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Topic: using `aeval_C`
Vasily Ilin (Apr 20 2022 at 19:00):
I have an algebra map comult
from to . I want to show that comult
takes to . My attempt below does not work for some reason. It seems that Lean does not understand that is the constant polynomial.
import ring_theory.tensor_product
import tactic
open_locale tensor_product
open_locale polynomial
open algebra.tensor_product
open polynomial
universe u
variables (K : Type u) [comm_semiring K]
noncomputable def comul : K[X] →ₐ[K] K[X] ⊗[K] K[X] := aeval ((X ⊗ₜ 1) + (1 ⊗ₜ X))
lemma comul_1 : comul K (1 : K[X]) = 1 ⊗ₜ 1 :=
unfold comul, -- ⊢ ⇑(aeval (X ⊗ₜ[K] 1 + 1 ⊗ₜ[K] X)) 1 = 1 ⊗ₜ[K] 1
rw @aeval_C K (K[X] ⊗[K] K[X]) _ _ _ ((X ⊗ₜ[K] 1) + (1 ⊗ₜ[K] X)) 1, -- did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression ⇑(aeval (X ⊗ₜ[K] 1 + 1 ⊗ₜ[K] X)) (⇑C 1)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC