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Stream: maths

Topic: Dyadic numbers

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 14:52):

I'm working on constructing dyadic surreals by first constructing dyadic rationals and then constructing a map from dyadic rationals to pre-games.
Below is the code I have so far. Just wanted to do a sanity check before I start proving theorems about them.
In particular, I couldn't find many examples of bundled objects in the library so I'm not entirely about the format.

import data.rat.basic
import data.nat.prime
import ring_theory.subring
import tactic.linarith

namespace rat

def is_dyadic (q : ) : Prop :=  (m : ) (n : ), q.num = m  q.denom = 2^n

lemma denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) * rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  set x := rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) with hx,
  set y := rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂) with hy,
  have : (x * y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂), by
  { calc (x * y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : mul_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  x.denom * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_left (denom_ne_zero x), hy],
                           have := denom_dvd m₂ (2^n₂),
                           norm_cast at this,
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           have := nat.one_le_two_pow n₂,
                           have htwo : 2 ^ n₂  0, by linarith,
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_right htwo, hx],
                           have := denom_dvd m₁ (2 ^ n₁),
                           norm_cast at this,
                           exact this,
                  ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂) : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, _, hk  := (@nat.dvd_prime_pow _ nat.prime_two (n₁ + n₂) (x * y).denom).1 this,
  use [k, hk],

lemma denom_pow_two_add_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) + rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  set x := rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) with hx,
  set y := rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂) with hy,
  have : (x + y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂),
  { calc (x + y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : add_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  x.denom * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_left (denom_ne_zero x), hy],
                           have := denom_dvd m₂ (2^n₂),
                           norm_cast at this,
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           have := nat.one_le_two_pow n₂,
                           have htwo : 2 ^ n₂  0, by linarith,
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_right htwo, hx],
                           have := denom_dvd m₁ (2 ^ n₁),
                           norm_cast at this,
                           exact this,
                  ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂) : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, _, hk  := (@nat.dvd_prime_pow _ nat.prime_two (n₁ + n₂) (x + y).denom).1 this,
  use [k, hk],

theorem dyadic.mul_mem (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x * y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros mx, nx, hmx, hnx⟩⟩⟩ my, ny, hmy, hny⟩⟩⟩,
  have hx : x = rat.mk x.num x.denom, from rat.num_denom.symm,
  have hy : y = rat.mk y.num y.denom, from rat.num_denom.symm,
  set q := rat.mk mx (2 ^ nx) * rat.mk my (2 ^ ny) with hq,
  have hq' : q = x * y, by { rw [hq, hx, hy, hmx, hnx, hmy, hny], simp },
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two mx my nx ny,
  unfold is_dyadic,
  use [q.num, k],
  { rw hq' },
  { rw [hq', hk] }

theorem dyadic.add_mem (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x + y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros mx, nx, hmx, hnx⟩⟩⟩ my, ny, hmy, hny⟩⟩⟩,
  have hx : x = rat.mk x.num x.denom, from num_denom.symm,
  have hy : y = rat.mk y.num y.denom, from num_denom.symm,
  set q := rat.mk mx (2 ^ nx) + rat.mk my (2 ^ ny) with hq,
  have hq' : q = x + y, by { rw [hq, hx, hy, hmx, hnx, hmy, hny], simp },
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_add_denom_pow_two mx my nx ny,
  unfold is_dyadic,
  use [q.num, k],
  { rw hq' },
  { rw [hq', hk] }

theorem dyadic.neg_mem (x : ): x.is_dyadic  (-x).is_dyadic :=
  rintros m, n, hm, hn⟩⟩⟩,
  unfold is_dyadic,
  use [-m, n],
  simp [hm, hn],

def dyadic : subring  :=
{ carrier := { x :  | x.is_dyadic },
  one_mem' := by { use 1, use 0, norm_num },
  mul_mem' := dyadic.mul_mem,
  zero_mem' := by { use 0, use 0, norm_num },
  add_mem' := dyadic.add_mem,
  neg_mem' := dyadic.neg_mem }

end rat

Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks!

Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 14:53):

Definition of is_dyadic: I don't think you need m!

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 14:54):

oh lol :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: ofc

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 14:54):


Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 14:54):

                           norm_cast at this,

There's a tactic for that: assumption_mod_cast.

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 14:56):


Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 14:58):

Instead of use, use you can use a vector: one_mem' := by { use [1, 0], norm_num },. However often when you're using a vector you can get away with the pointy-bracket constructor, e.g. in your case you could do one_mem' := ⟨1, 0, by norm_num⟩,

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 15:13):

Fixed! Here's the slightly cleaner code:

import data.rat.basic
import data.nat.prime
import ring_theory.subring
import tactic.linarith

namespace rat

def is_dyadic (q : ) : Prop :=  (n : ), q.denom = 2^n

lemma denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) * rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  set x := rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) with hx,
  set y := rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂) with hy,
  have : (x * y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂), by
  { calc (x * y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : mul_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  x.denom * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_left (denom_ne_zero x), hy],
                           have := denom_dvd m₂ (2^n₂),
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           have := nat.one_le_two_pow n₂,
                           have htwo : 2 ^ n₂  0, by linarith,
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_right htwo, hx],
                           have := denom_dvd m₁ (2 ^ n₁),
                  ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂) : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, _, hk  := (@nat.dvd_prime_pow _ nat.prime_two (n₁ + n₂) (x * y).denom).1 this,
  use [k, hk],

lemma denom_pow_two_add_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) + rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  set x := rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁) with hx,
  set y := rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂) with hy,
  have : (x + y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂),
  { calc (x + y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : add_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  x.denom * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_left (denom_ne_zero x), hy],
                           have := denom_dvd m₂ (2^n₂),
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂
                       : begin
                           have := nat.one_le_two_pow n₂,
                           have htwo : 2 ^ n₂  0, by linarith,
                           rw [mul_dvd_mul_iff_right htwo, hx],
                           have := denom_dvd m₁ (2 ^ n₁),
                  ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂) : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, _, hk  := (@nat.dvd_prime_pow _ nat.prime_two (n₁ + n₂) (x + y).denom).1 this,
  use [k, hk],

theorem dyadic.mul_mem (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x * y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros nx, hnx ny, hny⟩,
  have hx : x = rat.mk x.num x.denom, from rat.num_denom.symm,
  have hy : y = rat.mk y.num y.denom, from rat.num_denom.symm,
  set q := rat.mk x.num (2 ^ nx) * rat.mk y.num (2 ^ ny) with hq,
  have hq' : q = x * y, by { rw [hx, hy, hnx, hny], assumption_mod_cast },
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two x.num y.num nx ny,
  unfold is_dyadic,
  use k,
  rw [hq', hk],

theorem dyadic.add_mem (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x + y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros nx, hnx ny, hny⟩,
  have hx : x = rat.mk x.num x.denom, from num_denom.symm,
  have hy : y = rat.mk y.num y.denom, from num_denom.symm,
  set q := rat.mk x.num (2 ^ nx) + rat.mk y.num (2 ^ ny) with hq,
  have hq' : q = x + y, by { rw [hx, hy, hnx, hny], assumption_mod_cast },
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_add_denom_pow_two x.num y.num nx ny,
  unfold is_dyadic,
  use k,
  rw [hq', hk],

theorem dyadic.neg_mem (x : ): x.is_dyadic  (-x).is_dyadic :=
  rintros n, hn⟩,
  unfold is_dyadic,
  use n,
  simp [hn],

def dyadic : subring  :=
{ carrier := { x :  | x.is_dyadic },
  one_mem' := 0, by norm_num⟩,
  mul_mem' := dyadic.mul_mem,
  zero_mem' := 0, by norm_num⟩,
  add_mem' := dyadic.add_mem,
  neg_mem' := dyadic.neg_mem }

end rat

Eric Wieser (May 25 2021 at 15:14):

Instead of dyadic.neg_mem, use is_dyadic.neg since then dot notation works

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 15:17):

I see, will do. I'm also curious about why all the variable names have ' on them like why one_mem' instead of one_mem'? :thinking:

Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 15:18):

Take a look at the difference between subring.one_mem and subring.one_mem'.

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 15:23):

Didn't realize subring.one_mem was a theorem too.
I see, so it "gets rid of the carrier" and identifies the subring s with s.carrier. Nice!

Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 15:23):

Exactly. The point is that you can't define the coercion before you define the structure, but when you define the structure you have to name the fields, so we put primes in the fields and then define the coercion later and then write the "preferred form" without the prime.

Eric Wieser (May 25 2021 at 15:53):

This also comes up with ring_hom.map_one / ring_hom.map_one'

Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 16:23):

@Apurva Nakade this slightly different approach, using mk_nat rather than mk, seems to make proofs shorter. I only did mul,but I am cautiously optimistic about add.

import data.rat.basic
import data.nat.prime
import ring_theory.subring
import tactic.linarith

namespace rat

def is_dyadic (q : ) : Prop :=  (n : ), q.denom = 2^n

theorem denom_dvd' (n : ) (d : ) : ((mk_nat n d).denom)  d := by exact_mod_cast denom_dvd n d

theorem num_denom'' {a : } : mk_nat a.num a.denom = a := num_denom

lemma denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (rat.mk_nat m₁ (2 ^ n₁) * rat.mk_nat m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  let x := rat.mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁ : ),
  let y := rat.mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂ : ),
  have : (x * y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂), by
  { calc (x * y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : mul_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  x.denom * 2 ^ n₂ : mul_dvd_mul_left _ (denom_dvd' _ _)
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂ : mul_dvd_mul_right (denom_dvd' _ _) _
                   ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂) : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, -, hk := (nat.dvd_prime_pow nat.prime_two).1 this,
  exact k, hk⟩,

theorem dyadic.mul_mem (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x * y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros nx, hnx ny, hny⟩,
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two x.num y.num nx ny,
  use k,
  rwa [ hnx,  hny, num_denom'', num_denom''] at hk,

end rat

Apurva Nakade (May 25 2021 at 17:21):

Works almost verbatim for add as well.
Thanks for these proofs. I'm always amazed at just how subtle this nat vs int issue is.

Kevin Buzzard (May 25 2021 at 17:24):

Yes. The shortened proofs came from me asking the question "what do I actually want the calc block in the proof of denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two to look like?". We both saw that it didn't look like what we wanted it to look like. You worked around the issue by making the proof messier, but I am proposing keeping the proof looking nice and hence I am being forced to change the statement (you had (2 : int)^n before, which is hard to identify with (2 : nat)^n; you worked around it but I just removed int completely).

Eric Wieser (May 25 2021 at 18:04):

You can golf that a little further with docs#mul_dvd_mul

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:08):

I'm now trying to define a map from \int [2^{-1}] to the surreals. Sadly, because we don't have a ring structure on surreals, I cannot use the universal property of localization. My plan is to instead construct a map

def dyadic : localization (powers 2) →+ surreal := sorry

by hand. I am getting a bit stuck on defining maps out of powers 2. It is defined as a subtype and hence has an existential quantifier in it that I'm finding hard to eliminate. Here's an mwe:

import set_theory.surreal
import ring_theory.localization
import tactic

namespace surreal

def powers_half :   surreal := sorry

def powers_two : submonoid  :=
{ carrier  := powers 2,
  one_mem' := powers.one_mem,
  mul_mem' := λ _ _, powers.mul_mem }

noncomputable def dyadic_mk :  × powers_two  surreal :=
λ m, a, ha⟩, m  powers_half $ classical.some ha

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
end surreal

I tried searching for examples of usage of classical.some_spec but am still not able to figure it out. I have a feeling that I'm not using classical.some properly.

Any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks,

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:10):

One suggestion is to not use destructor notation in lambdas in a def

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:11):

And use prod.fst, prod.snd, subtype.val, and subtype.prop

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:11):

Ah I see, I'll try this out. Ty,

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:12):

If you have 0, 1, and addition defined for surreal, then you can use nat.cast for powers_half, I'm pretty sure

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:13):

I think your proof should be just rfl

Yaël Dillies (Jun 04 2021 at 14:13):

Yeah, generally the wedges make defs quite opaque and hard to work with. i've learnt it to my expense!

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:14):

I'm assuming we're sending n to 2n2^{-n} here so I'm not sure 0,1,+ is good enough!

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:14):

yeah, that's correct n \mapsto 2^{-n}.

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:15):

i have the necessary definitions and lemmas for 1/2 so that part shouldn't be a problem.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:20):

The proof can't be rfl because pure logic doesn't tell you that if there exists an x such that 2^x = n then this x is unique.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:22):

I'm not entirely clear about why we're introducing def powers_two but before going any further after making that definition, if this is the way you want to proceed, you should probably make an API for it which defines exp and log which biject it with nat, and use those functions instead of classical.some .

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:23):

powers_two is just a highly inconvenient way of dealing with nat. You'd be better off working with nat directly at this point.

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:25):

I'm trying to get to def dyadic : localization (powers 2) →+ surreal := sorry

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:26):

I already have a proof that the rat.dyadic is the localization of \int away from 2.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:26):

Sure, but you have got stuck before localization (powers 2) comes into the picture.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:27):

No I take that back, I see your point. You're stuck precisely because you don't have the API.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:29):

So this is nothing to do with surreal, you just want to write down the equiv between powers_two and nat.

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:29):

Exactly, Yes!

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:29):

I'm just not able to prove anything about log : powers_two \to \nat :P

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 14:30):

And you're using classical.some to write down one direction, and 2^n to write down the other, and your question is how to prove that these maps are inverse to each other.

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:30):

Here's what I have so far

import set_theory.surreal
import ring_theory.localization
import tactic

namespace surreal

def powers_half :   surreal := sorry

def powers_two : submonoid  := submonoid.powers 2

lemma mem_powers_iff {α : Type*} [monoid α] (z x : α) :
  x  submonoid.powers z   n : , z ^ n = x := iff.rfl

noncomputable def dyadic_mk :  × powers_two  surreal :=
λ p, p.fst  powers_half (classical.some p.snd.prop)

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
  generalize_proofs h,
  simp only [powers_two, mem_powers_iff, subtype.coe_mk] at h,

end surreal

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:31):

Kevin Buzzard said:

And you're using classical.some to write down one direction, and 2^n to write down the other, and your question is how to prove that these maps are inverse to each other.


Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:32):

Yakov Pechersky said:

Here's what I have so far

import set_theory.surreal
import ring_theory.localization
import tactic

namespace surreal

def powers_half :   surreal := sorry

def powers_two : submonoid  := submonoid.powers 2

lemma mem_powers_iff {α : Type*} [monoid α] (z x : α) :
  x  submonoid.powers z   n : , z ^ n = x := iff.rfl

noncomputable def dyadic_mk :  × powers_two  surreal :=
λ p, p.fst  powers_half (classical.some p.snd.prop)

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
  generalize_proofs h,
  simp only [powers_two, mem_powers_iff, subtype.coe_mk] at h,

end surreal

I know there are functions in nat.pow that'll prove this from here,
Thanks a lot!

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:33):

I'll make a better API for log : powers 2 \to \nat once I understand this proof.

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:34):

Wait, I feel like we must use classical.some_spec somewhere

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:36):

There is no int.pow_right_injective afaict

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:40):

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
  generalize_proofs h,
  simp only [powers_two, mem_powers_iff, subtype.coe_mk] at h,
  suffices : (2 : ) ^ (classical.some h) = 2 ^ n,
  { sorry },
  { exact classical.some_spec h }

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:47):

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
  generalize_proofs h,
  simp only [powers_two, mem_powers_iff, subtype.coe_mk] at h,
  suffices : (2 : ) ^ (classical.some h) = 2 ^ n,
  { have h2 : (2 : ) = (2 : ) := rfl,
    simp_rw [h2, int.coe_nat_pow, int.coe_nat_inj'] at this,
    convert nat.pow_right_injective le_rfl this,
    ext m,
    simp_rw [h2, int.coe_nat_pow, int.coe_nat_inj'] },
  { exact classical.some_spec h }

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:48):

There's probably some neater way to do this.

Apurva Nakade (Jun 04 2021 at 14:52):

Thanks a lot! All the coe_ suggest that I should work in the world of nat as long as I can before jumping to submonoid.powers 2.
I'll create more intermediate lemmas and break this proof down into smaller ones.

Also, I would never have known to use generalize_proofs h !!

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 14:55):

This is just an example of what I think is a good rule of thumb, avoid explicit (not provided via a variable) proofs in lemma statements if you rely on the proof itself.

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 15:00):

lemma int.exists_nat_eq_of_nonneg {x : } (h : 0  x) :  (y : ), (y : ) = x :=
  cases x,
  { simp },
  { refine absurd h _,
    simp },

lemma int.pow_right_injective {x : } (h : 2  x) : function.injective (λ (n : ), x ^ n) :=
  intros n m hnm,
  obtain y, rfl :  (y : ), (y : ) = x := int.exists_nat_eq_of_nonneg ((zero_le_two).trans h),
  have : 2  y,
  { rw int.coe_nat_le,
    simpa using h },
  apply nat.pow_right_injective this,
  simpa [int.coe_nat_pow, int.coe_nat_inj'] using hnm

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
  generalize_proofs h,
  simp only [powers_two, mem_powers_iff, subtype.coe_mk] at h,
  apply int.pow_right_injective le_rfl,
  simpa using classical.some_spec h

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2021 at 15:01):

Of course, int.pow_right_injective isn't as general as it could be.

Apurva Nakade (Jun 13 2021 at 14:31):

Finally have a complete construction of a map rat.dyadic →+ surreals :D

import data.rat.basic
import data.nat.prime
import ring_theory.localization
import tactic
import set_theory.surreal

namespace surreal

-- already PRed this
def dyadic_map : localization (@submonoid.powers  _ 2) →+ surreal := sorry

end surreal

namespace rat

def is_dyadic (q : ) : Prop :=  (n : ), q.denom = 2^n

-- TODO: move this data.rat.basic
theorem denom_dvd' (n : ) (d : ) : ((mk_nat n d).denom)  d := by exact_mod_cast denom_dvd n d

-- TODO: move this data.rat.basic
theorem num_denom'' {a : } : mk_nat a.num a.denom = a := num_denom

-- TODO: move this data.rat.basic
lemma denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (mk_nat m₁ (2 ^ n₁) * mk_nat m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  let x := mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁ : ),
  let y := mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂ : ),
  have : (x * y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂), by
  { calc (x * y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : mul_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂   : mul_dvd_mul (denom_dvd' _ _) (denom_dvd' _ _)
                   ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂)     : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, -, hk := (nat.dvd_prime_pow nat.prime_two).1 this,
  exact k, hk⟩,

-- TODO: move this data.rat.basic
lemma denom_pow_two_add_denom_pow_two (m₁ m₂ : ) (n₁ n₂ : ) :
   k : , (mk_nat m₁ (2 ^ n₁) + mk_nat m₂ (2 ^ n₂)).denom = 2 ^ k :=
  let x := mk m₁ (2 ^ n₁ : ),
  let y := mk m₂ (2 ^ n₂ : ),
  have : (x + y).denom  2 ^ (n₁ + n₂), by
  { calc (x + y).denom  x.denom * y.denom : add_denom_dvd _ _
                   ...  2 ^ n₁ * 2 ^ n₂   : mul_dvd_mul (denom_dvd' _ _) (denom_dvd' _ _)
                   ... = 2 ^ (n₁ + n₂)     : (pow_add 2 n₁ n₂).symm },
  obtain k, -, hk := (nat.dvd_prime_pow nat.prime_two).1 this,
  exact k, hk⟩,

theorem dyadic.mul (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x * y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros nx, hnx ny, hny⟩,
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_mul_denom_pow_two x.num y.num nx ny,
  use k,
  rwa [ hnx,  hny, num_denom'', num_denom''] at hk,

theorem dyadic.add (x y : ) : x.is_dyadic  y.is_dyadic  (x + y).is_dyadic :=
  rintros nx, hnx ny, hny⟩,
  obtain k, hk := denom_pow_two_add_denom_pow_two x.num y.num nx ny,
  use k,
  rwa [ hnx,  hny, num_denom'', num_denom''] at hk,

theorem dyadic.neg (x : ): x.is_dyadic  (-x).is_dyadic :=
λ n, hn⟩, n, by simp[hn]⟩

def dyadic : subring  :=
{ carrier   := { x :  | x.is_dyadic },
  one_mem'  := 0, by norm_num⟩,
  mul_mem'  := dyadic.mul,
  zero_mem' := 0, by norm_num⟩,
  add_mem'  := dyadic.add,
  neg_mem'  := dyadic.neg }

lemma dyadic.coe_eq_iff (a b : dyadic) : a = b  a.val = b.val :=
by { simp only [set_like.coe_eq_coe, subtype.val_eq_coe] }

def int.localization_away_two_dyadic : localization_map.away_map 2 dyadic :=
{ to_fun         := λ n : , (n : dyadic),
  map_one'       := by norm_num,
  map_mul'       := by norm_num,
  map_zero'      := rfl,
  map_add'       := by norm_num,
  map_units'     := begin
                      rintro _, a, ha⟩,
                      rw is_unit_iff_exists_inv,
                      let b := mk' 1 (2^a) (pow_pos zero_lt_two a) (nat.coprime_one_left (2^a)),
                      use [b, a],
                      simp only [dyadic.coe_eq_iff, subring.coe_mul, subring.coe_one,
                                subring.coe_int_cast, subtype.coe_mk, subtype.val_eq_coe],
                      have : b = ((2 ^ a) : )⁻¹,
                        by { rw [eq_inv_iff, inv_def'],
                             simp only [nat.cast_bit0, int.cast_one, nat.cast_one,
                                        div_one, nat.cast_pow] },
                      rw [this,  ha],
                      simp only [int.cast_pow, int.cast_bit0, int.cast_one],
                      refine rat.mul_inv_cancel _ _,
                      apply ne_of_gt,
                      simp only [zero_lt_bit0, pow_pos, zero_lt_one],
  surj'          := begin
                      rintro a, b, h⟩,
                      use [a.num, 2 ^ b, b],
                      simp [dyadic.coe_eq_iff],
                      rw [ h, mul_denom_eq_num],
  eq_iff_exists' := begin
                      intros x y,
                      { intro hxy,
                        use 1,
                        simpa only [mul_one, submonoid.coe_one] },
                      { rintro ⟨⟨c, _, hc⟩, hxy⟩,
                        have : (c:)  0,
                          by { apply ne_of_gt, rw  hc, apply pow_pos, dec_trivial },
                        exact mul_right_cancel' this hxy },
                    end }

noncomputable def dyadic_to_surreal : dyadic →+ surreal :=
add_monoid_hom.comp surreal.dyadic_map
  (localization.ring_equiv_of_quotient int.localization_away_two_dyadic).symm

end rat

Eric Wieser (Jun 13 2021 at 14:46):

A quick comment: dyadic.mul should be called is_dyadic.mul etc, for dot notation

Eric Wieser (Jun 13 2021 at 14:47):

And dyadic.coe_eq_coe is just docs#subtype.ext_iff_val

Apurva Nakade (Jun 13 2021 at 14:48):

I see, thanks. Will fix it!

Apurva Nakade (Jun 13 2021 at 14:50):

Ah, it's not of the form coe_..., that's why I couldn't find it.

Eric Wieser (Jun 13 2021 at 14:56):

You can also avoid needing val_eq_coe if you use subtype.ext_iff without the trailing _val

Eric Wieser (Jun 13 2021 at 14:57):

subtype.val usually shouldn't appear anywhere in a lemma, since coe is the preferred spelling

Apurva Nakade (Jun 13 2021 at 15:00):

Awesome, thanks!

Apurva Nakade (Jun 13 2021 at 15:02):

Those simps are just the outputs of squeeze_simps. I don't actually understand what's happening there and in the various norm_cast :P
Coercions are too CSy for me.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC