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Topic: up casting to fintype
Shimon Cohen (May 17 2023 at 11:27):
I'm trying to use the degree function of combinatorics.simple_graph but I'm getting the error
"failed to synthesize type class instance for ⊢ fintype ↥(gr.neighbor_set 3)"
The code:
import tactic
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
def gr : simple_graph (fin 5) :=
{adj := λ n m, n ≠ m, symm := λ a b, ne.symm, loopless := λ a ha, ha rfl}
#check gr.degree 3
It worked when I tried to do it explicitly like this:
#check @simple_graph.degree (fin 5) gr 3 (fintype.of_finite ↥(gr.neighbor_set 3))
What I should do to make it happen automaticly?
In addition there is a guide/lectures on how to work with graphs or fintype including tactics?
Eric Wieser (May 17 2023 at 11:36):
Adding instance : decidable_rel gr.adj := by rw [gr]; apply_instance
Eric Wieser (May 17 2023 at 11:37):
Note that this uses docs#simple_graph.neighbor_set_fintype not fintype.of_finite
Eric Wieser (May 17 2023 at 11:37):
Which has the bonus of letting you write #eval gr.degree 3
and getting 4
Shimon Cohen (May 17 2023 at 13:06):
Can you explain what it do?
I tried to do it for another graph and it didn't worked
import tactic
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
def gr : simple_graph (fin 5) :=
{adj := λ n m, n ≠ m}
instance a : decidable_rel gr.adj := by rw [gr]; apply_instance
#eval gr.degree 4
def gra : simple_graph (ℕ) :=
{adj := λ n m, n ≠ m ∧ n + m < 100, symm := λ n m ⟨ne, lt⟩, ⟨ne.symm, (by linarith)⟩ }
instance b : decidable_rel gra.adj := by rw [gra]; apply_instance
#eval gra.degree 3
Eric Wieser (May 17 2023 at 13:19):
it doesn't work for that one because Lean doesn't know how to deduce that there are a finite number of nodes
Eric Wieser (May 17 2023 at 13:20):
The first one worked because the underlying carrier was finite
Kyle Miller (May 17 2023 at 15:39):
If you can tell Lean how the neighbor set is a fintype
then it'll compute degrees for you:
import tactic
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
def gr : simple_graph (fin 5) :=
{adj := λ n m, n ≠ m}
instance a : decidable_rel gr.adj := by rw [gr]; apply_instance
#eval gr.degree 4
def gra : simple_graph ℕ :=
{adj := λ n m, n ≠ m ∧ n + m < 100, symm := λ n m ⟨ne, lt⟩, ⟨ne.symm, (by linarith)⟩ }
theorem gra_neighbor_set (n : ℕ) : gra.neighbor_set n = {m | n ≠ m ∧ n + m < 100} :=
by { ext m, refl }
instance (n : ℕ) : fintype (gra.neighbor_set n) :=
fintype.of_finset ((finset.range 100).filter (λ m, n ≠ m ∧ n + m < 100))
intro x,
rw [gra_neighbor_set],
intros h hnx,
#eval gra.degree 3
Kyle Miller (May 17 2023 at 15:41):
You don't need a decidable_eq
instance for this in general -- the docs#simple_graph.neighbor_set_fintype instance works by using the decidable_eq
instance to filter the finset of all vertices, assuming your vertex type is finite. As Eric said, that can't work in this case since ℕ
is not finite.
Kyle Miller (May 17 2023 at 15:45):
Here's another strategy:
instance : decidable_rel gra.adj := by rw [gra]; apply_instance
instance (n : ℕ) : fintype (gra.neighbor_set n) :=
set.fintype_subset {m | m < 100}
intro x,
simp [gra],
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC