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Stream: maths

Topic: Characteristics of fraction_ring

Jon Eugster (May 20 2021 at 10:46):

Sorry hit the wrong button.

I have troubles expression certain coes as towers of multiple coe
. For characteristics zero, the definition says that the coe:\N \to R is injective. Moreover for an R-algebra K one has a "coe" (algebra map) R \to K so I think the coe: \N \to K should factor through R, but how would I express that?

import algebra.char_zero
import algebra.char_p.basic
import ring_theory.localization     -- for `fraction_ring`

variables (R: Type*) [integral_domain R]
local notation `K` := fraction_ring R

lemma algebra_map_fraction_ring_injective: function.injective (algebra_map R K) :=
  (fraction_map.injective (fraction_ring.of R))

instance [h: char_zero R]: char_zero K :=
  cast_injective :=
    have q := function.injective.comp (algebra_map_fraction_ring_injective R) (h.cast_injective),
    -- The "cast" `coe:ℕ → K` should be factored as two casts `ℕ → R → K`, but I don't know how to state that...

Anne Baanen (May 20 2021 at 10:50):

simp knows there is only one ring hom from to K:

import algebra.char_zero
import algebra.char_p.basic
import ring_theory.localization     -- for `fraction_ring`

variables (R: Type*) [integral_domain R]
local notation `K` := fraction_ring R

lemma algebra_map_fraction_ring_injective: function.injective (algebra_map R K) :=
(fraction_map.injective (fraction_ring.of R))

instance [h: char_zero R]: char_zero K :=
{ cast_injective :=
    convert function.injective.comp (algebra_map_fraction_ring_injective R) (h.cast_injective),
  end }

Anne Baanen (May 20 2021 at 10:50):

The relevant lemma is docs#ring_hom.map_nat_cast

Jon Eugster (May 20 2021 at 10:52):

Oh I haven't seen convertbefore, thank you!

Anne Baanen (May 20 2021 at 10:53):

The other way would be to replace coe with algebra_map ℕ K resp. algebra_map ℕ R using docs#ring_hom.eq_nat_cast, with ring_hom.comp using docs#ring_hom.coe_comp and finishing with docs#is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_eq.

Anne Baanen (May 20 2021 at 11:00):

Jon Eugster said:

Oh I haven't seen convertbefore, thank you!

convert and congr are very useful for pointing out exactly where your "obviously the same" and Lean's "obviously the same" disagree :grinning:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC