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Topic: sequence w/ many variables
Holly Liu (Aug 24 2021 at 01:42):
i'm wondering how one could create a sequence like so: σ₁^{a₁} * σ₂^{b₁} * σ₁^{a₂} * σ₂^{b₂} ... σ₁^{aₙ} * σ₂^{bₙ}
where all a₁, b₁, ..., aₙ, bₙ
are nonzero integers and only a₁
, bₙ
may be zero and σ₁, σ₂ : braid_group 2
i was thinking of inductively doing it but run into the problem of using a separate variable for each a₁, b₁, ..., aₙ, bₙ
specifically i'm trying to prove that every 3-braid, for some integer n ≥ 0
, can be written in this form, though i'm not sure if braid groups affect this problem with variables specifically.
Scott Morrison (Aug 24 2021 at 02:27):
It sounds like you want to create a function from lists of pairs of integers to the 3-strand braid group
Scott Morrison (Aug 24 2021 at 02:28):
(which can just be defined by induction on the list)
Scott Morrison (Aug 24 2021 at 02:28):
and then proving that this function is surjective
Scott Morrison (Aug 24 2021 at 02:28):
(and even surjective when restricted to the subtype with the zero-ness conditions you specified)
Scott Morrison (Aug 24 2021 at 02:28):
(also --- yay braid groups :-)
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 02:36):
import data.zmod.basic
import group_theory.presented_group
import group_theory.free_group
import data.equiv.mul_add
import algebra.group_power
def alt {S : Type*} : ℕ → S → S → free_group S
| 0 _ _ := 1
| (n+1) s t := free_group.of s * alt n t s
def artin_tits_rels (S : Type*) (m : S → S → ℕ) :
set (free_group S) :=
{g | ∃ s t, g = (alt (m s t) s t)⁻¹ * (alt (m t s) t s)}
/-- Artin-Tits groups. Traditionally we require that
`∀ s t, m s t = m t s` but the hypothesis isn't used in the definition. -/
abbreviation artin_tits (S : Type*) (m : S → S → ℕ) :=
presented_group (artin_tits_rels S m)
abbreviation braid_group (n : ℕ) :=
artin_tits (fin (n - 1))
(λ i j, if abs ((i : ℤ) - j) = 1 then 3 else 2)
example (σ₁ σ₂ x : braid_group 2) :
∃ (la lb : list ℕ) (a0 b0 : ℕ), (list.zip_with (*)
((a0 :: (la.map nat.succ)).map (λ k, σ₁ ^ k))
((b0 :: (lb.map nat.succ)).map (λ k, σ₂ ^ k)).reverse).prod = x :=
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 02:37):
Is that the statement you're trying to prove?
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 02:37):
Whoops, sorry, this is missing an quantifier. Fixed
Scott Morrison (Aug 24 2021 at 02:51):
You presumably don't want σ₁ σ₂
as variables here, but rather the fixed generators.
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 02:55):
of 0
and of 1
, I take it?
Holly Liu (Aug 24 2021 at 18:36):
thanks for the help!
Yakov Pechersky said:
example (σ₁ σ₂ x : braid_group 2) : ∃ (la lb : list ℕ) (a0 b0 : ℕ), (list.zip_with (*) ((a0 :: (la.map nat.succ)).map (λ k, σ₁ ^ k)) ((b0 :: (lb.map nat.succ)).map (λ k, σ₂ ^ k)).reverse).prod = x := sorry
sorry for the late reply. i was wondering if list.zip_with (*)
is just saying a list multiplied by a list is also a list?
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 18:43):
Holly Liu (Aug 24 2021 at 18:48):
yes but what does putting the (*)
next to it mean?
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 18:50):
#check (*)
(though this shows some metavariables, but it gives a hint of what it is)
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 18:58):
I can't find where it's described in the Lean documentation, but putting an operator in parentheses gives you the operator as a function. You can also do some limited partial application of operators (called sections in Haskell), like (*2)
for the multiplication-by-two function. Lean only has "right sections," no "left sections."
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 18:59):
((*) 2) is the left section
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 18:59):
"left section" is a name for the notation itself, so I'm not sure I'd call it a left section, but it's definitely semantically equivalent (and why it's OK that lean doesn't have left sections).
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 19:00):
Fair point
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 19:02):
list.zip_with (*) is basically the element-wide product of the elements of two lists.
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 19:02):
Up to the length of the shortest of the two
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 19:03):
list.zip_with f xs ys is provably equal to (list.zip xs ys).map (uncurry f)
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 24 2021 at 19:03):
docs#function.uncurry, docs#list.map_uncurry_zip_eq_zip_with
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 19:08):
You can tell someone is a Haskeller (or functional programmer) if they reach for zips and maps and such so readily :smile:
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 19:08):
is notation for has_mul.mul
and is defeq to (λ x y, x * y)
Holly Liu (Aug 24 2021 at 19:13):
Yakov Pechersky said:
Up to the length of the shortest of the two
so you just truncate the rest of it?
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 19:18):
I just want to throw out another way of stating what you're wanting to prove.
import data.zmod.basic
import group_theory.presented_group
import group_theory.free_group
import data.equiv.mul_add
import algebra.group_power
def alt {S : Type*} : ℕ → S → S → free_group S
| 0 _ _ := 1
| (n+1) s t := free_group.of s * alt n t s
def artin_tits_rels (S : Type*) (m : S → S → ℕ) :
set (free_group S) :=
{g | ∃ s t, g = (alt (m s t) s t)⁻¹ * (alt (m t s) t s)}
/-- Artin-Tits groups. Traditionally we require that
`∀ s t, m s t = m t s` but the hypothesis isn't used in the definition. -/
abbreviation artin_tits (S : Type*) (m : S → S → ℕ) :=
presented_group (artin_tits_rels S m)
abbreviation braid_group (n : ℕ) :=
artin_tits (fin (n - 1))
(λ i j, if abs ((i : ℤ) - j) = 1 then 3 else 2)
section three_braids
def σ₁ : braid_group 3 := presented_group.of 0
def σ₂ : braid_group 3 := presented_group.of 1
def three_braid_of : list ℤ → braid_group 3
| [] := 1
| [m] := σ₁ ^ m
| (m :: n :: rest) := σ₁ ^ m * σ₂ ^ n * three_braid_of rest
example : three_braid_of [1,2,-1] = σ₁ * σ₂^2 * σ₁^-1 := rfl
example (x : braid_group 3) : ∃ (l : list ℤ), three_braid_of l = x :=
-- Or:
example : function.surjective three_braid_of :=
end three_braids
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 19:19):
Holly Liu said:
Yakov Pechersky said:
Up to the length of the shortest of the two
so you just truncate the rest of it?
He's telling you a technical detail about how zip_with
works. You may as well assume la
and lb
in the example have the same length because of this.
Kyle Miller (Aug 24 2021 at 19:26):
(I updated the code I just posted to use the integers instead of natural numbers, and to include an example of three_braid_of
Note that it does not include conditions on the list of integers. I'm not sure why you want this theorem exactly -- what's your larger goal?
Eric Rodriguez (Aug 24 2021 at 19:36):
Kyle Miller said:
You can tell someone is a Haskeller (or functional programmer) if they reach for zips and maps and such so readily :smile:
(There was one time I was tempted to write
flip ($)
in Lean.)
what would flip ($)
do? :shock:
Holly Liu (Aug 24 2021 at 19:38):
oh so the code with la,lb
is multiplying to . that makes more sense. i was just curious if lean implements list.prod
to lose elements when multiplying two differently lengthed lists together.
right now i'm just trying to code some exercises in a braid textbook. ultimately the original goal was to code enough of braid groups to PR it although that seems unlikely for now.
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 19:43):
docs#list.prod only acts on a single list not on two lists
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 19:43):
@Eric Rodriguez: I would imagine flip ($) = function.eval
, docs#function.eval
Holly Liu (Aug 24 2021 at 19:45):
oh oops, i think i meant list.zip_with (*)
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 19:54):
Lean is quite unforgiving if you type something different to what you mean ;).
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC