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Topic: HoTT on wellformedness of contexts

Matt Yan (Feb 08 2022 at 09:44):


Matt Yan (Feb 08 2022 at 09:50):

Screenshot is from the HoTT book, Appendix, Peliminaries. there are two things I don't understand...essentially the entire paragraph.
First, each Ai needs to be one of A1, A2 ...A_i-1? apply this inductively, doesn't that mean all the types from A 1 to An has to be identical?

Matt Yan (Feb 08 2022 at 09:51):

and second, what does it mean by "Ai contains only the variables x1,...,x_i-1"?

Matt Yan (Feb 08 2022 at 09:53):

does the last sentence "and that a and A contain only the variable x_1,...,x_n" mean "and that A contains only the variable x_1,...x_n, a" instead?

Floris van Doorn (Feb 08 2022 at 10:04):

First question: I understand the ambiguity; it doesn't mean that AiA_i is one of the previous types, but that it is a well-formed type with respect to the context x1:A1,x2:A2,,xi1:Ai1x_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\ldots,x_{i-1}:A_{i-1}. So it means
x1:A1,x2:A2,,xi1:Ai1Ai:Ux_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\ldots,x_{i-1}:A_{i-1}\vdash A_i:\mathcal{U} or x1:A1,x2:A2,,xi1:Ai1Ai typex_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\ldots,x_{i-1}:A_{i-1}\vdash A_i\textrm{ type} (depending on the notation used).

Floris van Doorn (Feb 08 2022 at 10:06):

Second question: Every term and type can be written as a string of letters and symbols. Some of these represent variables, and it just means that the only free variables that can occur in AiA_i must be in the set {x1,,xi1}\{x_1,\ldots,x_{i-1}\}.

Floris van Doorn (Feb 08 2022 at 10:07):

I think they are imprecise omitting the word "free". Variables bound by λ\lambda are allowed to be outside this set (or maybe they mention this elsewhere).

Floris van Doorn (Feb 08 2022 at 10:09):

Last question: No, they mean what they write. Note that aa is in general not a variable, but could be a term, like λf.f(x1)\lambda f. f(x_1).

Matt Yan (Feb 08 2022 at 10:11):

@Floris van Doorn Thanks! you reminded me that the entire thing is meta-theoretic about symbols and I was thinking internally all the time.

Matt Yan (Feb 08 2022 at 10:13):

Actually the fist half is internal yet the second half is meta..anyways thanks a lot

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC