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Topic: showing that proofs are finite

Eduardo Freire (Jun 25 2022 at 00:37):

Hello, I'm trying to prove that classical propositional logic is complete and have one remaining sorry that I'm stuck on which involves showing that proofs are finite. Here is the MWE:

import tactic

inductive prop_formula
| var :   prop_formula
| imp : prop_formula  prop_formula  prop_formula

inductive prop_thm : set prop_formula  prop_formula  Prop
| ax : {Γ p}, p  Γ  prop_thm Γ p
| imp_i : {Γ p q}, prop_thm (Γ  {p}) q  prop_thm Γ (p.imp q)

theorem fin_subset_proves_of_proves {Γ : set prop_formula} {φ : prop_formula} :
prop_thm Γ φ  ∃Δ, Δ  Γ  set.finite Δ  prop_thm Δ φ := sorry

In order to prove this I wanted to make a function assumptions_used : ∀Γ p, prop_thm Γ p → set prop_formula which gives me the smallest set of formulas in Γ needed to prove p. Here is my attempt:

def assumptions_used : ∀Γ p, prop_thm Γ p  set prop_formula
| Γ p (prop_thm.ax _ _ h) := {p}
| Γ p (prop_thm.imp_i _ q r h) := (assumptions_used (Γ  {q}) r h) \ {q}

This gives me the error "induction tactic failed, recursor 'prop_thm.dcases_on' can only eliminate into Prop", which I don't know how to resolve. I have little experience with defining functions using the equation compiler so I wouldn't be surprised if this is nonsense. Do you have any hints or suggestions?

Kyle Miller (Jun 25 2022 at 00:47):

Proof irrelevance means that with prop_thm being Prop-valued, you can't do pattern matching to construct something Type-valued. The error message is telling you that you're only allowed to pattern match to construct something Prop-valued.

Maybe you might want this?

inductive prop_thm : set prop_formula  prop_formula  Type
| ax : {Γ p}, p  Γ  prop_thm Γ p
| imp_i : {Γ p q}, prop_thm (Γ  {p}) q  prop_thm Γ (p.imp q)

Kyle Miller (Jun 25 2022 at 00:48):

Then you can write nonempty (prop_thm Δ φ) when you want a Prop version.

Eduardo Freire (Jun 25 2022 at 00:55):

Oh that makes sense, seems like it works. Thanks!

Eduardo Freire (Jun 25 2022 at 00:55):

On a related note, is Tukey's lemma (or something similar) in mathlib?

Matt Diamond (Jun 25 2022 at 02:39):

@Eduardo Freire maybe https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/order/zorn.html?

Eduardo Freire (Jun 25 2022 at 02:58):

Yeah, initially I thought that Zorn's lemma would be harder to apply, but thinking about it its probably the same amount of work.
Nice to know that there is a place showing the several versions of it, thank you

Matt Diamond (Jun 25 2022 at 04:06):

no problem... btw, not sure if this is relevant but there's a proof of Hausdorff's Maximality Principle here: https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/order/chain.html

Patrick Johnson (Jun 25 2022 at 07:26):

Regarding the main question, assumptions_used is not really needed. You could define it using Kyle's suggestion and define a function that converts prop-valued prop_thm to type-valued prop_thm using choice (or just define type-valued version only), but it's easier to just use induction directly:

import tactic
import tactic.induction

inductive prop_formula
| var :   prop_formula
| imp : prop_formula  prop_formula  prop_formula

inductive prop_thm : set prop_formula  prop_formula  Prop
| ax : {Γ p}, p  Γ  prop_thm Γ p
| imp_i : {Γ p q}, prop_thm (Γ  {p}) q  prop_thm Γ (p.imp q)

lemma union_proves_of_proves {s t : set prop_formula} {p : prop_formula}
  (h : prop_thm s p) : prop_thm (s  t) p :=
  induction' h,
  { left, exact set.mem_union_left _ h },
  { right, rw [set.union_assoc, set.union_comm t, set.union_assoc], exact ih },

lemma fin_subset_proves_of_proves {Γ : set prop_formula} {φ : prop_formula}
  (h : prop_thm Γ φ) :  (Δ : set prop_formula), Δ  Γ  Δ.finite  prop_thm Δ φ :=
  induction' h,
  { use [{φ}, by rwa set.singleton_subset_iff, set.finite_singleton _],
    left, apply set.mem_singleton },
  { rcases ih with Δ, h₁, h₂, h₃⟩,
    use [Δ \ {φ}, by rwa [set.diff_subset_iff, set.union_comm], set.finite.diff h₂ _],
    right, rw set.diff_union_self, exact union_proves_of_proves h₃ },

Eduardo Freire (Jun 25 2022 at 16:36):

That is really helpful, I should be one application of Zorn's lemma away from proving the main result now, thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC