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Topic: turing machine proof

Harold Cooper (Oct 26 2021 at 19:15):

Hi all! I'm learning Lean, and playing around with computability.turing_machine

I made the simplest possible machine M1 which just immediately halts (i.e. returns none).

It was easy for me to prove the theorem M1_halts_immediately that it halts after a single call to step, but I'd also like to prove the theorem M1_halts that the higher-level eval also halts, since I want to play with more complicated machines next.

Anyway here's my code:

import computability.turing_machine

inductive Λ -- states
| initial : Λ
| a : Λ
| b : Λ
instance Λ.inhabited : inhabited Λ := Λ.initial

inductive Γ -- symbols
| zero : Γ
| one : Γ
instance Γ.inhabited : inhabited Γ := Γ.zero

-- initial state and empty tape:
def initial_cfg : turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ := turing.TM0.init []

-- machine that halts immediately:
def M1 : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ
| _ _ := none

theorem M1_halts_immediately : turing.TM0.step M1 initial_cfg = none :=

theorem M1_halts : turing.TM0.eval M1 []  part.none :=

How can I replace the sorry at the end? I have no idea what tactics are relevant here.

And am I even trying to prove the correct statement? I also considered ∃ x, turing.TM0.eval M1 [] = part.some x

Harold Cooper (Oct 26 2021 at 19:22):

(docs#turing.TM0.eval is implemented on top of docs#turing.eval which uses docs#pfun.fix and I have no idea what tactics can run/reduce pfun.fix to get to a part.some result)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2021 at 19:31):

The main theorem for proving things about pfun.fix is docs#pfun.mem_fix_iff

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2021 at 19:32):

at least for "positive" statements, i.e. "this program halts and returns x". For negative statements you need docs#pfun.fix_induction

Harold Cooper (Oct 26 2021 at 19:43):

okay thanks, I'll try that!

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2021 at 19:47):

Here's one way to state and prove the theorem:

theorem M1_halts : (turing.TM0.eval M1 []).dom :=
  rw [turing.TM0.eval, part.map_dom, part.dom_iff_mem],
  existsi _,
  rw [turing.mem_eval],
  refine relation.refl_trans_gen.refl, _⟩,

Harold Cooper (Oct 26 2021 at 19:52):

oh awesome, I think this will teach me a lot.

so is the theorem(…).dom saying that the partial function has a non-empty domain, and thus halts?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2021 at 20:01):

part A is actually a "partial value", kind of like a partial function but over just one point. So if p : part A then p.dom is a proposition that says whether the value exists, and p.get : p.dom -> A is either the empty function or a function on a singleton returning a single value of type A

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2021 at 20:02):

So turing.TM0.eval M1 [] is "the value that results from executing M1 on [], if it exists", and (turing.TM0.eval M1 []).dom is asserting that the value exists, i.e. the machine halts

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2021 at 20:03):

A partial function A ->. B is defined as A -> part B

Harold Cooper (Oct 26 2021 at 20:05):

ah okay got it, that makes sense

YJ (Oct 26 2021 at 20:52):

Hello all! I am new to Lean and am currently following the tutorials from the theorem proving in lean 3, are there any published solutions with the questions?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 26 2021 at 21:09):

You're in the wrong thread (hint: start a new one) but the answer to your question is that as far as I know there aren't; however if you're stuck on something you could ask in a new thread in #new members

Harold Cooper (Nov 30 2021 at 17:48):

I did a bit more with this recently, including proving that a simple looping machine doesn't halt which was more fun than proving that things do halt :p

However, I was only able to do that using an alternative formulation of halting, which I'm pretty sure is equivalent to what we used earlier in this thread, but now I would like to prove that it is!

Specifically, the two definitions of halting which I want to prove are equivalent are:

def halts (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) : Prop :=
 n, multistep M n [] = none

def halts''' (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) : Prop :=
 x, turing.TM0.eval M [] = part.some x

(multistep M n just steps the machine n times—I'll include the full code below.)

Harold Cooper (Nov 30 2021 at 17:49):

In the following code, I started an attempt at the proof halts_iff''', where the sorry statements are. Based on @Mario Carneiro's tips above, I'm guessing I need to do something with docs#pfun.mem_fix_iff or docs#pfun.fix_induction ?

import computability.turing_machine

inductive Λ -- states
| A : Λ
| B : Λ
| C : Λ
instance Λ.inhabited : inhabited Λ := Λ.A

inductive Γ -- symbols
| zero : Γ
| one : Γ
instance Γ.inhabited : inhabited Γ := Γ.zero

-- initial state and empty tape:
def cfg₀ : turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ := turing.TM0.init []

-- chainable step function:
def step' (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) (x : option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ)) :
  option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ) :=
x.bind (turing.TM0.step M)

def multistep (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) :
    option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ)  option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ) :=
nat.repeat (λ _, step' M)

theorem multistep_none_add {cfg M n m} (hn : multistep M n cfg = none) :
  multistep M (n + m) cfg = none :=
  induction m with m hm,
  { exact hn, },
  { rw [multistep, nat.add_succ, nat.repeat,  multistep, hm],
    refl, },

theorem multistep_none_ge {cfg M n} {m  n} (hn : multistep M n cfg = none) :
  multistep M m cfg = none :=
  rw  nat.add_sub_of_le H,
  exact multistep_none_add hn,

-- equivalent definitions of halting:

def halts (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) : Prop :=
 n, multistep M n cfg₀ = none

def halts' (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) : Prop :=
(turing.TM0.eval M []).dom

def halts'' (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) : Prop :=
turing.TM0.eval M []  part.none

def halts''' (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) : Prop :=
 x, turing.TM0.eval M [] = part.some x

theorem halts'_iff'' {M} : halts' M  halts'' M :=
  rw [halts'', ne.def, part.eq_none_iff',  halts'],
  exact not_not.symm,

theorem halts''_iff''' {M} : halts'' M  halts''' M :=

theorem halts_iff''' {M} : halts M  halts''' M :=
  rw [halts, halts'''],
  split; intro h,
  { cases h with n h,
    induction n with n hn,
    { sorry, },
    { sorry, },
  { cases h with x h,
    sorry, },

-- machine that halts immediately:
def M₁ : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ
| _ _ := none

theorem M₁_halts_immediately : turing.TM0.step M₁ cfg₀ = none :=

theorem M₁_halts : halts M₁ :=
1, rfl

theorem M₁_halts' : halts' M₁ :=
  rw [halts', turing.TM0.eval, part.map_dom, part.dom_iff_mem],
  existsi _,
  rw turing.mem_eval,
  { exact relation.refl_trans_gen.refl, },
  { refl, },

theorem M₁_halts'' : halts'' M₁ :=
halts'_iff''.mp M₁_halts'

theorem M₁_halts''' : halts''' M₁ :=
halts''_iff'''.mp M₁_halts''

-- machine that goes A → B → halt:
def M₂ : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ
| Λ.A symbol := some Λ.B, turing.TM0.stmt.write symbol
| _ _ := none

theorem M₂_halts : halts M₂ :=
2, rfl

theorem M₂_halts' : halts' M₂ :=
  rw [halts', turing.TM0.eval, part.map_dom, part.dom_iff_mem],
  existsi turing.TM0.cfg.mk Λ.B (turing.tape.mk₁ []),
  rw turing.mem_eval,
  { sorry, },
  { refl, },

-- machine that loops A → B → A → B → ⋯:
def M₃ : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ
| Λ.A symbol := some Λ.B, turing.TM0.stmt.write symbol
| Λ.B symbol := some Λ.A, turing.TM0.stmt.write symbol
| _ _ := none

lemma M₃_AB_only {n} :  tape,
  multistep M₃ n cfg₀ = some Λ.A, tape  multistep M₃ n cfg₀ = some Λ.B, tape :=
  induction n with n hn,
  { existsi _,
    refl, },
  { cases hn with tape_n hn,
    cases hn; existsi _,
      rw [multistep, nat.repeat,  multistep, hn, step', option.bind, turing.TM0.step],
      existsi _,
      existsi _,
      split; refl, },
      rw [multistep, nat.repeat,  multistep, hn, step', option.bind, turing.TM0.step],
      existsi _,
      existsi _,
      split; refl, },

theorem M₃_not_halts : ¬ halts M₃ :=
  intro h,
  cases h with n hn,
  cases M₃_AB_only with tape h_tape,
  cases h_tape; {
    rw h_tape at hn,
    exact option.no_confusion hn,

(There's also an unfinished proof M₂_halts' of a machine halting in two steps, just because I felt like I should be able to figure it out after proving M₁_halts' that a machine halts in one step, but I couldn't… am curious to learn what I'm missing)

Harold Cooper (Nov 30 2021 at 17:49):

Sorry this is a bit long, any tips appreciated!

Harold Cooper (Dec 01 2021 at 20:26):

Here's a much more concise version of what I'm trying to prove in case anyone has some tips:

import computability.turing_machine

inductive Λ -- states
| A : Λ
| B : Λ
| C : Λ
instance Λ.inhabited : inhabited Λ := Λ.A

inductive Γ -- symbols
| zero : Γ
| one : Γ
instance Γ.inhabited : inhabited Γ := Γ.zero

-- initial state and empty tape:
def cfg₀ : turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ := turing.TM0.init []

-- chainable step function (since both its input and output have the same option type):
def step' (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) (x : option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ)) :
  option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ) :=
x.bind (turing.TM0.step M)

-- step a given number of times:
def multistep (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) :
    option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ)  option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ) :=
nat.repeat (λ _, step' M)

-- I'm trying to prove this:
example {M} : ( n, multistep M n cfg₀ = none)  ( x, turing.TM0.eval M [] = part.some x) :=

-- or this if it's easier, since I've already proven (turing.TM0.eval M []).dom ↔ (∃ x, turing.TM0.eval M [] = part.some x)
example {M} : ( n, multistep M n cfg₀ = none)  (turing.TM0.eval M []).dom :=


Mario Carneiro (Dec 01 2021 at 21:04):

Sorry, I forgot to respond to this one. I made some minor tweaks but it's essentially the same theorem:

def multistep (M : turing.TM0.machine Γ Λ) :
    option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ)  option (turing.TM0.cfg Γ Λ) :=
nat.iterate (step' M)

example {M} : ( n, multistep M n (some cfg₀) = none)  (turing.TM0.eval M []).dom :=
  simp [turing.TM0.eval, cfg₀, multistep],
  { rintro n, e⟩,
    generalize_hyp : turing.TM0.init [] = k at e ,
    induction n with n IH generalizing k, {cases e},
    rw [nat.iterate, step', option.bind] at e,
    cases e' : turing.TM0.step M k; rw e' at e,
    { exact part.dom_iff_mem.2 _, turing.mem_eval.2 relation.refl_trans_gen.refl, e'⟩⟩ },
    { rw turing.reaches_eval (relation.refl_trans_gen.single e'),
      exact IH _ e } },
  { intro h,
    obtain a, h := part.dom_iff_mem.1 h,
    refine turing.eval_induction h (λ k h IH, _),
    cases e : turing.TM0.step M k,
    { exact 1, e },
    { obtain n, hn := IH _ _ e,
      { exact n+1, by simp [nat.iterate, step', e, hn]⟩ },
      { rwa  turing.reaches_eval (relation.refl_trans_gen.single e) } } }

Harold Cooper (Dec 01 2021 at 21:14):

Oh awesome, thanks as always @Mario Carneiro!

I'll step through this and likely learn quite a few things

Harold Cooper (Dec 01 2021 at 21:22):

oh and good call on nat.iterate, I didn't know about that

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC