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Topic: simp [dite_eq_ite] introduces quot.sound
Horatiu Cheval (Apr 14 2021 at 18:13):
I don't have a mwe because my question depends on quite a few definitions and I couldn't isolate it so far, but I think it's more of a general question, so I hope it's fine. I printed the axioms used by one of my proofs, and to my surpise I saw quot.sound
Then, by commenting out everything, I concluded that it is due to a simp only [dite_eq_ite]
. I can't understand why this happens, since dite_eq_ite
is proved just by rfl
(or maybe this doesn't have anything to do it). In any case, how can I understand why quot.sound
is used by simp?
Horatiu Cheval (Apr 14 2021 at 18:14):
And more generally, is there a more detailed way to track where the axioms of your proof, as listed by #print axioms ...
come from?
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 14 2021 at 18:17):
#print axioms dite_eq_ite -- no axioms
-- so your diagnosis is not correct and it's really hard to help you without a #mwe. Just post a large amount of code, maybe as a gist or whatever.
Alex J. Best (Apr 14 2021 at 18:23):
simp could be applying function extensionality https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean/axioms_and_computation.html#function-extensionality
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 14 2021 at 18:25):
example (α β : Type) (f g : α → β) : (∀ a, f a = g a) → f = g :=
intro h,
simp [h], -- fails
I can't persuade simp only
to do this :-/
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 14 2021 at 18:27):
#print funext
@[_ext_lemma_core, ext list.cons.{0} ext_param_type (sum.inr.{0 0} (option.{0} name) (option.{0} name) (option.some.{0} name (name.mk_numeral (unsigned.of_nat' (has_zero.zero.{0} nat nat.has_zero)) name.anonymous))) (list.cons.{0} ext_param_type (sum.inr.{0 0} (option.{0} name) (option.{0} name) (option.some.{0} name (name.mk_string "thunk" name.anonymous))) (list.nil.{0} ext_param_type)), intro!]
It's outputs like that which remind me how little I know.
Horatiu Cheval (Apr 14 2021 at 18:30):
Ok, so I managed to reduce it to this (I don't think the decidability proof is relevant, but who knows, I included it nevertheless).
The proof I'm interested in is and_contr
import tactic
inductive formula : Type 1
| prime : Π (p : Prop) [decidable p], formula
| implication : formula → formula → formula
| conjunction : formula → formula → formula
namespace formula
infixr `⟹` : 45 := implication
infix `⋀` : 50 := conjunction
def mwc : formula → Type × Type
| (@prime _ _) := (unit, unit)
| (A ⋀ B) := (A.mwc.1 × B.mwc.1, A.mwc.2 × B.mwc.2)
| (A ⟹ B) := ((A.mwc.1 → B.mwc.2 → A.mwc.2) × ((A.mwc.1 → B.mwc.1)), A.mwc.1 × B.mwc.2)
@[reducible, simp]
def 𝕎 := λ A : formula, A.mwc.fst
@[reducible, simp]
def ℂ := λ A : formula, A.mwc.snd
def dia : Π A : formula, A.𝕎 → A.ℂ → Prop
| (@prime p _) x y := p
| (A ⋀ B) x y := (A.dia x.fst y.fst) ∧ (B.dia x.snd y.snd)
| (A ⟹ B) x y := (A.dia y.fst (x.fst y.fst y.snd)) → (B.dia (x.snd y.fst) y.snd)
instance dia.decidable (A : formula) (x : A.𝕎) (y : A.ℂ) : decidable $ A.dia x y :=
induction A,
case prime
{ assumption, },
case conjunction: A B ihA ihB {
simp only [dia],
specialize ihA x.fst y.fst,
specialize ihB x.snd y.snd,
exact @and.decidable _ _ ihA ihB,
case implication: A B ihA ihB {
simp only [dia],
specialize ihA y.fst (x.fst y.fst y.snd),
specialize ihB (x.snd y.fst) y.snd,
refine @implies.decidable _ _ ihA ihB,
def sound (A : formula) := {t : A.𝕎 // ∀ y : ℂ A, A.dia t y}
def and_contr {A : formula} : sound (A ⟹ A ⋀ A) :=
refine subtype.mk (by {
apply prod.mk,
intros x y,
by_cases h : A.dia x y.fst,
exact y.snd,
exact y.fst,
intros x,
exact (x, x),
}) _,
intros y,
simp only [dia, dite_eq_ite, id.def],
intros h,
dsimp only [mwc, ℂ] at y,
by_cases h' : A.dia y.fst y.snd.fst,
simp only [*, if_true] at h,
exact ⟨h', h⟩,
simp only [*, if_false] at h,
#print axioms and_contr
end formula
Mario Carneiro (Apr 14 2021 at 18:35):
Using dsimp
instead eliminates the use
Mario Carneiro (Apr 14 2021 at 18:35):
the reason simp
uses quot.sound
is because it is used in the proof of funext
which is needed for simp
to "rewrite under binders"
Mario Carneiro (Apr 14 2021 at 18:36):
just needs lambda to respect defeq which doesn't require funext
Mario Carneiro (Apr 14 2021 at 18:38):
Kevin Buzzard said:
#print funext /- @[_ext_lemma_core, ext list.cons.{0} ext_param_type (sum.inr.{0 0} (option.{0} name) (option.{0} name) (option.some.{0} name (name.mk_numeral (unsigned.of_nat' (has_zero.zero.{0} nat nat.has_zero)) name.anonymous))) (list.cons.{0} ext_param_type (sum.inr.{0 0} (option.{0} name) (option.{0} name) (option.some.{0} name (name.mk_string "thunk" name.anonymous))) (list.nil.{0} ext_param_type)), intro!] ... -/
It's outputs like that which remind me how little I know.
Note that that mostly looks terrible only because lean doesn't use the pretty printer to show expressions in attributes like it should
Horatiu Cheval (Apr 14 2021 at 18:47):
I see, thanks for the clarifications!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC