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Topic: use ∀ k : α, ∃ (W : Type) ... to get a "union" type?
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 08:31):
Is the following doable? I think I want a Σ type but am not sure whether there is some fundamental problem I am missing. Do I need choice for this? (The property > 10 part is just to make this toy example.)
structure thing (W : Type) : Type := (property : W → ℕ)
lemma toy { α : Type } :
( ∀ k : α, ∃ (W : Type) (t : thing W) (w : W), t.property w > 10 )
→ (∃ (union : Type) (b : thing union) (v : union), b.property v > 100 ) :=
intro lhs,
-- get something like "map : α → Type" from lhs ??
-- let "union" be the product of all the "map α" ??
-- define b by saying that "property" is the sum of all the given "property"
-- let w be the tuple(?) of all the w ...
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 08:34):
The hypothesis is useless because α
may be empty
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 08:36):
I think you can prove your lemma with exact ⟨unit, ⟨function.const 101⟩, (), by linarith⟩
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 08:36):
Which suggests to me it doesn't state what you want it to say either
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 08:42):
oh, right. Indeed then it does not say what I want ;-) Thank you!
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 08:45):
If you want a particular choice of thing union
that satisfies more than just the > 100
property in the statement,then you probably want a def with sigma not a lemma with exists
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 14:33):
I now have a separate definition and a lemma about the definition. :rocket: Would you (or someone else) have recommendations to improve this?
structure thing (W : Type) : Type := (property : W → ℕ)
def unionOfThings { α : Type } :
( Π k : α, Σ (W : Type), thing W )
→ ( Σ (union : Type), thing union ) :=
intro collection,
-- let "union" be the sum of all the W indexed by k
use Σ k : α, (collection k).fst,
-- define newt: "property" is the corresponding "property" of the old t
have newt : thing (Σ (k : α), (collection k).fst), {
intro world,
cases world with k tw,
exact (collection k).snd.property tw,
use newt,
lemma unionOfThingsPreservesMinimum { α : Type } { N : ℕ } { collection : (Π k : α, Σ (W : Type), thing W) } :
( ∀ k X, (collection k).snd.property X > N) → ( ∀ X, (unionOfThings collection).snd.property X > N) :=
intro hyp,
intro X,
cases X,
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 14:34):
For example, I am wondering whether it would be possible and better to say in the def already that union
should be indexed by the same α.
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 14:36):
I would be tempted to not have the def return a sigma type at all
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 14:38):
structure thing (W : Type) : Type := (property : W → ℕ)
def unionOfThings { α : Type } (collection : α → Σ (W : Type), thing W) : thing (Σ k : α, (collection k).fst) :=
{ property :=
λ world, (collection world.fst).snd.property world.snd }
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 14:39):
This probably exists already without the thing
structure (replacing thing W
with W → ℕ
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 14:41):
Ah, thank you! I was wondering whether I want a "thing of sigmas" instead of a "sigma of things".
Eric Wieser (Dec 19 2021 at 14:42):
What you had was both
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 14:42):
ah, a sigma of things of sigmas :laughter_tears: ...
Malvin Gattinger (Dec 19 2021 at 14:42):
And I would guess that for simple functions this can be done much simpler. I am mostly doing this for practice - my real thing
s have multiple property
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC