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Topic: Infinite index definition

Chris Birkbeck (Oct 06 2021 at 10:37):

This is likely a stupid question but, using our current definition of subgroup index, where an index of zero means it has infinite index, how does one formalise the proof of transitivity of commensurability here : https://planetmath.org/commensurablesubgroups

Since with the current definitions, one wants to prove some index is not zero, but that isn't ruled out by the proof given.

Doesn't having zero represent the infinite index break proofs where one tries to bound the index? (or at least make it so we need alternative proofs?). I expect I'm just being silly, and this is a non-issue.

Eric Wieser (Oct 06 2021 at 10:40):

(docs#subgroup.index for reference)

Eric Wieser (Oct 06 2021 at 10:41):

If you want to talk about infinite indices, you can use # (quotient_group.quotient H)

Eric Wieser (Oct 06 2021 at 10:41):

index is just that, converted to a nat.

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 10:44):

You could do the contrapositive quite neatly if [S1:S1S3]=0[S_1 : S_1 \cap S_3] = 0 then [S1:S1S2S3]=0[S_1 : S_1 \cap S_2 \cap S_3] = 0 (this should be a general lean lemma) so [S1:S1S2][S1S2:S1S2S3]=0[S_1 : S_1 \cap S_2][S_1\cap S_2 : S_1\cap S_2 \cap S_3] = 0 (rewriting), but [S1:S1S2]0[S_1 : S_1 \cap S_2] \ne 0 so [S1S2:S1S2S3]=0[S_1\cap S_2 : S_1\cap S_2 \cap S_3] = 0 aaand now I'm confused does this imply [S1:S1S3]=0[ S_1 : \cap S_1 \cap S_3] =0

Chris Birkbeck (Oct 06 2021 at 10:46):

aha, sure, I think I was just being silly then. Both these things would work. I still wonder why not just have index map into enat? is it that much better to have it into nat?

Johan Commelin (Oct 06 2021 at 10:48):

I've never enjoyed working with enat.

Johan Commelin (Oct 06 2021 at 10:49):

I don't know exactly what is wrong about it's API, but I never really look forward to using it

Yaël Dillies (Oct 06 2021 at 10:49):

Isn't it still the problem that it's not with_top ℕ?

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 10:51):

One issue is that enat doesn't have a multiplication defined it seems

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 10:52):

So for this sort of thing (subgroup indices) you've fallen at the first hurdle

Yaël Dillies (Oct 06 2021 at 10:52):

Uh what

Chris Birkbeck (Oct 06 2021 at 10:52):

Alex J. Best said:

One issue is that enat doesn't have a multiplication defined it seems

Ahh ok then I take it back, I dont want enat then.

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 11:04):

Well maybe we should define mul on it, I think the issue is that having both zero and infinity means its impossible to make it a linear_ordered_comm_monoid so all the lemmas you'd have to prove by hand excluding the edge cases anyway. What you really want for values of an index is the non-existing epnat of positive naturals including infinity, but at that point maybe its just easiest to use nat

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 11:05):

There is a mul on with_top nat though

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 06 2021 at 11:07):

epnat is just (with_top pnat), no?

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 11:08):

Yes but I'm not sure that definition will have enough api on its own without some more work going into it?

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 06 2021 at 11:11):

Right, building that api is separate from having the right api for subgroup.index

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 06 2021 at 14:21):

I think that subgroup index being 0 when it's infinite is a good idea -- stuff like "order of element divides order of group" works great with this convention. In a parallel universe we wouldn't say "infinite order" for elements of a group, we'd say "order 0" because "g has order n" then means that the ideal of integers tt such that gt=1g^t=1 is generated by nn in all cases. There is no math-nice multiplication on enat because what do we do with 0×0\times\infty? However "infinite index is 0" turns out to be math-nice I think, and well-behaved under multiplication (for example the tower law is true with this convention).

Eric Wieser (Oct 06 2021 at 14:28):

Is there a reason not to work with the underlying cardinals directly here?

Eric Wieser (Oct 06 2021 at 14:28):

Or are they worse than enat?

Johan Commelin (Oct 06 2021 at 14:31):

Yes, I think the order of a group is tightly related to the order of elements. And as Kevin points out, works very well there.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 06 2021 at 14:42):

The point is an index of two groups, like the order of a group, cannot actually be 0, so 0 is a great place put the infinite index stuff. Yes we could use cardinals but this would make things more complex and it's not clear whether the payoff is any better because in reality mathematicians do not use cardinals. Cardinals are used for a fine-grained study of the infinite, but most mathematics away from set theory does not need such a fine-grained measure of the infinite, something is either finite or countable or uncountable, and this will do in 99.9% of mathematics (100% of mathematics?) away from foundational questions which are not our main object of concern.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 06 2021 at 14:44):

For example the fact that CH is undecidable is actually very good evidence that it's the wrong question in terms of mainstream mathematics

Chris Birkbeck (Oct 06 2021 at 14:52):

Kevin Buzzard said:

I think that subgroup index being 0 when it's infinite is a good idea -- stuff like "order of element divides order of group" works great with this convention. In a parallel universe we wouldn't say "infinite order" for elements of a group, we'd say "order 0" because "g has order n" then means that the ideal of integers tt such that gt=1g^t=1 is generated by nn in all cases. There is no math-nice multiplication on enat because what do we do with 0×0\times\infty? However "infinite index is 0" turns out to be math-nice I think, and well-behaved under multiplication (for example the tower law is true with this convention).

Yeah I think I see why this is a good idea now and I'd rather make miniscule changes to the proofs instead of making some epnat api.

David Wärn (Oct 06 2021 at 19:48):

I agree that with_top pnat would be a natural domain for the index of a subgroup. But this monoid is isomorphic to nat (by identifying \infty with 0), so you may as well work with nat.

One way of understanding this isomorphism is that it maps n : nat to the cardinality of zmod n i.e. the index of nZn\mathbb Z in Z\mathbb Z. When you define the order of a group, it's natural to work directly with ideals in Z\mathbb Z, and so "order 0" makes a lot of sense. But I don't think it makes any immediate sense to say that the index of a subgroup is 0 (the index is a cardinality, not an ideal) -- it's really only justified by the isomorphism with_top pnat = nat.

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 20:10):

It's not isomorphic to nat as an ordered monoid though, which is why the proof gets a little more annoying than the one Chris posted

Johan Commelin (Oct 06 2021 at 20:13):

Isn't the relevant ordering the divisibility relation?

Alex J. Best (Oct 06 2021 at 20:15):

I've been struggling to understand whether this is another case where we should treat junk values as 0 (like defining 1/x to be 0 for x = 0) or whether it would be good to use with_top pnat if the API was more developed, this case feels somehow different to the usual junk value story but i can't put my finger on why...

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 06 2021 at 21:09):

It's different because you're never using the addition of indices or orders.

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 06 2021 at 21:10):

Closely related to the divisibility ordering

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC