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Topic: use lemma in definition of class
Raphael Appenzeller (Jul 28 2022 at 07:45):
I have a definition of an interval [a, b]
(with values in \Z
). I then prove that a \in [a , b]
and b \in [a , b]
. I would then like to define a class which consists of a map to_fun : [a , b] \to X
and two points p q : X
such that to_fun a = p
and to_fun b = q
. The problem is that in the definition of the class Lean does not know that a, b \in [a, b]
. Can I somehow tell Lean to use my two lemmas?
def my_interval_a_b (a b : ℤ ) := { t : ℤ | a ≤ t ∧ t ≤ b }
lemma a_in_my_interval_a_b (a b : ℤ ) : (a≤ b) → a ∈ my_interval_a_b a b :=
lemma b_in_my_interval_a_b (a b : ℤ ) : (a≤ b) → b ∈ my_interval_a_b a b :=
class my_map_interval_X (X : Type*) (a b : ℤ ) :=
(to_fun : my_interval_a_b a b → X)
(p q : X)
(fro : to_fun a = p) -- here is the problem
(tos : to_fun b = q)
Junyan Xu (Jul 28 2022 at 07:48):
The first sorry is solved by
intro h, split, exact le_of_eq rfl, exact h,
or simply λ h, ⟨le_of_eq rfl, h⟩
(without begin ... end
I'm sure you can work out the second one!
Junyan Xu (Jul 28 2022 at 07:50):
If you use the mathlib interval you can use docs#set.right_mem_Icc and docs#set.left_mem_Icc.
Raphael Appenzeller (Jul 28 2022 at 07:54):
Junyan Xu said:
The first sorry is solved by
intro h, split, exact le_of_eq rfl, exact h,
or simply
λ h, ⟨le_of_eq rfl, h⟩
(withoutbegin ... end
I'm sure you can work out the second one!
Thanks! I indeed already have proofs for the lemmas, but decided not to include them for simplicity. My question is about defining the class.
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 28 2022 at 08:08):
I'm not at lean right now but just to say that this looks like it should be a structure, not a class. With a class you're expected to have at most one instance, with a funny name like _inst_37
, for every triple X, a, b. Is this what you want? And note that you shouldn't reinvent the wheel for intervals, just use Icc
where you have a bunch of lemmas already (like all the obvious inclusions).
With regard to your actual question, the type of a is int
and the type of my_interval_a_b a b
is set int
(not Type*
) so it doesn't even make sense to ask that a has type my_interval_a_b a b
. If you look at how lean is interpreting it you'll probably see one of those funny up-arrows which mean "I'm promoting this term to a type because it's the only way I can make sense of things". Did you want your original interval to be a type rather than a term? As it is you can refer to the term of type \(whatever the right up arrow is) my_interval_a_b a b
corresponding to a by the pair \<a, ha\>
where ha
is a proof that a is in your interval. Sorry not to be more coherent but it seems that there's a bunch of sleeping teenagers in the room where my computer is...
Junyan Xu (Jul 28 2022 at 08:16):
Sorry for not reading the question carefully. This is what you can do:
import data.set.basic
def my_interval_a_b (a b : ℤ) := {t : ℤ | a ≤ t ∧ t ≤ b}
lemma a_in_my_interval_a_b {a b : ℤ} (h : a ≤ b) : a ∈ my_interval_a_b a b := ⟨le_of_eq rfl, h⟩
lemma b_in_my_interval_a_b {a b : ℤ} (h : a ≤ b) : b ∈ my_interval_a_b a b := ⟨h, le_of_eq rfl⟩
structure my_map_interval_X (X : Type*) (a b : ℤ) (h : a ≤ b) :=
(to_fun : my_interval_a_b a b → X)
(p q : X)
(fro : to_fun ⟨a, a_in_my_interval_a_b h⟩ = p)
(tos : to_fun ⟨b, b_in_my_interval_a_b h⟩ = q)
Junyan Xu (Jul 28 2022 at 08:18):
my_interval_a_b a b
is coerced to a type using docs#set.has_coe_to_sort, once you import data.set.basic. It's common to use sets as types in mathlib, for example in docs#unit_interval.coe_eq_zero etc.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC