equation
Guilherme Espada (Mar 18 2021 at 11:23):
Given the following mwe:
import tactic.suggest
import data.finset
import data.finmap
import data.list
import data.finmap
import tactic.linarith
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive ttype
| ty_func (l r:ttype): ttype
| ty_bool : ttype
open ttype
instance : inhabited ttype := inhabited.mk ty_bool
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive term
|t_var (idx:int) : term
|t_abs (T:ttype) (t:term) : term
|t_app (t1 t2: term) : term
|t_true : term
|t_false : term
|t_if (cond l r: term): term
open term
abbreviation ctxtype := list ttype
def lookup_list : ctxtype → int → option ttype
| (head :: tail) 0 := some head
| (head :: tail) n := lookup_list tail (n-1)
| list.nil _ := none
def in_ctx (idx: int) (val: ttype) (ctx:ctxtype) := lookup_list ctx idx = (some val)
example {ctx : list ttype} {S T : ttype} (t_ᾰ : 0 ≥ 0)
(inctx : lookup_list (T :: ctx) 0 = some S) :
T = S :=
rw lookup_list at inctx, --here
I would expect the rewrite to produce a term in the context of the form some T = some S
. However, it instead produces two goals, one of which is unprovable (¬ 0 = 0
). What is happening here?
Guilherme Espada (Mar 18 2021 at 11:31):
It seems to be matching the second equation rather than the first?
Guilherme Espada (Mar 18 2021 at 11:32):
I'm guessing the unprovable goal comes from this lookup_list.equations._eqn_3 : ∀ (head : ttype) (tail : list ttype) (n : ℤ), ¬n = 0 → lookup_list (head :: tail) n = lookup_list tail (n - 1)
Guilherme Espada (Mar 18 2021 at 11:33):
But I'm not sure why it's matching the second one rather than the first.
Horatiu Cheval (Mar 18 2021 at 11:46):
I have no idea about the reasons, but in any case, to solve your goal, instead of rw
you can do
example {ctx : list ttype} {S T : ttype} (t_ᾰ : 0 ≥ 0)
(inctx : lookup_list (T :: ctx) 0 = some S) :
T = S :=
simp only [lookup_list] at inctx,
example {ctx : list ttype} {S T : ttype} (t_ᾰ : 0 ≥ 0)
(inctx : lookup_list (T :: ctx) 0 = some S) :
T = S :=
unfold lookup_list at inctx,
cases inctx,
and it works.
Guilherme Espada (Mar 18 2021 at 11:56):
Thanks! I made a lemma with this workaround for now until I find the root cause.
Horatiu Cheval (Mar 18 2021 at 12:16):
On an unrelated note, is lookup_list
intended to find the nth element in the context? If so, is there a reason for it to have an int
argument instead of a nat
one? I imagine for some proofs and defs it would be easier to work with nat
. And also, if it helps, there exists list.nth which does precisely that.
Guilherme Espada (Mar 18 2021 at 12:31):
It has an int argument because I forgot to change it back while I was experimenting with different types.
list.nth is a great suggestion, and it doesn't have this issue! Thank you :smile:
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC