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Stream: maths

Topic: Classes in Model Theory

Aaron Anderson (Feb 12 2022 at 04:43):

I've made several recent PRs adding more model theory to the library, and one of my goals is to prove the existence and uniqueness of Fraisse limits. I have some work to that effect at branch#fraisse_limit.

Aaron Anderson (Feb 12 2022 at 04:44):

However, I'm not sure what the best formalism is for a Fraisse class.

Aaron Anderson (Feb 12 2022 at 04:46):

In that branch, so far, I've really used a notion of a Fraisse family, that is, {ι : Type*} (K : ι → Type*) [Π i, L.Structure (K i)].

Aaron Anderson (Feb 12 2022 at 04:49):

Is this better than considering a Fraisse class as a predicate on structures which is invariant under isomorphisms? The latter seems a little harder to work with, but more honest to my mathematical intuition, and seems more amenable to discussing whether a class of structures is axiomatizable.

Aaron Anderson (Feb 12 2022 at 04:50):

People who might have opinions: @Patrick Lutz @Floris van Doorn

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 12 2022 at 09:31):

@Joseph Hua did you see this?

Floris van Doorn (Feb 16 2022 at 11:23):

I'm not too familiar with the mathematics here, but if the main usage is to construct a new model M out of a collection of existing models K i, then it makes sense to define it as a family of structures as you wrote in your messages.

Aaron Anderson (Feb 16 2022 at 22:15):

As I've been playing with this, I've realized that even if one starts with a family of structures, one in practice has to reduce everything to the case of a family indexed by nat. Thus I think it using a family doesn't give me the practical advantage I thought, so I may switch to a property.

Aaron Anderson (Feb 19 2022 at 04:22):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC