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Topic: squeeze_simp differs from simp
Riccardo Brasca (Oct 08 2020 at 15:05):
Hi, I have a proof of the following small lemma
import algebra.big_operators.basic
import field_theory.splitting_field
variables {α : Type*} [field α]
namespace polynomial
lemma test (p : polynomial α) :
(multiset.map (λ (a : α), X - C a) p.roots).prod.nat_degree = p.roots.card :=
rw [nat_degree_multiset_prod],
intros x h,
simp [multiset.mem_map] at h,
cases h with a ha,
replace ha := ha.2,
rw ← ha,
exact X_sub_C_ne_zero a
end polynomial
That works (it can surely proved in a better way, but at least it works). Then I decided to replace the first simp
with simp only
, so I run squeeze_simp
instead of the first simp
. It proposes the following: simp only [mul_one, nat_degree_X_sub_C, nat.cast_id, multiset.sum_repeat, multiset.map_const, nsmul_eq_mul, eq_self_iff_true, function.comp_app, multiset.map_map]
but if I use it the proof doesn't work (it even adds one goal, some multiset
stuff I used simp
to avoid).
My question is what I am supposed to do in this situation. I can for sure prove what I want but I am more interested in the general strategy when squeeze_simp
behaves like this. Thank you!
Damiano Testa (Oct 08 2020 at 15:08):
I just want to say that I have had a similar experience at times with simp
and squeeze_simp
giving incompatible outputs. I am very curious to read about the answers!
Johan Commelin (Oct 08 2020 at 15:11):
is unfortunately a bit hacky. We need a lean/tactic/c++ expert to give us something better (-;
Johan Commelin (Oct 08 2020 at 15:12):
One option is to write
set_option trace.simplify.rewrite true
on an empty line above the lemma, and look at the output. It will mention all lemmas that simp is using. But the output can be intimidating.
Riccardo Brasca (Oct 08 2020 at 15:18):
OK, i tried trace.simplify.rewrite true
. The simp
0. [simplify.rewrite] [multiset.map_map]: multiset.map nat_degree (multiset.map (λ (a : α), X - ⇑C a) p.roots) ==> multiset.map (nat_degree ∘ λ (a : α), X - ⇑C a) p.roots
0. [simplify.rewrite] [function.comp_app]: (nat_degree ∘ λ (a : α), X - ⇑C a) x ==> (X - ⇑C x).nat_degree
0. [simplify.rewrite] [polynomial.nat_degree_X_sub_C]: (X - ⇑C x).nat_degree ==> 1
0. [simplify.rewrite] [multiset.map_const]: multiset.map (λ (x : α), 1) p.roots ==> multiset.repeat 1 p.roots.card
0. [simplify.rewrite] [multiset.sum_repeat]: (multiset.repeat 1 p.roots.card).sum ==> p.roots.card •ℕ 1
0. [simplify.rewrite] [nsmul_eq_mul]: p.roots.card •ℕ 1 ==> ↑(p.roots.card) * 1
0. [simplify.rewrite] [nat.cast_id]: ↑(p.roots.card) ==> p.roots.card
0. [simplify.rewrite] [mul_one]: p.roots.card * 1 ==> p.roots.card
0. [simplify.rewrite] [eq_self_iff_true]: p.roots.card = p.roots.card ==> true
I do not understand exactly what it means, but if I use the line given by squeeze_simp
it only says
0. [simplify.rewrite] [multiset.map_map]: multiset.map nat_degree (multiset.map (λ (a : α), X - ⇑C a) p.roots) ==> multiset.map (nat_degree ∘ λ (a : α), X - ⇑C a) p.roots
So it seems it is doing the first line but not the others.
Johan Commelin (Oct 08 2020 at 15:24):
Well, each line of that output gives you a lemma that you can pass to simp only
. Just copy-paste the name between the second set of [..]
Riccardo Brasca (Oct 08 2020 at 15:49):
Yes, but that's what simp only
proposes, with a small difference in the order, but the result is the same.
I tried to write the simp only
one by one. The first line simp only [multiset.map_map]
seems ok (trace.simplify.rewrite true
gives the correct output), but then simp only [function.comp_app]
says simplify tactic failed to simplify
. If I understand what simp only
is doing here, it wants to do rw function.comp_app
, but I have the impressione that a simple rw
doesn't work inside a ( ).sum
Johan Commelin (Oct 08 2020 at 16:01):
Riccardo Brasca (Oct 08 2020 at 16:50):
I guess I will just keep my simp
, but if someone is interested here is the code that does not work and should work if one just copy/paste the output of set_option trace.simplify.rewrite true
(I put a sorry after the error instead of the rest of the output).
import algebra.big_operators.basic
import field_theory.splitting_field
variables {α : Type*} [field α]
namespace polynomial
lemma test (p : polynomial α) :
(multiset.map (λ (a : α), X - C a) p.roots).prod.nat_degree = p.roots.card :=
rw [nat_degree_multiset_prod],
simp only [multiset.map_map],
simp only [function.comp_app],
end polynomial
It fails with simplify tactic failed to simplify
Johan Commelin (Oct 08 2020 at 16:58):
As a hack, maybe you can pass it function.comp
instead of function.comp_app
Riccardo Brasca (Oct 08 2020 at 17:02):
That magically works!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC