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Topic: tactic for linear_ordered_add_comm_groups

Raphael Appenzeller (Aug 03 2022 at 09:07):

I use linear_ordered_add_comm_group and wonder if there is a nice tactic like ring that solves basic statements like the following:

lemma example (Λ : Type* ) [linear_ordered_add_comm_group Λ] (a b c : Λ ): a - b + c = c + a - b :=

I have tried all the following, all of which do not work: library_search, ring, group, linarith, simp.

Eric Wieser (Aug 03 2022 at 09:14):


Raphael Appenzeller (Aug 03 2022 at 14:59):

This is pretty good and solves the example. Which tactic could I use to simplify the order-aspects? linarith?

Raphael Appenzeller (Aug 03 2022 at 15:39):

For example, the following Lemma is somewhat time-consuming to solve by hand and it feels like a tactic might be able to do it. Is there a way to write less?

lemma ex (Λ : Type* ) [linear_ordered_add_comm_group Λ] (txf tyf fa fb f1a f1b f2a f2b : Λ )
(h1 :txf - fa + f1a  f1b) (h2 : f2a  tyf - fb + f2b) (h3: f1b - f1a + (f2b - f2a) = fb -fa): txf  tyf :=
  have h4 : txf  f1b - f1a + fa  , -- using h1
  have h4' : txf - fa + f1a + (fa - f1a)  f1b  + ( fa -f1a),
  apply add_le_add_right h1 (fa - f1a),
  abel at h4',
  exact h4', -- proved h4

  have h5 : f1b - f1a + fa = f2a - f2b + fb, -- using h3
  have h5' : f1b - f1a + (f2b - f2a) + (fa - f2b + f2a) = fb - fa + (fa - f2b + f2a),
  exact congr_fun (congr_arg has_add.add h3) (fa - f2b + f2a),
  abel at h5',
  exact h5', -- proved h5

  have h6 : f2a - f2b + fb  tyf, -- using h2
  have h6' : f2a + (fb - f2b)  tyf - fb + f2b + (fb - f2b),
  apply add_le_add_right h2 (fb - f2b),
  abel at h6',
  exact h6', -- proved h6

  rw h5 at h4,
  exact le_trans h4 h6,

Ruben Van de Velde (Aug 03 2022 at 16:14):

This is less:

lemma ex (Λ : Type*) [linear_ordered_add_comm_group Λ]
  (txf tyf fa fb f1a f1b f2a f2b : Λ)
  (h1 : txf - fa + f1a  f1b)
  (h2 : f2a  tyf - fb + f2b)
  (h3 : f1b - f1a + (f2b - f2a) = fb - fa) :
  txf  tyf :=
calc txf
     f1b + (fa - f1a) : by rwa [sub_le_iff_le_add, sub_add]
... = f2a - (f2b - fb) : by { rw add_eq_of_eq_sub h3, abel }
...  tyf : by rwa [sub_le_iff_le_add, sub_eq_neg_add, add_assoc, sub_eq_add_neg]

(I particularly tried to have the one abel call do as much as possible)

Ruben Van de Velde (Aug 03 2022 at 16:23):

The last line could also be

...  tyf : by { rw [sub_le_iff_le_add], convert h2 using 1, abel }

which might be more conceptual (is that the right word?)

Raphael Appenzeller (Aug 03 2022 at 17:03):

Thank you so much!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC