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Topic: uncurry
Manikhanta Teja (Mar 07 2019 at 04:53):
i have been trying to write the uncurry function from exercise 2.10 and i'm having problems with it. I can understand what's wrong with it butI have no idea about what to do. Any help is appreciated.
Code :
def curry {alpha beta gamma : Type}
(f : (prod alpha beta) -> gamma) : alpha -> beta -> gamma
:= fun (x : alpha) (y : beta), f (x,y)
#check curry add1
def uncurry {alpha beta gamma : Type}
(f : alpha -> beta -> gamma) : (prod alpha beta) -> gamma
:= fun (x : alpha) (y : beta), f x y
type mismatch, term
λ (x : alpha) (y : beta), f x y
has type
alpha → beta → gamma
but is expected to have type
alpha × beta → gamma
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2019 at 04:59):
put code in triple backticks for formatting
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2019 at 05:01):
The function uncurry f
takes a single argument of type prod alpha beta
, so you should have fun p : prod alpha beta, ...
to start. After that, you can use the projections p.fst
and p.snd
to extract the parts of type alpha
and beta
to pass to f
Manikhanta Teja (Mar 07 2019 at 05:05):
Thanks you so much. It worked.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC