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Topic: tactic `by exact` vs proof term

Nicolas Rolland (Aug 18 2023 at 14:09):

Is there any difference between by exact foo and foo ?

import Mathlib.Tactic
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic

def FnUb (f :   ) (a : ) : Prop :=
   x, f x  a

def FnLb (f :   ) (a : ) : Prop :=
   x, a  f x

variable (f g :   ) (a b : )

-- OK
example (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) (nng : FnLb g 0) (nna : 0  a) :
    FnUb (fun x  f x * g x) (a * b) := fun x 
    show f x * g x <= a * b by
    have h := (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hfa x) (nng x) : f x * g x  a * g x)
      f x * g x  <= a * g x := by exact  h
               _ <= a * b :=  mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (hgb x) nna

example (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) (nng : FnLb g 0) (nna : 0  a) :
    FnUb (fun x  f x * g x) (a * b) := fun x 
    show f x * g x <= a * b by
    have h := (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hfa x) (nng x) : f x * g x  a * g x)
      function expected at
      term has type
        f x * g x ≤ a * g x
      f x * g x  <= a * g x := h
               _ <= a * b :=  mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (hgb x) nna

Alex J. Best (Aug 18 2023 at 14:14):

by exact changes the order in which the terms are elaborated, which can be helpful, or a bad thing depending on the context. In by exact the term is elaborated independently of the type that it should be in context. So in this example a coercion is not inserted and the definition fails

axiom A : Type
axiom B : Type
instance : Coe A B := sorry

variable (a : A)
def foo : B := a
def bar : B := by exact a

Nicolas Rolland (Aug 18 2023 at 14:28):

Ok. The behaviour a bit surprising in my example. I wonder if I can get a rule of thumb.

It might be best to use by exact and only give the proof term when it fails to allow coercions ?

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 18 2023 at 15:59):

there is examples where rfl fails but by exact rfl works

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC