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Topic: Defining cyclotomic polynomials

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Mar 01 2022 at 18:21):

This is a follow up to
where @Riccardo Brasca observes that the definition of cyclotomic polynomials in mathlib involves complex numbers and the exponential, and asks about a more algebraic definition.

I see two other options

  • using, as an intermediate object, a field of char 0 with all nth roots of unity, such as a splitting extension of $T^n-1$.
  • building an inductive definition via the relation $\prod_{d|n}\Phi_d=T^n-1$, possibly using Möbius inversion formula.
    But in this second option, the Möbius inversion formula gives a rational function, and you have to prove it is a polynomial. It is not so hard, but not so easy to see that the product for $d|n$ and $d<n$ of all $\Phi_d$ divides $T^n-1$, if one observes that they are pairwise coprime in $\mathbf Q[T]$.

Riccardo Brasca (Mar 01 2022 at 19:11):

Once one has a field with a primitive n-th root of unity for all n, changing the definition should be very easy.

Riccardo Brasca (Mar 01 2022 at 19:12):

An interesting experiment would be to see what happens if one use different fields for various n (for example the splitting field of X ^ n - 1).

Joël Riou (Mar 05 2022 at 06:35):

Isn't it possible to combine both options @Antoine Chambert-Loir ?

  • First, construct each individual Phi_n in a any field with a given primitive nth root of unity
  • Show that in the case of the complex numbers, these polynomials are in Z[X] and satisfy the expected divisibility properties (i.e. product formula).
  • Define by induction the sequence Phi_n for any commutative ring A, with Phi_n defined as the quotient of X^n-1 by the monic polynomial given by the product of the Phi_d for d strictly dividing n.
  • Finally, show that the two constructions coincide (using that if a field has a given primitive nth root, it also has dth roots for d dividing n).
    (I do not think this would require Möbius inversion formula or rational functions, even though I have often taught this subject using your second option...)

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 05 2022 at 07:46):

Here's a start on the second option. Note that polynomial division f /ₘ g is monic polynomial division and it rounds (it's another polynomial) so we never need to consider rational functions.

import tactic
import data.polynomial.div -- I divide polynomials by monic polynomials
import algebra.big_operators.finprod -- I use set.finite products

-- Get access to R[X] notation and ∏ᶠ notation
open_locale polynomial big_operators

open polynomial

-- Definition of Euler Phi directly over ℤ
noncomputable def euler_phi :   [X]
| 0 := X^37
| 1 := X - 1
| (n + 2) := (X^(n+2)-1) /ₘ ∏ᶠ d : {d :  // d < n + 2  d  n + 2},
  -- make d < n + 2 an assumption and then the equation compiler
  -- will let us exit with euler_phi d
  rcases d with d, hd, -⟩,
  exact (euler_phi d),

lemma euler_phi_zero : euler_phi 0 = X^37 :=by simp [euler_phi]

lemma euler_phi_one : euler_phi 1 = X - 1 := by simp [euler_phi]

lemma euler_phi_ge_two (n : ) : euler_phi (n + 2) =
(X^(n+2)-1) /ₘ ∏ᶠ d : {d :  // d < n + 2  d  n + 2}, euler_phi d :=
  rw euler_phi,
  ext d, hdn, hddiv⟩,

lemma euler_phi_def (m : ) (hm : 2  m) :
euler_phi m = (X^m-1) /ₘ ∏ᶠ d : {d :  // d < m  d  m}, euler_phi d :=
  rcases m with h0|h1|m,
  { cases hm },
  { rcases hm with _ | _, ⟨⟩⟩, },
  { exact euler_phi_ge_two m },

Riccardo Brasca (Mar 05 2022 at 11:41):

In any case the file ring_theory.cyclotomic.basic is now pretty big (more than 1000 lines). It makes sense to split it, I think it should only contains results whose proof really depends on the definition. At the end we can even make the definition irreducible if we want.

Riccardo Brasca (Mar 05 2022 at 11:43):

I have the impression that what we want is a polynomial cyclotomic n ℤ such that if we base change it to a ring (field? domain? whatever) that has a primitive root of unity, than its roots are exactly the primitive roots of unity. All the rest should follow by this, ignoring the actual definition.

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Mar 05 2022 at 14:26):

Joël Riou said:

Isn't it possible to combine both options Antoine Chambert-Loir ?

  • First, construct each individual Phi_n in a any field with a given primitive nth root of unity
  • Show that in the case of the complex numbers, these polynomials are in Z[X] and satisfy the expected divisibility properties (i.e. product formula).
  • Define by induction the sequence Phi_n for any commutative ring A, with Phi_n defined as the quotient of X^n-1 by the monic polynomial given by the product of the Phi_d for d strictly dividing n.
  • Finally, show that the two constructions coincide (using that if a field has a given primitive nth root, it also has dth roots for d dividing n).
    (I do not think this would require Möbius inversion formula or rational functions, even though I have often taught this subject using your second option...)

Certainly it should be.
About step 3, do you define Phi_n as the quotient, even before you proved the rest is 0?
About step 4, I also believe that the uniqueness of the construction should be stated carefully, for example: if P_n and Q_n satisfy \prod_{d|n} P_d = \prod_{d|n} Q_d for all n | N, then P_n = Q_n for all n | N.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 05 2022 at 15:42):

Yes that's right, I defined Phi_n the quotient of two polynomials without worrying about the remainder. It's mathematically correct but to a mathematician looks a bit strange. You then have to prove what you're dividing by does divide what you're dividing so you can use the lemma saying a=b/c iff a*c=b which is of course not true in general

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC