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Topic: set unions
Antoine Chambert-Loir (Nov 13 2021 at 02:11):
I am not particularly happy of having written these lines, in either version. Does anybody see how to shorten it ?
import data.set.basic
import data.set.lattice
variables ι α: Type*
lemma Union_union_distrib' {ι} {α} (s : ι → set α) (J₁ J₂ : set ι) :
(⋃ (j : ↥(J₁ ∪ J₂)), s ↑j) = (⋃ (j : ↥J₁), s ↑j) ∪ (⋃ (j : ↥J₂), s ↑j) :=
apply set.ext, intro x,
{ intro hx,
obtain ⟨j, hxj⟩ := set.mem_Union.1 hx,
have z : ↑j ∈ J₁ ∨ ↑j ∈ J₂,
{ apply (set.mem_union ↑j J₁ J₂).1, exact subtype.mem j, },
apply or.elim z,
{ intro hj, apply set.mem_union_left,
apply set.mem_Union.2,
use ↑j, exact hj, exact hxj, },
{ intro hj, apply set.mem_union_right,
apply set.mem_Union.2,
use ↑j, exact hj, exact hxj, }, },
{ intro hx,
apply or.elim hx,
{ intro hx1, obtain ⟨j, hxj ⟩ := set.mem_Union.1 hx1,
apply set.mem_Union.2, use j, apply set.mem_union_left,
exact subtype.mem j, exact hxj, },
{ intro hx1, obtain ⟨j, hxj ⟩ := set.mem_Union.1 hx1,
apply set.mem_Union.2, use j, apply set.mem_union_right,
exact subtype.mem j, exact hxj, }, },
lemma Union_union_distrib'' {ι} {α} (s : ι → set α) (J₁ J₂ : set ι) :
(⋃ (j : ↥(J₁ ∪ J₂)), s ↑j) = (⋃ (j : ↥J₁), s ↑j) ∪ (⋃ (j : ↥J₂), s ↑j) :=
apply set.subset.antisymm_iff.2 , split,
apply set.Union_subset, intro i,
have z : ↑i ∈ J₁ ∨ ↑i ∈ J₂,
{ apply (set.mem_union ↑i J₁ J₂).1, exact subtype.mem i, },
apply or.elim z,
{ intro hi, apply set.subset_union_of_subset_left ,
apply set.subset_Union (set.restrict s J₁) ⟨i, hi⟩, },
{ intro hi, apply set.subset_union_of_subset_right ,
apply set.subset_Union (set.restrict s J₂) ⟨i, hi⟩, },
apply set.union_subset,
{ apply set.Union_subset, intro i,
exact set.subset_Union (set.restrict s (J₁ ∪ J₂))
⟨i, (set.mem_union ↑i J₁ J₂).2 (or.intro_left _ (subtype.mem i))⟩, },
{ apply set.Union_subset, intro i,
exact set.subset_Union (set.restrict s (J₁ ∪ J₂))
⟨i, (set.mem_union ↑i J₁ J₂).2 (or.intro_right _ (subtype.mem i))⟩, },
Adam Topaz (Nov 13 2021 at 02:35):
Here it is golfed to a reasonable state:
import data.set.basic
import data.set.lattice
variables ι α: Type*
import data.set.basic
import data.set.lattice
variables ι α: Type*
lemma Union_union_distrib' {ι} {α} (s : ι → set α) (J₁ J₂ : set ι) :
(⋃ (j : (J₁ ∪ J₂)), s j) = (⋃ (j : J₁), s j) ∪ (⋃ (j : J₂), s j) :=
ext x,
{ rintro ⟨S, ⟨⟨j, (hj|hj)⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩,
{ exact or.inl ⟨_, ⟨⟨j, hj⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩ },
{ exact or.inr ⟨_, ⟨⟨j, hj⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩ } },
{ rintro (⟨_, ⟨⟨⟨j, hj⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩⟩ | ⟨_, ⟨⟨⟨j, hj⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩⟩),
{ exact ⟨_, ⟨⟨j, or.inl hj⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩ },
{ exact ⟨_, ⟨⟨j, or.inr hj⟩, rfl⟩, hx⟩ } }
tactic#rintro is amazing!
Adam Topaz (Nov 13 2021 at 02:37):
Note also that explicitly denoting the coercions is not necessary.
Eric Wieser (Nov 13 2021 at 09:27):
Do we have docs#set.Union_subtype? If we had ⋃ i : s, f I = ⋃ i ∈ s, f i
then you could just apply docs#set.Union_or after docs#set.mem_union
Eric Wieser (Nov 13 2021 at 09:32):
Ah, it's docs#set.bUnion_eq_Union in reverse
Sebastien Gouezel (Nov 13 2021 at 09:58):
What about
theorem set.bUnion_eq_Union' (s : set ι) (t : ι → set α) :
(⋃ x ∈ s, t x) = (⋃ x : s, t x) :=
lemma Union_union_distrib' {ι} {α} (s : ι → set α) (J₁ J₂ : set ι) :
(⋃ (j : (J₁ ∪ J₂)), s j) = (⋃ (j : J₁), s j) ∪ (⋃ (j : J₂), s j) :=
by rw [← set.bUnion_eq_Union', ← set.bUnion_eq_Union', ← set.bUnion_eq_Union', set.bUnion_union]
But mainly, this indicates that what you are doing is not really idiomatic: instead of using Unions over subtypes, it is more usual to use a Union with the condition that the point belongs to a subset (called bUnion
in our naming conventions). I.e., if you replace your lemma with
lemma Union_union_distrib' {ι} {α} (s : ι → set α) (J₁ J₂ : set ι) :
(⋃ (j ∈ (J₁ ∪ J₂)), s j) = (⋃ (j ∈ J₁), s j) ∪ (⋃ (j ∈ J₂), s j) :=
then this is just bUnion_union
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC