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Topic: unfold creating new hypothesis and induction failing
Pedro Minicz (Jan 05 2022 at 23:09):
Why does tactic#unfold created a new hypothesis in the example below? Also, why does induction fail? Sorry if the example is a bit too long, I tried to make it as small as possible.
import data.vector
structure Language :=
(functions : ℕ → Type)
variable (L : Language)
inductive preterm : ℕ → Type
| var : ℕ → preterm 0
| func {l : ℕ} : L.functions l → preterm l
| app {l : ℕ} : preterm (l + 1) → preterm 0 → preterm l
def term := preterm L 0
namespace term
def fv {L : Language} : ∀ {l : ℕ}, preterm L l → set ℕ
| l (preterm.var x) := {x}
| l (preterm.func f) := ∅
| l (preterm.app t₁ t₂) := fv t₁ ∪ fv t₂
end term
structure Structure (L : Language) :=
(carrier : Type)
instance (L : Language) : has_coe_to_sort (Structure L) Type :=
⟨λ A, A.carrier⟩
variables {L} {A : Structure L}
def realize_preterm (s : ℕ → A) : ∀ {l : ℕ}, vector A l → preterm L l → A := sorry
def realize_term (s : ℕ → A) : term L → A := realize_preterm s vector.nil
set_option trace.check true
example (s₁ s₂ : ℕ → A) (t : term L) (h : ∀ x ∈ term.fv t, s₁ x = s₂ x) :
realize_term s₁ t = realize_term s₂ t :=
-- Created a new `t`.
unfold term at t,
-- Clear newly created `t`.
clear t,
-- Induction fails.
induction t,
Kyle Miller (Jan 05 2022 at 23:15):
is a flavor of simp
and dunfold
is a flavor of dsimp
. If you do dunfold
it doesn't create a new hypothesis.
Kyle Miller (Jan 05 2022 at 23:17):
I think what's going on is that since t
appears in other terms and unfold
likes to rewrite rather than change, it just creates a new hypothesis.
Kyle Miller (Jan 05 2022 at 23:25):
As for why induction
fails, I have no idea, but you can get around it by using the recursor directly with refine
example (s₁ s₂ : ℕ → A) (t : term L) (h : ∀ x ∈ term.fv t, s₁ x = s₂ x) :
realize_term s₁ t = realize_term s₂ t :=
dunfold term at t,
revert h,
refine preterm.rec_on t (λ n, _) (λ l f, _) (λ l tl t0, _); intro h,
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC