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Topic: using equality hypothesis in type inference
Kris Brown (Jul 11 2020 at 05:58):
I'm modeling a program execution, with a list of named variables of different types. Below is an almost-working MWE:
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive datatype
| is_nat : datatype
| is_bool : datatype
open datatype
def dt_map : datatype -> Type
| is_nat := nat
| is_bool := bool
def variable_list := list (string × (Σ dt: datatype, dt_map dt))
def examplelist : variable_list := [("b", ⟨is_bool, tt⟩),
("i", ⟨is_nat, (0:ℕ)⟩),
("j", ⟨is_nat, (3:ℕ)⟩)]
def get_variable: Π{t_key: datatype},
string → variable_list → option (dt_map t_key)
| _ _ nil := none
| dtype key ((key', ⟨dtype', val⟩) :: t) :=
if hyp : key = key' ∧ dtype=dtype'
then some val -- ERROR, has type (dt_map dtype') expected (dt_map dtype)
else @get_variable dtype key t
The issue is that type inference doesn't know that two things are equal (which are certainly equal, by hypothesis). Is there a way to signal this to Lean (or incorporate a proof that uses hyp
Kyle Miller (Jul 11 2020 at 06:09):
You have to rewrite the type using the hypothesis somehow. I'm not too good with that in term mode, but this works:
def get_variable: Π{t_key: datatype},
string → variable_list → option (dt_map t_key)
| _ _ [] := none
| dtype key ((key', ⟨dtype', val⟩) :: t) :=
if hyp : key = key' ∧ dtype=dtype'
then begin rw hyp.2, exact some val, end
else @get_variable dtype key t
Note: there was a bug in the first equation, since nil
was being interpreted as a variable name rather than the constructor for the empty list.
Kyle Miller (Jul 11 2020 at 06:24):
I don't know how idiomatic it is, but you can replace the begin ... end
block in that with eq.rec (some val) hyp.2.symm
Kris Brown (Jul 11 2020 at 06:31):
thank you, makes sense! (and thanks for finding that bug)
Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2020 at 06:37):
this is what we call dependent equality hell
Mario Carneiro (Jul 11 2020 at 08:03):
I would suggest encapsulating the cast into a function like so:
def as_type {dt} (t : dt_map dt) (dt') : option (dt_map dt') :=
if h : dt = dt' then some (by rw ← h; exact t) else none
def get_variable : Π {t_key: datatype}, string → variable_list → option (dt_map t_key)
| _ _ [] := none
| dtype key ((key', ⟨dtype', val⟩) :: t) :=
if key = key' then as_type val _ else @get_variable dtype key t
Mario Carneiro (Jul 11 2020 at 08:08):
Alternatively, using alist
import data.list.alist
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive datatype
| is_nat : datatype
| is_bool : datatype
open datatype
def dt_map : datatype -> Type
| is_nat := nat
| is_bool := bool
def variable_list := alist (λ _:string, Σ dt: datatype, dt_map dt)
def examplelist : variable_list :=
list.to_alist [
⟨"b", is_bool, tt⟩,
⟨"i", is_nat, (0:ℕ)⟩,
⟨"j", is_nat, (3:ℕ)⟩]
def as_type {dt} (t : dt_map dt) (dt') : option (dt_map dt') :=
if h : dt = dt' then some (by rw ← h; exact t) else none
def get_variable {t_key: datatype} (key : string) (t : variable_list) : option (dt_map t_key) :=
do ⟨dt, val⟩ ← t.lookup key, as_type val t_key
Reid Barton (Jul 11 2020 at 10:48):
Note that Mario's first snippet changes the meaning of the function in the case that the environment contains multiple variables with the same name but different types.
Reid Barton (Jul 11 2020 at 10:50):
If you're modeling an untyped language (e.g. Python) then I suspect you would be happier with
inductive value : Type
| mk_nat : nat -> value
| mk_bool : bool -> value
and have an environment mapping variables names to value
Reid Barton (Jul 11 2020 at 10:52):
If you're really modeling a language where name lookup is type-dependent then how about using a separate environment for each type?
Kris Brown (Jul 11 2020 at 20:22):
Thanks! I didn't know about alist
and it seems perfect for this application.
I'm modeling a strongly/statically typed language (Golang) and basing my initial efforts on this repo (https://github.com/coq-community/hoare-tut/ - haven't found any comparable resource in Lean) which requires the language model to implement the following
Parameter Var: Type -> Type.
Parameter Expr: Type -> Type.
Parameter Env: Type.
Parameter upd: forall (A:Type), (Var A) -> A -> Env -> Env.
Parameter eval: forall (A:Type), (Expr A) -> Env -> A.
And I'm modifying eval
to return option A
to allow modeling a compiler error for undefined variable reference. I suspect Mario's snippet has the right behavior for Env
in this case (if a program requests a variable by name but is expecting a different type, this should be an error).
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC