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Stream: maths

Topic: Appearance of quot.sound in equiv_like.surjective

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 11:38):

So I really enjoy taking care to prove results using only precisely the axioms needed for the result to hold, and I've eliminated the need for any axioms in a certain theorem except quot.sound, which seems to come from equiv.surjective. That one in turn is defined as equiv_like.surjective, which is given as

 protected lemma surjective (e : E) : function.surjective e := (right_inv e).surjective

However, right_inverse.surjective and equiv_like.right_inv both list 'no axioms' when I call #print axioms, so why does equiv_like.surjective list quot.sound?

Eric Wieser (Jun 15 2022 at 12:16):

I would guess it comes from docs#equiv.equiv_like

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 12:27):

Eric Wieser said:

I would guess it comes from docs#equiv.equiv_like

Calling #print axioms equiv.equiv_like also list 'no axioms', is that what you meant?

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 12:29):

Also, quot.sound is present in equiv_like.surjective which should have nothing to do with equiv, right?

Yaël Dillies (Jun 15 2022 at 12:31):

It wouldn't be so surprising either, because quot.sound is used to prove function extensionality in Lean.

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 12:32):

I'm not so much surprised that it's there, but I am curious why it's so hard to see when specifically it's invoked.

Floris van Doorn (Jun 15 2022 at 12:37):

the reason is stupid: in the statement of equiv_like.surjective there is a coercion to functions. This coercion uses the instance docs#equiv_like.to_embedding_like, which uses function extensionality, hence quot.sound.

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 12:46):

Ah! Thank you very much :)

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 12:46):

Guess I'm rewriting my own then haha

Roselyn Baxter (Jun 15 2022 at 13:16):

/- `equiv.surjective` relies on `quot.sound` because `equiv_like.surjective` coerces the equivalence to
a function, which calls `equiv_like.to_embedding_like`, which uses function extensionality to prove
injectivity. In other words, entirely unnecessary to prove this lemma. -/
private lemma equiv.surjective_nofunext {α β : Type*} (e : α  β) : surjective e.to_fun :=
λ y, e.inv_fun y, e.right_inv y

private lemma equiv_exists_surj {α β γ δ : Type*}
: α  γ  β  δ  (( f : β  α, surjective f)  ( f : δ  γ, surjective f)) :=
  intros e₁ e₂,
  split; rintros f,surjf⟩,
    use (e₁.to_fun  f  e₂.inv_fun),
    apply surjective.comp,
      exact equiv.surjective_nofunext e₁,
    apply surjective.comp,
      exact surjf,
    exact equiv.surjective_nofunext e₂.symm,
  use (e₁.inv_fun  f  e₂.to_fun),
  apply surjective.comp,
    exact equiv.surjective_nofunext e₁.symm,
  apply surjective.comp,
    exact surjf,
  exact equiv.surjective_nofunext e₂,

#print axioms equiv_exists_surj -- no axioms


Eric Wieser (Jun 15 2022 at 15:17):

Where's function extensionality being used? Is it in docs#function.left_inverse.eq_right_inverse?

Eric Rodriguez (Jun 15 2022 at 15:43):

yeah, comp_eq_id is literally funext

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC