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Topic: Bounded bilinear forms

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 13:10):

Moritz said:

I've looked at the linear algebra part of it and I feel like even that is in need of a quite significant cleanup: I think it is possible to unify bilinear_map, bilin_form and sesq_form into a single semibilin_map which has the former three as special cases. The definition could be essentially what is the definition of bilin_form but way more general (yesterday I generalized it to a bilinear map, but not with the ring homomorphism yet). the way that bilin_form is written makes it easy to extend it to a bounded bilinear form, I don't see how to do the same thing with the current definition of the bilinear map.

Is there any reason to use these over things like E →ₗ[R] F →ₗ[R] G?

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 15:59):

@Moritz I agree, that whole part of the library needs a clean-up. I think we all know this, and have been put off because it's a big task! Here are some of the design considerations that have occured to me ... what do you think? (Tagging @Frédéric Dupuis @Eric Wieser also):

  1. (you mentioned this one) do we try to unite R-bilinear maps M → N → P with R-bilinear forms M → M → R?

  2. do we try to make the theory parallel with R-multilinear maps Π(i : ι), M₁ i → M₂? (note: it is common in mathlib to have parallel developments of the 2-input and arbitrary-input version of something, like pi vs prod, sup vs Sup, etc; sometimes there is an effor to make these two developments exactly parallel, sometimes it's looser).

  3. how do we deal with semilinearity, and in particular with the interaction between semilinearity and noncommutativity? Note that currently sesq_form is effectively for a docs#star_ring R, requiring the map be R-linear in one argument and I : R ≃+* Rᵒᵖ-semilinear in the other argument, so a full generalization would need to deal with multiple possible scalar rings (R, Rᵒᵖat least, but why not more?). Or we could just give up on the attempt to deal with noncommutativity here.

  4. (maybe to be deferred to a future refactor) how does this interact with docs#inner_product_space? I think eventually it would be nice to have something like the integration library, where you can work with a particular measure if you specify it, or with some silent default measure if not -- so here there might in some cases be a silent default bilinear form, and sometimes an explicitly-specified one.

Notification Bot (Nov 18 2021 at 16:02):

This topic was moved here from #new members > Bounded bilinear forms by Anne Baanen

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:05):

I was also thinking about this because just yesterday I opened a PR (#10373) to allow semilinear versions of maps of type E →ₗ[R] F →ₗ[R] G, i.e. E →ₛₗ[σ] F →ₛₗ[ρ] G, with [module R₁ E], [module R₂ F] and [module R₃ G], and σ : R₁ →+* R₃, ρ : R₂ →+* R₃. As far as I can tell, this should cover pretty much all cases of interest, so I was wondering if we should just use that systematically and deprecate bilin_form and sesq_form.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:08):

Interesting ... yes, it does seem to cover all cases of interest. It makes the parallel with multilinear maps Π(i : ι), M₁ i → M₂ less direct, though. (Note that eventually we want semimultilinear maps, too, or at least I do! How do we do those?)

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:09):

Heather Macbeth said:

Interesting ... yes, it does seem to cover all cases of interest. It makes the parallel with multilinear maps Π(i : ι), M₁ i → M₂ less direct, though. (Note that eventually we want semimultilinear maps, too, or at least I do! How do we do those?)

We could semilinearize multilinear maps by replacing R with an indexed family of ring homs that all go to the same output ring.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:10):

But that doesn't work if (say) the output ring is sometimes R, sometimes Rᵒᵖ

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:10):

(For me, it would be a commutative ring, where this doesn't matter.)

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:11):

Maybe we need an indexed family of ring homs, all of whose output rings have actions on M₂

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:12):

with some compatibility condition like docs#smul_comm_class on these actions

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:12):

What do you mean "sometimes"? The output space has to be a module over some ring -- which one is it?

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:13):

Ah I see. Yes that could work.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:14):

Frédéric Dupuis said:

What do you mean "sometimes"? The output space has to be a module over some ring -- which one is it?

Look at the current docs#sesq_form, which is a map M → M → R, where the R is considered as being both an R-module and an Rᵒᵖ-module, so that a sesquilinear form is R-linear in the first argument and (I : R ≃+* Rᵒᵖ)-sesquilinear in the second argument.

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:22):

Ah I see. Yeah we would need some sort of compatibility condition on the actions on the output space.

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:24):

Maybe even just having two unrelated module instances would suffice.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:26):

Yes ... with the assumption of compatibility added in where actually required.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:26):

Here's something that seems as general as I can make it, and which would admit an exact parallel for docs#multilinear_map:

import algebra.module.basic

variables (R₁ R₂ S₁ S₂ M₁ M₂ N : Type*)
variables [semiring R₁] [semiring R₂] [semiring S₁] [semiring S₂]
variables [add_comm_monoid M₁] [module R₁ M₁]
variables [add_comm_monoid M₂] [module R₂ M₂]
variables [add_comm_monoid N] [module S₁ N] [module S₂ N]
variables (σ₁ : R₁ →+* S₁) (σ₂ : R₂ →+* S₂)

structure bilinear_map :=
(bilin : M₁  M₂  N)
(bilin_add_left :  (x y : M₁) (z : M₂), bilin (x + y) z = bilin x z + bilin y z)
(bilin_smul_left :  (a : R₁) (x : M₁) (y : M₂), bilin (a  x) y = σ₁ a  (bilin x y))
(bilin_add_right :  (x : M₁) (y z : M₂), bilin x (y + z) = bilin x y + bilin x z)
(bilin_smul_right :  (a : R₂) (x : M₁) (y : M₂), bilin x (a  y) = σ₂ a  (bilin x y))

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 16:27):

(with [smul_comm_class S₁ S₂ N] added presumably for certain theorems)

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:34):

Do we actually need a structure for this? I was hoping to be able to get away with just E →ₛₗ[σ] F →ₛₗ[ρ] G, and I guess now with σ : R₁ →+* R₃ and ρ : R₂ →+* S₃, where R₃ and S₃ both have actions on G.

Moritz (Nov 18 2021 at 16:35):

Frédéric Dupuis said:

Moritz said:

I've looked at the linear algebra part of it and I feel like even that is in need of a quite significant cleanup: I think it is possible to unify bilinear_map, bilin_form and sesq_form into a single semibilin_map which has the former three as special cases. The definition could be essentially what is the definition of bilin_form but way more general (yesterday I generalized it to a bilinear map, but not with the ring homomorphism yet). the way that bilin_form is written makes it easy to extend it to a bounded bilinear form, I don't see how to do the same thing with the current definition of the bilinear map.

Is there any reason to use these over things like E →ₗ[R] F →ₗ[R] G?

The way this is done in bilinear_map is not really satisfying in my opinion since it treats the first and second variable differently and there is still the need for boilerplate code in that module. Another question is whether we need even more boilerplate once we want to bundle E →ₗ[R] F →ₗ[R] G with other properties such as is_bounded.

Moritz (Nov 18 2021 at 16:38):

Heather Macbeth said:

Here's something that seems as general as I can make it, and which would admit an exact parallel for docs#multilinear_map:

import algebra.module.basic

variables (R₁ R₂ S₁ S₂ M₁ M₂ N : Type*)
variables [semiring R₁] [semiring R₂] [semiring S₁] [semiring S₂]
variables [add_comm_monoid M₁] [module R₁ M₁]
variables [add_comm_monoid M₂] [module R₂ M₂]
variables [add_comm_monoid N] [module S₁ N] [module S₂ N]
variables (σ₁ : R₁ →+* S₁) (σ₂ : R₂ →+* S₂)

structure bilinear_map :=
(bilin : M₁  M₂  N)
(bilin_add_left :  (x y : M₁) (z : M₂), bilin (x + y) z = bilin x z + bilin y z)
(bilin_smul_left :  (a : R₁) (x : M₁) (y : M₂), bilin (a  x) y = σ₁ a  (bilin x y))
(bilin_add_right :  (x : M₁) (y z : M₂), bilin x (y + z) = bilin x y + bilin x z)
(bilin_smul_right :  (a : R₂) (x : M₁) (y : M₂), bilin x (a  y) = σ₂ a  (bilin x y))

This looks almost exactly what I came up with modulo the σ₁ and σ₂. Almost everything from bilin_form translates without any major changes to that definition.

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 16:41):

Moritz said:

The way this is done in bilinear_map is not really satisfying in my opinion since it treats the first and second variable differently and there is still the need for boilerplate code in that module. Another question is whether we need even more boilerplate once we want to bundle E →ₗ[R] F →ₗ[R] G with other properties such as is_bounded.

You can always add lemmas to "get rid" of the asymmetry, which still seems like less work that building a full API from scratch as you have to do with a structure.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 17:08):

@Frédéric Dupuis Just for clarity let me translate your proposal into the same notation as the low-level one I wrote, I think you're suggesting

import algebra.module.linear_map

variables (R₁ R₂ S₁ S₂ M₁ M₂ N : Type*)
variables [semiring R₁] [semiring R₂] [semiring S₁] [semiring S₂]
variables [add_comm_monoid M₁] [module R₁ M₁]
variables [add_comm_monoid M₂] [module R₂ M₂]
variables [add_comm_monoid N] [module S₁ N] [module S₂ N]
variables (σ₁ : R₁ →+* S₁) (σ₂ : R₂ →+* S₂)

#check M₁ →ₛₗ[σ₁] M₂ →ₛₗ[σ₂] N

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 17:10):

When run this I hit the error

failed to synthesize type class instance for
⊢ module S₁ (M₂ →ₛₗ[σ₂] N)

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 17:11):

but I guess that's from not having assumed [smul_comm_class S₁ S₂ N] and also from docs#linear_map.module not having been semilinearized yet

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 18 2021 at 17:11):

Yes, currently there is no module instance on E →ₛₗ[σ] F unless σ is the identity. We need to add one given an instance of [module S F].

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 17:15):

Frédéric Dupuis said:

Yes, currently there is no module instance on E →ₛₗ[σ] F unless σ is the identity. We need to add one given an instance of [module S F].

This should be added, certainly. (Is it part of your current PR?)

Regarding the point you and Moritz were discussing, I don't think I have any intuition for whether it would be better to use M₁ →ₛₗ[σ₁] M₂ →ₛₗ[σ₂] N for bilinear maps or to keep a separate definition generalizing the current docs#bilin_form ... would be curious to hear more people's opinions.

Eric Wieser (Nov 18 2021 at 19:58):

Whatever we do I think we want bilin_form to exist as a type, so that we have a place for dot notation for things like docs#bilin_form.nondegerate

Eric Wieser (Nov 18 2021 at 19:58):

Even if we just define it in terms of linear maps

Heather Macbeth (Nov 18 2021 at 21:41):

@Moritz By the way, inspired by Frédéric's idea, I guess E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G over normed spaces is exactly equivalent to is_bounded_bilinear_map. (The →L[𝕜] means docs#continuous_linear_map, and the equivalence between continuity and boundedness is in docs#linear_map.mk_continuous). So if you just want some effective definition to go on with, that would work ...

Moritz (Nov 18 2021 at 22:35):

@Eric Wieser that only seems to work if we define a structure. I tried it with a def bilin_form R M := bilin_map R R M M R, where bilin_map is defined as was written by @Heather Macbeth and I had to use the namespace bilin_map.

Moritz (Nov 18 2021 at 22:37):

Nevermind, I did a stupid mistake. It does work

Moritz (Nov 18 2021 at 23:14):

As soon as Frédéric's PR is merged I can do a refactor to the bilinear_map file, that should be easy because only one other file really depends on it

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 19 2021 at 01:11):

Heather Macbeth said:

Look at the current docs#sesq_form, which is a map M → M → R, where the R is considered as being both an R-module and an Rᵒᵖ-module, so that a sesquilinear form is R-linear in the first argument and (I : R ≃+* Rᵒᵖ)-semilinear in the second argument.

BTW I have now checked this in my PR, and

example (I : R →+* Rᵒᵖ): M →ₗ[R] M →ₛₗ[I] R


Heather Macbeth (Nov 19 2021 at 02:05):

@Frédéric Dupuis did you check whether this example,

M₁ →ₛₗ[σ₁] M₂ →ₛₗ[σ₂] N


Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 19 2021 at 02:12):

It doesn't, you need that smul_comm_class instance.

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 19 2021 at 02:13):

With [smul_comm_class S₂ S₁ N] it works.

Moritz (Nov 19 2021 at 17:30):

Frédéric Dupuis said:

With [smul_comm_class S₂ S₁ N] it works.

Doesn't that mean that we can only define bilinear forms over commutative rings? because we would need smul_comm_class R R R

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 19 2021 at 18:00):

@Moritz It sounds confusing, but in the case of R and Rᵒᵖ, the smul_comm_class instance states that multiplying on the left commutes with multiplying on the right. See docs#semigroup.opposite_smul_comm_class for the relevant instance.

Eric Wieser (Nov 19 2021 at 18:19):

Which is exactly what you want for a conjugate-linear form, as you can pass docs#star_ring_equiv : R ≃+* Rᵐᵒᵖ as σ₂.

Moritz (Nov 19 2021 at 18:28):

The question was about the case of bilinear forms, so that ρ = σ = ring_hom.id R

Moritz (Nov 19 2021 at 18:29):

def semibilin_map (R : Type*) (R₂ : Type*) (S : Type*) (S₂ : Type*)
  [semiring R] [semiring R₂] [semiring S] [semiring S₂]
  (M : Type*) (N : Type*) (P : Type*)
  [add_comm_monoid M] [add_comm_monoid N] [add_comm_monoid P]
  [module R M] [module S N] [module R₂ P] [module S₂ P]
  [smul_comm_class S₂ R₂ P]
  (ρ₁₂ : R →+* R₂) (σ₁₂ : S →+* S₂)
  := M →ₛₗ[ρ₁₂] N →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] P

def bilin_map (R : Type*) [semiring R] (M : Type*) (N : Type*) (P : Type*)
  [add_comm_monoid M] [add_comm_monoid N] [add_comm_monoid P]
  [module R M] [module R N] [module R P] [smul_comm_class R R P]
  := semibilin_map R R R R M N P (ring_hom.id R) (ring_hom.id R)

def bilin_form (R : Type*) [semiring R] (M : Type*) [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
  [smul_comm_class R R R]
  := bilin_map R M M R

Moritz (Nov 19 2021 at 18:34):


Moritz (Nov 19 2021 at 18:41):


Eric Wieser (Nov 19 2021 at 18:43):

While the current docs#bilin_form only requires semiring R, it looks like the axioms pretty much force you to have R be commutative

Eric Wieser (Nov 19 2021 at 18:46):

They're enough to show that (a * b) * self.bilin x y = (b * a) * self.bilin x y for all a, b, x, y, which is only a few steps away from a * b = b * a. I guess you can happily use the 0 form in the noncommutative setting, but it's pretty useless.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 19 2021 at 19:39):

If these sesquilinear forms are being forced to be trivial, I think something is wrong. Because apparently this definition should be interesting over noncommutative rings:

Heather Macbeth (Nov 19 2021 at 19:40):

(I've never used sesquilinear forms over rings other than C\mathbb{C}, myself, but presumably some people do, and it would be a shame to rule out their use case ...)

Eric Wieser (Nov 19 2021 at 20:38):

I'm talking about the bilinear ones not the sesquilinear ones

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 13:58):

I made the definition for semibilinear maps in both the version, which is used in bilinear_map (with modification that it is now a structure, so that we can use namespaces) as well as bilinear_form:

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 14:04):

while the first version has a way more satisfying definition, it is more tedious to interact with (you have to unpack more structure), but the later might give more boilerplate code.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 14:50):

@Moritz Did you consider a variant on the second thing you listed,

def semibilin_map (R : Type*) (R₂ : Type*) (S : Type*) (S₂ : Type*)
  [semiring R] [semiring R₂] [semiring S] [semiring S₂]
  (M : Type*) (N : Type*) (P : Type*)
  [add_comm_monoid M] [add_comm_monoid N] [add_comm_monoid P]
  [module R M] [module S N] [module R₂ P] [module S₂ P]
  [smul_comm_class S₂ R₂ P]
  (ρ₁₂ : R →+* R₂) (σ₁₂ : S →+* S₂)
  := M →ₛₗ[ρ₁₂] N →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] P

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 14:52):

this has the issues that were mentioned by Eric: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/116395-maths/topic/Bounded.20bilinear.20forms/near/261981962

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 14:54):

I made a mwe why this is not good: https://gist.github.com/mcdoll/dfdaffa35e5b66c442b910384b9086fe

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 14:57):

Come to think of it (sorry if you already answered this) -- is there a reason we need the definition semibilin_map? (I agree that a definition semibilin_form for M → M → R or M → M → N would be useful but I don't yet see what lemmas would need a special namespace for M → N → P).

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:01):

Maybe the idea is to develop something parallel to

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:02):

we could unify all the calculation things for sesquilinear and bilinear maps/forms. Now there is a lot of copy&paste stuff between sesquilinear_form and bilinear_form and we could remove most of it by defining structure bilin_map extends semibilin_map R R R R M N P (ring_hom.id R) (ring_hom.id R) and then invoking B.to_semilin_map.stuff

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:03):

Moritz said:

we could unify all the calculation things for sesquilinear and bilinear maps/forms.

This part I am completely in favour with

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:04):

It would be quite parallel with the multilinear library

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:05):

At least the second version I wrote above

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:05):

But when we define the semibilinear version, I don't think we need a special name for the bilinear and sesquilinear versions -- you can just take as your input to a lemma a semibilinear form/map in which the arguments are appropriate

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:06):

And I'm also asking whether semibilin_map needs to be named, or whether semibilin_form is the first thing that needs a name.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:07):

(Basically, as you have discovered yourself in these tests, every time you give a new name to something, Lean finds more trouble in discovering that it is equal to its definition when you need that. So it's often better to minimize the number of things that get names ...)

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:08):

If we want that bounded_bilinear_map is an extension, then we have to use semibilin_map

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:10):

is there a possibility to do type-aliases in lean? so that we could write bilinear_form R M and it gets internally resolved to semibilin_map R R R R M M R (ring_hom.id R) (ring_hom.id R)

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:11):

I agree with the too many definitions/namespaces argument

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:12):

Moritz said:

If we want that bounded_bilinear_map is an extension, then we have to use semibilin_map

I think you can do

import analysis.normed_space.basic

variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜]
variables {E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E]
variables {F : Type*} [normed_group F] [normed_space 𝕜 F]
variables {G : Type*} [normed_group G] [normed_space 𝕜 G]

structure bounded_bilinear_map extends E →ₗ[𝕜] F →ₗ[𝕜] G :=
(bounded :  (C : ) (H : C > 0),  (x : E) (y : F), to_fun x y  (C * x) * y)

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:13):

(not sure if this is the best way, just an argument that we don't need the definition semibilin_map)

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:14):

And another way is of course to just use E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G (see here)

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:17):

Moritz said:

is there a possibility to do type-aliases in lean? so that we could write bilinear_form R M and it gets internally resolved to semibilin_map R R R R M M R (ring_hom.id R) (ring_hom.id R)

Unfortunately not; you can define type-aliases but they don't unfold everywhere so to speak, so are not completely silent.

A very common workaround in mathlib is notation, which is completely silent. So for the case of linear/conjugate-linear/semilinear maps we have separate notations for the concepts, even though the first two are special cases of the last.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:18):

notation M ` →ₛₗ[`:25 σ:25 `] `:0 M₂:0 := linear_map σ M M₂
notation M ` →ₗ[`:25 R:25 `] `:0 M₂:0 := linear_map (ring_hom.id R) M M₂
notation M ` →ₗ⋆[`:25 R:25 `] `:0 M₂:0 := linear_map (@star_ring_aut R _ _ : R →+* R) M M₂

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:20):

This provides for

f : M →ₛₗ[σ] M₂
f : M →ₗ[R] M₂
f : M →ₗ⋆[R] M₂

semilinear, linear, conjugate-linear in that order.

We might like to introduce some notation for bilinear and sesquilinear forms; then they could be silent special cases of semibilinear forms.

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 20 2021 at 15:22):

If the only reason we want those types to exist is to enable dot notation, what's wrong with putting the lemmas we want in the linear_map and continuous_linear_map namespaces, as is done in bilinear_map.lean?

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:25):

Heather Macbeth said:

Moritz said:

If we want that bounded_bilinear_map is an extension, then we have to use semibilin_map

I think you can do

import analysis.normed_space.basic

variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜]
variables {E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E]
variables {F : Type*} [normed_group F] [normed_space 𝕜 F]
variables {G : Type*} [normed_group G] [normed_space 𝕜 G]

structure bounded_bilinear_map extends E →ₗ[𝕜] F →ₗ[𝕜] G :=
(bounded :  (C : ) (H : C > 0),  (x : E) (y : F), to_fun x y  (C * x) * y)

I did not know that that could work.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:30):

Neither did I, till I tried it just now! :)

Yaël Dillies (Nov 20 2021 at 15:33):

Sorry what! We can extend compound type? :open_mouth:

Moritz (Nov 20 2021 at 15:38):

Frédéric Dupuis said:

If the only reason we want those types to exist is to enable dot notation, what's wrong with putting the lemmas we want in the linear_map and continuous_linear_map namespaces, as is done in bilinear_map.lean?

If the thing Heather posted works, I don't see any problems with that.

Heather Macbeth (Nov 20 2021 at 15:43):

Do try the E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G way, too!

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 20 2021 at 16:02):

Yeah, I don't see why we want a structure for this -- what advantages would it have over just using E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G?

Frédéric Dupuis (Nov 20 2021 at 16:05):

We can just use linear_map.mk_continuous₂ to have a constructor similar to that structure, without having to start duplicating the API.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC