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Topic: type expected error

Calle Sönne (Dec 02 2019 at 14:14):

I get the following error that I do not quite understand:


def id_prod_maps (X : C) (S : sieve.{v} X) := Π k : domain X S, F.map k.f.op


type expected at
  F.map (has_hom.hom.op.{v u} (k.f))
term has type
  F.obj (op.{u+1} X)  F.obj (op.{u+1} (k.Y))

I dont quite understand this error, terms of type F.obj (op.{u+1} X) ⟶ F.obj (op.{u+1} (k.Y)) is exactly what I want my function to return! Or is this error F.map complaining?

Calle Sönne (Dec 02 2019 at 14:17):

I should note that F.map is defined as:

structure functor (C : Type u₁) [category.{v₁} C] (D : Type u₂) [category.{v₂} D] :
  Type (max v₁ v₂ u₁ u₂) :=
(obj       : C  D)
(map       : Π {X Y : C}, (X  Y)  ((obj X)  (obj Y)))
(map_id'   :  (X : C), map (𝟙 X) = 𝟙 (obj X) . obviously)
(map_comp' :  {X Y Z : C} (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z), map (f  g) = (map f)  (map g) . obviously)

And considering the type in the error, F.obj (op.{u+1} X) ⟶ F.obj (op.{u+1} (k.Y)) it seems (to me) that functor.map does indeed return what it is supposed to

Patrick Massot (Dec 02 2019 at 14:18):

Lean complains F.map k.f.op is a function instead of being a type.

Patrick Massot (Dec 02 2019 at 14:18):

What is the type you hope id_prod_maps (X : C) (S : sieve X) will have?

Patrick Massot (Dec 02 2019 at 14:19):

Maybe you wrote Pi where you wanted lambda

Calle Sönne (Dec 02 2019 at 14:19):

Yes, that seems to be the problem. Thank you!

Patrick Massot (Dec 02 2019 at 14:19):

It's hard to tell without knowing what is the maths you want to formalize.

Patrick Massot (Dec 02 2019 at 14:20):

Ok, good.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 02 2019 at 14:20):

Pi makes the types and lambda makes the terms

Calle Sönne (Dec 02 2019 at 14:20):

So Pi returns types? I thought it returned a term of a type that depends on input

Patrick Massot (Dec 02 2019 at 14:21):

Pi is definitely a type maker.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 02 2019 at 14:21):

variables (X Y : Type)
#check Pi (x : X), Y -- X → Y : Type

Chris Hughes (Dec 02 2019 at 14:22):

I thought it returned a term of a type that depends on input

That's what elements of Pi types do

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 02 2019 at 14:22):

Pi is like "forall".

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 02 2019 at 14:23):

and lambda gives you the proof of "forall ..."

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC