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Stream: maths
Topic: IMO problems
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 12:03):
(following on from the IMO2019 thread ): IMO 1988 Q6 has just gone viral at some school maths camp which is taking place at Imperial. It's a famous problem -- the one about if and are positive integers such that divides then the ratio must be a perfect square. The proof is not too hard if you know the trick, see e.g. Wikipedia but very tough otherwise (as is sometimes the case for IMO problems).
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 12:06):
The guy running the camp is going to make a little video about it, and I've been asked to supply a Lean proof ASAP. I have a busy day :-/ but might get to it later if nobody else takes the bait. The proof is that if the ratio is k, a given fixed non-square, then considering the set of bad pairs (a,b) for which the ratio is k one can choose an element of the set with b<=a and a+b minimised, and then check check that a'=kb-a is a smaller counterexample.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 12:08):
It would be good to ultimately get a solution in Patrick's formatter
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 14:35):
Here is a little start:
import data.rat.basic @[simp] lemma int.square_zero {n : ℤ} : n^2 = 0 ↔ n = 0 := begin rw pow_two, split, { contrapose!, intro h, rcases lt_trichotomy n 0 with H|rfl|H, { apply ne_of_gt, exact mul_pos_of_neg_of_neg H H }, { contradiction }, { apply ne_of_gt, exact mul_pos H H } }, { rintro rfl, simp }, end lemma int.square_pos {n : ℤ} : n^2 > 0 ↔ n ≠ 0 := begin rw ←not_iff_not, push_neg, split, { rw ←int.square_zero, intro h, apply le_antisymm h, exact pow_two_nonneg n }, { rintro rfl, simp [pow_two] } end variables {a b : ℤ} (h : a*b + 1 ∣ a^2 + b^2) include h lemma nz : a*b + 1 ≠ 0 := begin cases h with c h, contrapose! h, simp [h], rw [add_eq_zero_iff' (pow_two_nonneg _) (pow_two_nonneg _)], rw [int.square_zero, int.square_zero], rintro ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, simpa using h, end lemma q6_aux (a b : ℤ) (h : a*b + 1 ∣ a^2 + b^2) : ∃ k : ℤ, a^2 + b^2 = k^2 * (a*b + 1) := sorry lemma q6 (a b : ℤ) (h : a*b + 1 ∣ a^2 + b^2) : ∃ q : ℚ, q^2 = (a^2 + b^2)/(a*b + 1) := begin cases q6_aux a b h with k hk, use k, rw_mod_cast hk, rw rat.mk_eq_div, simp, rw mul_div_cancel, norm_cast, simpa using nz h, end
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 14:46):
I also started, but may not finish :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
import data.nat.basic import data.int.basic import order.basic import algebra.ring import tactic.wlog import tactic.omega import tactic.tidy import tactic.library_search local attribute [instance, priority 0] classical.prop_decidable theorem q6 (a b : ℕ) (h : ((a*b + 1) ∣ (a^2 + b^2))) : ∃ k : ℕ , k^2 = (a^2 + b^2) / (a*b + 1) := begin suffices : ∀ a b : ℕ, ∀ (h : ((a*b + 1) ∣ (a^2 + b^2))), ∃ k : ℕ , k^2 = (a^2 + b^2) / (a*b + 1), by exact this a b h, clear h a b, -- forget about a b now -- the set of possible counterexamples let A : set (ℕ × ℕ) := { ab | (ab.1*ab.2 + 1) ∣ (ab.1^2 + ab.2^2) ∧ ¬ (∃ k : ℕ , k^2 = (ab.1^2 + ab.2^2) / (ab.1*ab.2 + 1)) }, suffices : A = ∅, begin intros a b h, by_contradiction not_exists, have ab_in_A : (⟨ a, b ⟩ : ℕ × ℕ) ∈ A := begin dsimp, split, exact h, exact not_exists, end, rw set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem at this, have := this ⟨a, b⟩, contradiction, end, by_contradiction h, let r : (ℕ × ℕ) → ℕ := λ ⟨a, b⟩, a + b, let min_elem := well_founded.min (measure_wf r) A h, let a := max min_elem.1 min_elem.2, let b := min min_elem.1 min_elem.2, have min_is_elem : min_elem ∈ A := well_founded.min_mem (measure_wf r) A h, dsimp at min_is_elem, have ab_mem : (a, b) ∈ A := begin dsimp, by_cases min_elem.1 ≤ min_elem.2, { have : a = min_elem.2 := if_pos h, rw this, have : b = min_elem.1 := if_pos h, rw this, simp at min_is_elem, simp [mul_comm,min_is_elem], }, { have : a = min_elem.1 := if_neg h, rw this, have : b = min_elem.2 := if_neg h, rw this, exact min_is_elem, } end, let x := (a^2 + b^2) / (a*b + 1), let newa := x*b - a, have new_mem : (newa, b) ∈ A := begin simp [newa, x], split, end, have new_smaller : measure r (newa, b) (a, b) := begin sorry end, have := well_founded.not_lt_min (measure_wf r) A h new_mem, end
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:14):
Ok, I missed the positivity condition.
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:15):
@Kevin Buzzard What does "positive" mean on IMO problems?
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:15):
≥ 0 or > 0?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 15:15):
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 15:15):
rofl > 0
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:15):
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:15):
The strategy would be to use prod.lex_wf
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:16):
And well_found.min
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:16):
I don't have working Lean nearby, but I think this should be very straightforward.
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:24):
It would be nice to formalise a theorem standard_vieta_jumping
and standard_vieta_jumping_2
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:24):
(The latter would take two arguments, instead of pairs.)
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 15:41):
Hmmm, maybe I should shut up and code before doing any more talking.
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 15:54):
Its still true if you just assume nonneg right? At least that's how I justified using nat to myself so id have less hypotheses floating around
Floris van Doorn (Aug 07 2019 at 17:43):
Did we have this part already?
import data.int.basic /- Vieta's formula for a quadratic equation -/ lemma Vieta_formula_quadratic {α} [comm_ring α] {b c x : α} (h : x * x - b * x + c = 0) : ∃ y : α, y * y - b * y + c = 0 ∧ x + y = b ∧ x * y = c := begin have : c = b * x - x * x, { apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simpa using h }, use b - x, simp [left_distrib, right_distrib, mul_comm, this], end
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 17:47):
That's nice!
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 18:04):
Oh cool, here's where I'm up to, going to stop for a while so feel free to combine them and finish (if you want to) I think that missing piece is almost everything (except some sillyness?)
import data.nat.basic import data.int.basic import order.basic import algebra.ring import tactic.wlog import tactic.interactive import tactic.omega import tactic.abel import tactic.linarith import tactic.tidy import tactic.library_search local attribute [instance, priority 0] classical.prop_decidable lemma max_add_min (a b : ℤ) : max a b + min a b = a + b := begin by_cases a ≤ b, { have : min a b = a := if_pos h, rw this, have : max a b = b := if_pos h, rw [this, add_comm], }, { have : min a b = b := if_neg h, rw this, have : max a b = a := if_neg h, rw this, } end lemma dumb_measure_fact {α : Type*} (r : α → ℕ) (a b c : α) (h : r a = r b) : measure r c a ↔ measure r c b := begin change r c < r a ↔ r c < r b, rwa ← h, end theorem q6 (a b : ℤ) (ha : a > 0) (hb : b > 0) (h : ((a*b + 1) ∣ (a^2 + b^2))) : ∃ k : ℤ, k^2 = (a^2 + b^2) / (a*b + 1) := begin suffices : ∀ a b : ℤ, ∀ ha : a > 0, ∀ hb : b > 0, ∀ h : ((a*b + 1) ∣ (a^2 + b^2)), ∃ k : ℤ, k^2 = (a^2 + b^2) / (a*b + 1), by exact this a b ha hb h, clear h ha hb a b, -- forget about a b now -- the set of possible counterexamples let A : set (ℤ × ℤ) := { ab | (ab.1 > 0) ∧ (ab.2 > 0) ∧ ((ab.1*ab.2 + 1) ∣ (ab.1^2 + ab.2^2)) ∧ ¬ (∃ k : ℤ, k^2 = (ab.1^2 + ab.2^2) / (ab.1*ab.2 + 1)) }, suffices : A = ∅, begin intros a b ha hb h, by_contradiction not_exists, have ab_in_A : (⟨ a, b ⟩ : ℤ × ℤ) ∈ A := begin rw set.mem_set_of_eq, split, exact ha, split, exact hb, split, exact h, exact not_exists, end, rw set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem at this, have := this ⟨a, b⟩, contradiction, end, by_contradiction h, let r : (ℤ × ℤ) → ℕ := λ ⟨a, b⟩, int.nat_abs (a + b), let min_elem := well_founded.min (measure_wf r) A h, let a := max min_elem.1 min_elem.2, let b := min min_elem.1 min_elem.2, have min_is_elem : min_elem ∈ A := well_founded.min_mem (measure_wf r) A h, dsimp at min_is_elem, have ab_mem : (a, b) ∈ A := begin dsimp, by_cases min_elem.1 ≤ min_elem.2, { have : a = min_elem.2 := if_pos h, rw this, have : b = min_elem.1 := if_pos h, rw this, simp at min_is_elem, simp [mul_comm,min_is_elem], }, { have : a = min_elem.1 := if_neg h, rw this, have : b = min_elem.2 := if_neg h, rw this, exact min_is_elem, } end, rcases ab_mem with ⟨ha, hb, h1, h2⟩, dsimp at *, let x := (a^2 + b^2) / (a*b + 1), have a2b2_pos : 0 < a^2 + b^2 := add_pos (pow_pos ha 2) (pow_pos hb 2), have abadd1_pos : 0 < a*b + 1 := add_pos (mul_pos ha hb) int.one_pos, have x_pos : 0 < x := sorry, let newa := x*b - a, have newa_pos : 0 < newa := by sorry, have new_mem : (newa, b) ∈ A := begin squeeze_simp [newa], have : x = (newa^2 + b^2) / (newa*b + 1) := begin simp [newa], ring, apply eq.symm, rw int.div_eq_iff_eq_mul_right _ _, ring, sorry, sorry, sorry, end, split, { ring, sorry, }, {sorry, }, end, have new_smaller : measure r (newa, b) (a, b) := begin suffices : ((int.nat_abs (newa + b)) : ℤ) < (int.nat_abs (a + b)), exact int.coe_nat_lt.mp this, rw (int.nat_abs_of_nonneg $ le_of_lt $ add_pos newa_pos hb), rw (int.nat_abs_of_nonneg $ le_of_lt $ add_pos ha hb), suffices : (newa < a), {linarith}, sorry end, have := well_founded.not_lt_min (measure_wf r) A h new_mem, have measure_eq : r min_elem = r (a, b) := begin squeeze_simp [r, a, b], rw max_add_min, sorry, end, simp only [min_elem] at measure_eq, rw dumb_measure_fact at this, contradiction, exact measure_eq, end
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 18:06):
Thanks to everyone for this. I am bogged down in a grant application and would never have got round to doing this over the next few days.
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 18:37):
@Alex J. Best That's an impressively long proof!
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 18:38):
Yeah thats my bad lol, I always forget to split things off into lemmas.
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 18:40):
Also I still write things in an inefficient way I'm sure!
Floris van Doorn (Aug 07 2019 at 19:59):
I'm also working on this, and almost done. I'm struggling a bit with the argument (on the Wikipedia page) that x_2
is nonnegative: you have to show that x_2 * B + 1 != 0
. If it were equal to 0, then you can easily derive a contradiction, using the fact that a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 = 0 -> a = b = 0
. Is this fact already in mathlib?
import data.int.basic /- Vieta's formula for a quadratic equation -/ lemma Vieta_formula_quadratic {α} [comm_ring α] {b c x : α} (h : x * x - b * x + c = 0) : ∃ y : α, y * y - b * y + c = 0 ∧ x + y = b ∧ x * y = c := begin have : c = b * x - x * x, { apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simpa using h }, use b - x, simp [left_distrib, mul_comm, this], end lemma fn_min_add_fn_max {α β} [decidable_linear_order α] [add_comm_semigroup β] (f : α → β) (n m : α) : f (min n m) + f (max n m) = f n + f m := begin by_cases n ≤ m, { simp [h] }, have : m ≤ n := le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge h), simp [this] end lemma min_add_max {α} [decidable_linear_order α] [add_comm_semigroup α] (n m : α) : min n m + max n m = n + m := fn_min_add_fn_max id n m lemma fn_min_mul_fn_max {α β} [decidable_linear_order α] [comm_semigroup β] (f : α → β) (n m : α) : f (min n m) * f (max n m) = f n * f m := begin by_cases n ≤ m, { simp [h] }, have : m ≤ n := le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge h), simp [this, mul_comm] end lemma min_mul_max {α} [decidable_linear_order α] [comm_semigroup α] (n m : α) : min n m * max n m = n * m := fn_min_mul_fn_max id n m lemma min_le_max {α} [decidable_linear_order α] (n m : α) : min n m ≤ max n m := le_trans (min_le_left n m) (le_max_left n m) lemma eq_iff_eq_of_eq {α} {x y z : α} (h : x = y) : x = z ↔ y = z := by rw [h] theorem q6' (k : ℕ) (h : ∃ a b : ℕ, a * a + b * b = (a * b + 1) * k) : ∃ l : ℕ , l * l = k := begin have lemma1 : ∀{a b : ℤ}, a * a + b * b = (a * b + 1) * k ↔ b * b - (k * a) * b + (a * a - k) = 0, { intros a b, rw [right_distrib, ← sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← sub_eq_zero], apply eq_iff_eq_of_eq, simp [mul_comm, mul_assoc] }, cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos k with hk hk, { use 0, rw [hk], refl }, let s : set (ℕ × ℕ) := { ab | ab.1 * ab.1 + ab.2 * ab.2 = (ab.1 * ab.2 + 1) * k }, have hs : s ≠ ∅, { rw [set.ne_empty_iff_exists_mem], rcases h with ⟨a, b, hab⟩, use ⟨a, b⟩, simp [hab] }, let r : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ := λ ab, ab.1 + ab.2, let s_min := well_founded.min (measure_wf r) s hs, let a' : ℕ := min s_min.1 s_min.2, let b' : ℕ := max s_min.1 s_min.2, let a : ℤ := a', let b : ℤ := b', have ha : 0 ≤ a := int.coe_zero_le a', have hb : 0 ≤ b := int.coe_zero_le b', have a_le_b : a ≤ b, { apply_mod_cast min_le_max }, have hab : a * a + b * b = (a * b + 1) * k, { norm_cast, rw [fn_min_add_fn_max (λ x, x * x) s_min.1 s_min.2, min_mul_max s_min.1 s_min.2], exact well_founded.min_mem (measure_wf r) s hs }, have h2ab : b * b - (k * a) * b + (a * a - k) = 0, { rwa [← lemma1] }, rcases Vieta_formula_quadratic h2ab with ⟨c, h1c, h2c, h3c⟩, have h4c : c ≥ 0, { have : c * c + a * a = k * (c * a + 1), { sorry }, have : (0 : ℤ) ≤ k * (c * a + 1), { rw [← this], apply add_nonneg; apply mul_self_nonneg }, -- apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right, sorry }, have h5c : c < b, { apply lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left _ hb, rw [h3c], apply lt_of_lt_of_le (sub_lt_self _ _) (mul_le_mul a_le_b a_le_b ha hb), apply_mod_cast hk }, obtain ⟨c', rfl⟩ : ∃ c' : ℕ, c = c', { use c.nat_abs, rw [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg h4c] }, suffices : c' = 0, { subst this, use a', rw [int.coe_nat_zero, mul_zero, eq_comm, sub_eq_zero] at h3c, exact_mod_cast h3c }, have hc' : (a', c') ∈ s, { rw [← lemma1] at h1c, exact_mod_cast h1c }, have : a' + b' ≤ a' + c', { rw [← not_lt, min_add_max s_min.1 s_min.2], exact well_founded.not_lt_min (measure_wf r) s hs hc' }, sorry end theorem q6 (a b : ℕ) (h : a*b + 1 ∣ a^2 + b^2) : ∃ k : ℕ , k^2 = (a^2 + b^2) / (a * b + 1) := begin cases h with k hk, cases q6' k ⟨a, b, _⟩ with l hl, swap, rw [← nat.pow_two, ← nat.pow_two, hk], use l, rw [hk, nat.mul_div_cancel_left], rw [nat.pow_two, hl], apply nat.zero_lt_succ end
Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2019 at 20:03):
I think nat.add_eq_zero
and nat.mul_self_eq_zero
are there.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2019 at 20:07):
In the proof that the complexes are a field it uses a lemma of the form x*x+y*y=0 -> x=0
but I can't remember the hypotheses, it might be totally ordered fields
Floris van Doorn (Aug 07 2019 at 20:26):
import data.int.basic tactic.ring /- Vieta's formula for a quadratic equation -/ lemma Vieta_formula_quadratic {α} [comm_ring α] {b c x : α} (h : x * x - b * x + c = 0) : ∃ y : α, y * y - b * y + c = 0 ∧ x + y = b ∧ x * y = c := begin have : c = b * x - x * x, { apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simpa using h }, use b - x, simp [left_distrib, mul_comm, this], end lemma fn_min_add_fn_max {α β} [decidable_linear_order α] [add_comm_semigroup β] (f : α → β) (n m : α) : f (min n m) + f (max n m) = f n + f m := begin by_cases n ≤ m, { simp [h] }, have : m ≤ n := le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge h), simp [this] end lemma min_add_max {α} [decidable_linear_order α] [add_comm_semigroup α] (n m : α) : min n m + max n m = n + m := fn_min_add_fn_max id n m lemma fn_min_mul_fn_max {α β} [decidable_linear_order α] [comm_semigroup β] (f : α → β) (n m : α) : f (min n m) * f (max n m) = f n * f m := begin by_cases n ≤ m, { simp [h] }, have : m ≤ n := le_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge h), simp [this, mul_comm] end lemma min_mul_max {α} [decidable_linear_order α] [comm_semigroup α] (n m : α) : min n m * max n m = n * m := fn_min_mul_fn_max id n m lemma min_le_max {α} [decidable_linear_order α] (n m : α) : min n m ≤ max n m := le_trans (min_le_left n m) (le_max_left n m) lemma eq_iff_eq_of_eq {α} {x y z : α} (h : x = y) : x = z ↔ y = z := by rw [h] lemma mul_self_eq_zero {α} [domain α] {x : α} : x * x = 0 ↔ x = 0 := by simp lemma mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero {α} [linear_ordered_ring α] {x y : α} : x * x + y * y = 0 ↔ x = 0 ∧ y = 0 := begin split; intro h, swap, { rcases h with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, norm_num }, have : y * y ≤ 0, { rw [← h], apply le_add_of_nonneg_left (mul_self_nonneg x) }, have : y * y = 0 := le_antisymm this (mul_self_nonneg y), rw mul_self_eq_zero at this, have : x = 0, { rwa [this, mul_zero, add_zero, mul_self_eq_zero] at h }, split; assumption end theorem q6' (k : ℕ) (h : ∃ a b : ℕ, a * a + b * b = (a * b + 1) * k) : ∃ l : ℕ , l * l = k := begin have lemma1 : ∀{a b : ℤ}, a * a + b * b = (a * b + 1) * k ↔ b * b - (k * a) * b + (a * a - k) = 0, { intros a b, rw [right_distrib, ← sub_eq_iff_eq_add, ← sub_eq_zero], apply eq_iff_eq_of_eq, simp [mul_comm, mul_assoc] }, cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos k with hk hk, { use 0, rw [hk], refl }, let s : set (ℕ × ℕ) := { ab | ab.1 * ab.1 + ab.2 * ab.2 = (ab.1 * ab.2 + 1) * k }, have hs : s ≠ ∅, { rw [set.ne_empty_iff_exists_mem], rcases h with ⟨a, b, hab⟩, use ⟨a, b⟩, simp [hab] }, let r : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ := λ ab, ab.1 + ab.2, let s_min := well_founded.min (measure_wf r) s hs, let a' : ℕ := min s_min.1 s_min.2, let b' : ℕ := max s_min.1 s_min.2, let a : ℤ := a', let b : ℤ := b', have ha : 0 ≤ a := int.coe_zero_le a', have hb : 0 ≤ b := int.coe_zero_le b', have a_le_b : a ≤ b, { apply_mod_cast min_le_max }, have hab : a * a + b * b = (a * b + 1) * k, { norm_cast, rw [fn_min_add_fn_max (λ x, x * x) s_min.1 s_min.2, min_mul_max s_min.1 s_min.2], exact well_founded.min_mem (measure_wf r) s hs }, have h2ab : b * b - (k * a) * b + (a * a - k) = 0, { rwa [← lemma1] }, cases eq_or_lt_of_le ha with h2a h2a, -- if a = 0 it is easy { use b', rw [← h2a] at hab, have : b * b = k, { simpa using hab }, exact_mod_cast this }, rcases Vieta_formula_quadratic h2ab with ⟨c, h1c, h2c, h3c⟩, have h4c : c ≥ 0, { have h1 : c * c + a * a = k * (c * a + 1), { rw [add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg, sub_eq_iff_eq_add] at h1c, rw [h1c], ring }, have : 0 ≤ ↑k * (c * a + 1), { rw [← h1], apply add_nonneg; apply mul_self_nonneg }, have : 0 ≤ c * a + 1, { apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left this, apply_mod_cast hk }, have : 0 ≤ c * a, { apply int.le_of_lt_add_one, apply lt_of_le_of_ne this, intro h2, rw [← h2, mul_zero, mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero] at h1, exact ne_of_gt h2a h1.2 }, apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right this, exact h2a }, have h5c : c < b, { apply lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left _ hb, rw [h3c], apply lt_of_lt_of_le (sub_lt_self _ _) (mul_le_mul a_le_b a_le_b ha hb), apply_mod_cast hk }, obtain ⟨c', rfl⟩ : ∃ c' : ℕ, c = c', { use c.nat_abs, rw [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg h4c] }, have hc' : (a', c') ∈ s, { rw [← lemma1] at h1c, exact_mod_cast h1c }, have : a' + b' ≤ a' + c', { rw [← not_lt, min_add_max s_min.1 s_min.2], exact well_founded.not_lt_min (measure_wf r) s hs hc' }, exfalso, apply not_le_of_lt h5c, apply_mod_cast le_of_add_le_add_left this end theorem q6 (a b : ℕ) (h : a*b + 1 ∣ a^2 + b^2) : ∃ k : ℕ , k^2 = (a^2 + b^2) / (a * b + 1) := begin cases h with k hk, cases q6' k ⟨a, b, _⟩ with l hl, swap, rw [← nat.pow_two, ← nat.pow_two, hk], use l, rw [hk, nat.mul_div_cancel_left], rw [nat.pow_two, hl], apply nat.zero_lt_succ end
Floris van Doorn (Aug 07 2019 at 20:31):
I used some of @Alex J. Best proof steps (involving finding the minimal pair).
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 20:35):
I used some of Alex J. Best proof steps (involving finding the minimal pair).
Nice job! I'm glad some of what I did was helpful in the end :upside_down:
Alex J. Best (Aug 07 2019 at 20:39):
I wonder how much of the overall strategy can be made into a general infinite_descent
or vieta_jumping
theorem? For instance to prove the other example on the wikipedia page also:
Let a and b be positive integers such that ab divides a^2 + b^2 + 1. Prove that 3ab= a^2 + b^2 + 1
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 20:54):
This is what I have so far:
import data.rat.basic import tactic.linarith import tactic.wlog -- local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable local attribute [simp] nat.pow_two lemma nat.le_one_cases : ∀ n ≤ 1, n = 0 ∨ n = 1 | 0 h := by left; refl | 1 h := by right; refl | (n+2) h := by linarith /- Vieta's formula for a quadratic equation -/ lemma Vieta_formula_quadratic {α} [comm_ring α] {b c x : α} (h : x * x - b * x + c = 0) : ∃ y : α, y * y - b * y + c = 0 ∧ x + y = b ∧ x * y = c := begin have : c = b * x - x * x, { apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simpa using h }, use b - x, simp [left_distrib, right_distrib, mul_comm, this], end lemma infinite_descent (P : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) (hn : P n) (ih : ∀ n, n > 0 → P n → ∃ m < n, P m) : P 0 := begin -- let k := well_founded.min sorry end variables (k a b : ℕ) @[reducible] def P := a^2 + b^2 = k * a * b + k variables {k a b} lemma P_comm : P k a b ↔ P k b a := begin unfold P, rw [add_comm, mul_right_comm], end lemma P.symm (h : P k a b) : P k b a := P_comm.mp h lemma P_of_eq (h : P k a a) : k ≤ 1 := begin replace h : 2 * a ^ 2 = k * (a ^ 2 + 1), { simpa [P, two_mul, mul_add, mul_assoc] using h, }, contrapose! h, apply ne_of_lt, calc 2 * a^2 ≤ k * a^2 : nat.mul_le_mul_right _ h ... < k * (a^2 + 1) : begin apply mul_lt_mul', all_goals {linarith}, end end lemma P.level_zero (h : P 0 a b) : a = 0 ∧ b = 0 := begin simpa [P] using h, end lemma P_zero (h : P k a 0) : k = a^2 := begin symmetry, simpa [P] using h end lemma P_quadratic_iff : P k a b ↔ (b:ℤ) * b - (k * a) * b + (a^2 - k) = 0 := begin unfold P, rw [← int.coe_nat_inj', ← sub_eq_zero], simp [pow_two], end lemma P.level_pos (h : P k a b) (H : a < b) : k > 0 := begin contrapose! H, rw nat.le_zero_iff at H, subst k, rcases h.level_zero with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, refl end lemma P_root_ineq (h : P k a b) (H : a < b) : b ≤ k*a := begin rcases nat.exists_eq_add_of_le (le_of_lt H) with ⟨c, rfl⟩, rcases nat.exists_eq_add_of_lt (h.level_pos H) with ⟨l, rfl⟩, clear H, simp only [P, zero_add] at h ⊢, rw [nat.succ_mul, add_comm], apply add_le_add_right, simp at h, ring at h, -- contrapose! h, end lemma P_vieta_jump (h : P k a b) (H : a < b) : P k a (k*a - b) := begin have hb : b ≤ k*a := P_root_ineq h H, rw P_quadratic_iff at h ⊢, rcases Vieta_formula_quadratic h with ⟨c, h_root, hV₁, hV₂⟩, simpa only [eq_sub_of_add_eq' hV₁, int.coe_nat_sub hb] using h_root, end lemma level_square (h : P k a b) (H : k > 1) : ∃ d, k = d^2 := begin suffices h₀ : ∃ d, P k d 0, { rcases h₀ with ⟨d, hd⟩, use d, exact P_zero hd }, apply infinite_descent (λ y, ∃ x, P k x y) b ⟨a, h⟩, clear h a b, rintros b bpos ⟨a, h⟩, have aneb : a ≠ b, { contrapose! H, subst H, exact P_of_eq h }, rcases lt_trichotomy a b with h'|rfl|h', { use [a, H', k*a - b], rw P_comm, apply P_vieta_jump h H', }, { specialize this (lt_trans bpos H') h.symm aneb.symm, } end
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 20:54):
This follows the ideas at the bottom of the Wiki page.
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 20:57):
I've tried to write it in a style that is easy to document for use with Patrick's formatter.
Johan Commelin (Aug 07 2019 at 20:57):
I'm struggling with two the "wlog" part of the proof :expressionless:
Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2019 at 00:02):
Ok, here is my working solution
import data.rat.basic import tactic.linarith import tactic.wlog local attribute [simp] nat.pow_two lemma nat.le_one_cases : ∀ n ≤ 1, n = 0 ∨ n = 1 | 0 h := by left; refl | 1 h := by right; refl | (n+2) h := by linarith /- Vieta's formula for a quadratic equation -/ lemma Vieta_formula_quadratic {α} [comm_ring α] {b c x : α} (h : x * x - b * x + c = 0) : ∃ y : α, y * y - b * y + c = 0 ∧ x + y = b ∧ x * y = c := begin have : c = b * x - x * x, { apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simpa using h }, use b - x, simp [left_distrib, right_distrib, mul_comm, this], end variables (k a b : ℕ) @[reducible] def P := a^2 + b^2 = k * a * b + k variables {k a b} lemma P_comm : P k a b ↔ P k b a := begin unfold P, rw [add_comm, mul_right_comm], end lemma P.symm (h : P k a b) : P k b a := P_comm.mp h lemma level_le_one_of_eq (h : P k a a) : k ≤ 1 := begin replace h : 2 * a ^ 2 = k * (a ^ 2 + 1), { simpa [P, two_mul, mul_add, mul_assoc] using h, }, contrapose! h, apply ne_of_lt, calc 2 * a^2 ≤ k * a^2 : nat.mul_le_mul_right _ h ... < k * (a^2 + 1) : begin apply mul_lt_mul', all_goals {linarith}, end end lemma P.level_zero (h : P 0 a b) : a = 0 ∧ b = 0 := begin simpa [P] using h, end lemma P_zero (h : P k a 0) : k = a^2 := begin symmetry, simpa [P] using h end lemma P_quadratic_iff : P k a b ↔ (b:ℤ) * b - (k * a) * b + (a^2 - k) = 0 := begin unfold P, rw [← int.coe_nat_inj', ← sub_eq_zero], simp [pow_two], end lemma P.level_pos (h : P k a b) (H : a < b) : k > 0 := begin contrapose! H, rw nat.le_zero_iff at H, subst k, rcases h.level_zero with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, refl end lemma P_vieta_jump (h : P k a b) (ha : a > 0) (H : a < b) : P k a (k*a - b) ∧ (k*a - b < a) := begin have hk := h.level_pos H, rw P_quadratic_iff at h ⊢, rcases Vieta_formula_quadratic h with ⟨c, h_root, hV₁, hV₂⟩, have hc := eq_sub_of_add_eq' hV₁, have hnat : c ≥ 0, { have Pkac : (a:ℤ)^2 + c^2 = (a * c + 1) * k, { rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← h_root], ring }, have hpos : (a:ℤ)^2 + c^2 > 0, { apply add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg, { rw pow_two, apply mul_pos; exact_mod_cast ha }, { apply pow_two_nonneg } }, rw Pkac at hpos, replace hpos : (a:ℤ) * c + 1 > 0 := pos_of_mul_pos_right hpos (by exact_mod_cast (le_of_lt hk)), replace hpos : (a:ℤ) * c ≥ 0 := int.le_of_lt_add_one hpos, apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left hpos (by exact_mod_cast ha), }, have b_le_ka : b ≤ k * a, { rw [← int.coe_nat_le, ← sub_nonneg], rw hc at hnat, exact_mod_cast hnat }, have c_lt_a : c < a, { contrapose! hV₂, apply ne_of_gt, calc (b:ℤ) * c > a^2 : begin rw pow_two, apply mul_lt_mul, all_goals { linarith }, end ... > a^2 - k : sub_lt_self _ (by exact_mod_cast hk) }, subst c, split, { simpa only [int.coe_nat_sub b_le_ka] using h_root }, { assumption_mod_cast }, end lemma infinite_descent (P : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) (hn : P n) (ih : ∀ n > 0, P n → (P 0 ∨ ∃ m < n, P m)) : P 0 := begin have h : P ≠ (∅ : set ℕ), { rintro rfl, assumption, }, let k := well_founded.min nat.lt_wf P h, have hPk : P k := well_founded.min_mem nat.lt_wf P h, by_cases hk : k = 0, { rwa hk at hPk }, replace hk : k > 0 := nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr hk, rcases ih k hk hPk with H|⟨m,hm,hPm⟩, { assumption }, { exfalso, exact well_founded.not_lt_min nat.lt_wf P h hPm hm, }, end lemma level_square (h : P k a b) : ∃ d, k = d^2 := begin wlog : a ≤ b, swap, { exact this h.symm }, by_cases H : a = b, { subst H, replace h := level_le_one_of_eq h, rcases nat.le_one_cases k h with rfl|rfl, { use 0, simp, }, { use 1, simp, } }, suffices h₀ : ∃ d, P k d 0, { rcases h₀ with ⟨d, hd⟩, use d, exact P_zero hd }, replace H : a < b := lt_of_le_of_ne case H, { have := infinite_descent (λ y, ∃ x, P k x y ∧ (y > 0 → x < y)) b _ _, { simpa using this }, { use [a, h], intro, assumption }, { clear h H case a b, rintros b bpos ⟨a, h, h'⟩, specialize h' bpos, by_cases ha : a = 0, { left, subst a, simp, use [b, h.symm], }, { right, use [a, h', k*a - b], replace ha : a > 0 := nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr ha, cases P_vieta_jump h ha h', split, { rwa P_comm, }, { intro, assumption } } } }, end
Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2019 at 00:02):
Maybe, strictly speaking, I should include a little wrapper at the end...
Johan Commelin (Aug 08 2019 at 00:03):
But Kevin didn't provide a formalisation. So I will say that I completed the problem (-;
Johan Commelin (Aug 09 2019 at 11:10):
@Kevin Buzzard Voila:
example {a b : ℕ} (h : a*b ∣ a^2 + b^2 + 1) : 3*a*b = a^2 + b^2 + 1 := begin rcases h with ⟨k, hk⟩, suffices : k = 3, { simp * at *, ring, }, simp only [nat.pow_two] at hk, apply constant_descent_vieta_jumping a b hk (λ x, k * x) (λ x, x*x + 1) (λ x y, x ≤ 1), { intros x y, simp, apply eq_iff_eq_cancel_left, ring }, { intros x y, dsimp, rw [← int.coe_nat_inj', ← sub_eq_zero], apply eq_iff_eq_cancel_right, simp, ring, }, { simp }, { clear hk a b, intros x hx, have x_sq_dvd : x*x ∣ x*x*k := dvd_mul_right (x*x) k, rw ← hx at x_sq_dvd, simp only [nat.dvd_add_self_left, add_assoc] at x_sq_dvd, rcases x_sq_dvd with ⟨y, hy⟩, rw eq_comm at hy, simp [nat.mul_eq_one_iff] at hy, rcases hy with ⟨rfl,rfl⟩, simpa using hx.symm, }, { clear hk a b, intros x y x_lt_y hx h_base h z h_root hV₁ hV₀, split, { have zy_pos : z * y ≥ 0, { rw hV₀, exact_mod_cast (nat.zero_le _) }, apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right zy_pos, linarith }, { contrapose! hV₀, apply ne_of_gt, push_neg at h_base, calc z * y > x * y : by apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right; linarith ... ≥ x * (x + 1) : by apply mul_le_mul; linarith ... > x * x + 1 : begin rw [mul_add, mul_one], apply add_lt_add_left, assumption_mod_cast end, } }, { intros x y h h_base, rcases nat.le_one_cases x h_base with rfl|rfl, { simp at h, contradiction }, { simp at h, have y_dvd : y ∣ y * k := dvd_mul_right y k, rw [← h, ← add_assoc, nat.dvd_add_left (dvd_mul_left y y)] at y_dvd, have y_eq : y = 1 ∨ y = 2 := nat.prime_two.2 y y_dvd, rcases y_eq with rfl|rfl, { simpa using h.symm, }, { replace h : 2 * k = 2 * 3 := h.symm, apply nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left _ h, exact (nat.succ_pos _), } } } end
Johan Commelin (Aug 09 2019 at 11:11):
I'm quite satisfied with how this turned out
Johan Commelin (Aug 09 2019 at 11:11):
All the magic happens in apply constant_descent_vieta_jumping
Johan Commelin (Aug 09 2019 at 11:12):
Here's a gist with the full code: https://gist.github.com/jcommelin/619d66ccb3dcf534017051b0a1263f6f
Johan Commelin (Aug 09 2019 at 11:13):
I didn't try to golf, on purpose. I want to run this through Patrick's formatter now.
Johan Commelin (Aug 09 2019 at 11:14):
I hoped that omega
would discharge some of the easier goals... but it didn't want to, see the other thread.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC