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Topic: working with symbolic real numbers

Luca Seemungal (Oct 08 2019 at 09:19):

How do I solve the following goal :

ε : ℝ,
H : ε > 0,
n : ℕ,
H_1 : nat_ceil (1 / ε) < n
⊢ abs (↑n)⁻¹ < ε

What sort of tactics would be useful here?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 08 2019 at 09:31):

This is a nice question. The result is trivial mathematically, but I suspect it's still a bit of work in Lean. We have tactics which help with this sort of thing. My first instinct is to turn H_1 into an inequality about reals (there should be a tactic which does this now but I'm not up to speed with how it's done nowadays, I just remember sweating 2 years ago). Then there will be theorems in the library saying 1/e<=(nat_ceil (1/e) : real) and 0<x<y -> 1/y<1/x which I would be tempted to apply manually. Then you should be reduced to abs (\u n)\-1 = 1/n which should hopefully be less of a pain. I would love it if someone could use tactics to make this less painful.

Floris van Doorn (Oct 08 2019 at 13:22):

exact_mod_cast is a very useful tactic to write a term explicitly, but not worry about the casts in the expression. Here is how I would do it:

lemma lt_of_lt_nat_ceil {α} [linear_ordered_ring α] [floor_ring α] {x : α} {n}
  (h : nat_ceil x < n) : x < n :=
by { refine lt_of_le_of_lt (le_nat_ceil x) _, exact_mod_cast h }

example (ε : ) (H : ε > 0) (n : ) (H_1 : nat_ceil (1 / ε) < n) : abs (n)⁻¹ < ε :=
  rw [abs_inv, abs_of_nonneg, inv_lt _ H,  one_div_eq_inv],
  { exact lt_of_lt_nat_ceil H_1 },
  { exact_mod_cast lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le _) H_1 },
  { exact_mod_cast zero_le n }

Patrick Massot (Oct 08 2019 at 13:55):

Mixing inverse and one div looks strange. After https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/master/src/algebra/ordered_field.lean#L81, shouldn't we have

lemma one_div_lt (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) : 1/a < b  1/b < a :=
(one_div_eq_inv a).symm  (one_div_eq_inv b).symm  inv_lt ha hb

Patrick Massot (Oct 08 2019 at 13:56):

Do you intend to PR that

lemma lt_of_lt_nat_ceil {α} [linear_ordered_ring α] [floor_ring α] {x : α} {n}
  (h : nat_ceil x < n) : x < n :=
lt_of_le_of_lt (le_nat_ceil x) (by exact_mod_cast h)

Patrick Massot (Oct 08 2019 at 13:57):

(slightly golfed from your post)

Patrick Massot (Oct 08 2019 at 19:13):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC