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Stream: maths

Topic: Coalgebras/bialgebras/Hopf algebras

Amelia Livingston (Feb 28 2023 at 15:49):

Does anyone have any thoughts on how these objects should be set up? I've tried several configurations for coalgebras and bialgebras and there's always something a little ugly. I've settled on making them classes and I'm keen to get bialgebra to extend coalgebra, for no reason other than personal taste. I'm just messing around with this stuff; I want to mention them in a talk on Thursday.

Johan Commelin (Feb 28 2023 at 15:50):

I can imagine it quickly gets ugly. On paper we very quickly suggest to a very suggestive notation.

Johan Commelin (Feb 28 2023 at 15:53):


Johan Commelin (Feb 28 2023 at 15:53):

But this seems very hard to mimic in Lean.

Kalle Kytölä (Feb 28 2023 at 16:09):

Sweedler's notation is indeed very useful, and looks scary for formalization.

But is that absolutely horrible to mimick in Lean? Sweedler's notation of course amounts to choosing non-canonical expressions for the coproducts of all elements (indexed collections of a(1)a_{(1)}'s and a(2)a_{(2)}'s for every aa), but maybe even choice can do that. Lemmas are true for the appropriate sums of such non-canonical choices, so that doesn't look too bad as such. And one certainly wants separate non-canonical representations for iterated coproducts, but still one can set up lemmas to translate between these. (In the worst case one will then have to juggle such coassociativity lemmas just like one would do with associativity lemmas without ring, which would indeed be bad. Do we need a coring tactic?)

I of course haven't tried, but I'm optimistically hoping that it looks even scarier than it ends up being. :big_smile:

Johan Commelin (Feb 28 2023 at 16:24):

Maybe you can get quite far with appropriate induction lemmas? But it would need some engineering to get a usable system, I guess.

Kalle Kytölä (Feb 28 2023 at 16:46):

I also expect that a lot of engineering would be needed.

Probably one anyway wants to avoid working with elements as much as possible (and therefore avoid Sweedler notation as much as possible). (Sure, at times Sweedler's notation might really be the easiest way, but other times it is just used out of habit.) So in parallel to engineering Sweedler's notation, maybe this area would also benefit from engineering for good ways to compose multilinear maps in flexibly specified (diagrammatic?) ways?

Junyan Xu (Mar 01 2023 at 04:27):

@Vasily Ilin tried to construct the Hopf algebra structure on K[X] last April-May, but seemed to give up (due to timeouts/slowness?) and apparently then switched to defining affine group schemes using representable functors. Not sure what lessons came out of it ... here are some relevant threads:



Vasily Ilin (Mar 01 2023 at 04:35):

Here is the repo with our attempt!

Junyan Xu (Mar 01 2023 at 04:42):

Oh nice! You did finish checking K[X]'s Hopf algebra structure without sorries.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 01 2023 at 08:46):

@Amelia Livingston what did you not like about that approach? Like sheaves of modules I can quite believe that each approach has advantages and disadvantages.

Amelia Livingston (Mar 01 2023 at 08:56):

I had just seen Scott Morrison's comment that coalgebras and bialgebras should be defined first so was having a go at that. But I hadn't read all of these threads so thank you! And I've been using the functor definition too - wanted to compare them and show they're equivalent

I've had a little go at using Sweedler notation because I think it might improve organisation in my coalgebra/bialgebra stuff, but I haven't finished setting it up.

Amelia Livingston (Mar 01 2023 at 09:02):

FWIW Vasily if you do want to PR your work, I'm not looking to PR mine - just wanted to roll my own (for a talk I'm now too ill to give) and so I know what's going on, and then use it for more specific things, which I maybe would PR.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 01 2023 at 09:11):

I would like to see group schemes in mathlib because they're a huge source of very nice results and you don't need any of the theory of varieties to set them up

Amelia Livingston (Mar 01 2023 at 09:17):

I think Joël Riou has some cool work on internal objects in categories here I was hoping might get PR'ed someday, as explained here

Pedro Sánchez Terraf (Mar 01 2023 at 11:24):

Amelia Livingston said:

I had just seen Scott Morrison's comment that coalgebras and bialgebras should be defined first so was having a go at that.

One (most probably superfluous) remark: There's a bunch of "general coalgebra" stuff (as in "general/universal algebra") in CS, so I understand the classical coalgebra will be under some appropriate namespace.

Eric Wieser (Mar 01 2023 at 11:30):

I doubt that will be the case; coalgebra would probably end up in the root namespace like algebra is.

Eric Wieser (Dec 07 2023 at 13:45):

Thanks to @Ali Ramsey, we now have docs#Coalgebra !

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 07 2023 at 14:26):

So bialgebras next and then Hopf algebras?

Yaël Dillies (Dec 07 2023 at 14:27):

Is it really called "conunitality" in the literature?

Johan Commelin (Dec 07 2023 at 14:37):

That must be a typo

Kyle Miller (Dec 07 2023 at 15:55):

fixed the typo: #8874

Eric Wieser (Dec 07 2023 at 16:12):

It looks like you based it on the version that the docs were built from and not master, and picked up a merge conflict as a result.

Kyle Miller (Dec 07 2023 at 16:14):

Oops. I tried doing this quickly by using the github interface rather than pulling mathlib locally...

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC