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Stream: maths
Topic: Challenge with homology
Adam Topaz (Jul 16 2021 at 17:38):
Here's a bit of a challenge, in case anyone is bored. Fill in the sorry!
import category_theory.abelian.opposite
import category_theory.abelian.exact
noncomputable theory
open category_theory
variables {C : Type*} [category C] [abelian C]
{X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z)
lemma w_op (w : f ≫ g = 0) : (g.op ≫ f.op = 0) := by { simp [← op_comp, w] }
def ugh (w : f ≫ g = 0) : (homology g.op f.op (w_op f g w)).unop ≅ homology f g w := sorry
Johan Commelin (Jul 16 2021 at 17:41):
cc @Markus Himmel @Scott Morrison :crazy:
Adam Topaz (Jul 16 2021 at 17:43):
And @Bhavik Mehta
Markus Himmel (Jul 16 2021 at 17:50):
I guess this is similar in spirit to https://github.com/TwoFX/lean-homological-algebra/blob/lean-3.8.0/src/dual_cohomology_construction.lean, except of course that my code has bitrotted and uses thre wrong definitions
Adam Topaz (Jul 16 2021 at 17:56):
Yes, that's exactly the point. When you undualize the homology of the dual, you get the second construction from that file using coker_to_coim
Adam Topaz (Jul 16 2021 at 18:06):
on a somewhat related note, maybe we should introduce a Prop
valued class for f ≫ g = 0
and ask that exact f g
extend that, while also replacing the explicit assumption for homology
with such an instance?
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 16 2021 at 20:12):
Can you explain the mathematical issue for those of us too lazy to try and prove this on a Friday night?
Adam Topaz (Jul 16 2021 at 21:17):
@Kevin Buzzard Here's a summary of the issue. Suppose and $g : B \to C$$ are morphisms in an abelian caategory whose composition is , and let w
denote a proof of this fact. This means that we have a canonically induced morphism , and homology f g w
is defined to be the cokernel of this morphism , as usual.
Now, the opposite category is again abelian, and we have w' := w_op w
asserting that the composition of g.op
and f.op
is 0
. So we can compute homology g.op f.op w'
, and go back to the original category using opposite.unop
. The goal is to prove that (homology g.op f.op w').unop
is isomorphic to homology f g w
But kernels in the opposite category correspond to cokernels in the original category (and vice versa), so (homology g.op f.op w').unop
is really the kernel of something (this is where the map coker_to_coim
comes in), while homology f g w
is the cokernel of something. The challenge is in relating these two objects, which a priori satisfy different universal properties (in the sense that one is a kernel and one is a cokernel).
Adam Topaz (Jul 16 2021 at 21:24):
Thinking more about this is making me wonder why we didn't define homology
of and as the cokernel of kernel.lift ... : A \to (kernel g)
. I feel like this whole suubobject approach is just making things more difficult in this case.
Scott Morrison (Jul 17 2021 at 00:40):
Hopefully an iso to the cokernel of the lift to the kernel is available already?
Adam Topaz (Jul 17 2021 at 00:41):
Scott Morrison said:
Hopefully an iso to the cokernel of the lift to the kernel is available already?
Is it? I didn't see such an iso, but it's very possible I missed it
Adam Topaz (Jul 17 2021 at 00:52):
import category_theory.abelian.opposite
import category_theory.abelian.exact
noncomputable theory
open category_theory
open category_theory.limits
variables {C : Type*} [category C] [abelian C]
{X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z)
def homology_iso_cokernel_lift (w : f ≫ g = 0) :
homology _ _ w ≅ cokernel (kernel.lift _ _ w) :=
{ hom := cokernel.desc _ ((kernel_subobject_iso _).hom ≫ cokernel.π _) sorry,
inv := cokernel.desc _ ((kernel_subobject_iso _).inv ≫ homology.π _ _ _) sorry,
hom_inv_id' := sorry,
inv_hom_id' := sorry }
At least the data is easy to define, but 30 seconds of playing around got me nowhere in the proofs, which is a bit annoying...
Scott Morrison (Jul 17 2021 at 11:54):
I agree this is a problem. The following solves it, but needs some cleaning up and mathlib-ifying:
import category_theory.abelian.opposite
import category_theory.abelian.exact
noncomputable theory
open category_theory
open category_theory.limits
variables {C : Type*} [category C] [abelian C]
{X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z)
def image_to_kernel' (w : f ≫ g = 0) : image f ⟶ kernel g :=
kernel.lift g (image.ι f) (by { ext, simpa using w, })
def foo (w : f ≫ g = 0) : homology f g w ≅ cokernel (image_to_kernel' f g w) :=
{ hom := cokernel.map _ _ (image_subobject_iso f).hom (kernel_subobject_iso g).hom
(by { ext, simp [image_to_kernel'], }),
inv := cokernel.map _ _ (image_subobject_iso f).inv (kernel_subobject_iso g).inv
(by { ext, simp [image_to_kernel'], }),
hom_inv_id' := begin apply coequalizer.hom_ext, simp, exact (category.comp_id _).symm, end, -- yuck?
inv_hom_id' := begin apply coequalizer.hom_ext, simp, end, }
def bar (w : f ≫ g = 0) : cokernel (image_to_kernel' f g w) ≅ cokernel (kernel.lift g f w) :=
have p : factor_thru_image f ≫ image_to_kernel' f g w = kernel.lift g f w,
{ ext, simp [image_to_kernel'], },
exact (cokernel_epi_comp _ _).symm ≪≫ cokernel_iso_of_eq p,
Scott Morrison (Jul 18 2021 at 06:45):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC