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Topic: Monoidal composition

Antoine Labelle (Jul 30 2022 at 20:42):

I'm currently trying to understand the various tricks used in mathlib to avoid extremely tedious manipulations of unitors and associators in monoidal categories. docs#category_theory.monoidal_category.monoidal_comp seems interesting, but I'm having trouble understanding how to manipulate it. For example, how would you prove the following monoidal_comp version of docs#category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_comp? We probably need the coherence tactic to do that but by itself it doesn't work.

 import category_theory.monoidal.coherence

open category_theory category_theory.monoidal_category

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [monoidal_category C]

example (A W X Y Z : C) (f : W  X) (g : Y  Z) [monoidal_coherence X Y] :
  (𝟙 A)  (f ⊗≫ g) = ((𝟙 A)  f) ⊗≫ ((𝟙 A)  g) := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 31 2022 at 18:48):

example (A W X Y Z : C) (f : W  X) (g : Y  Z) [monoidal_coherence X Y] :
  (𝟙 A)  (f ⊗≫ g) = ((𝟙 A)  f) ⊗≫ ((𝟙 A)  g) :=
by simp [tensor_hom, monoidal_comp]

Antoine Labelle (Jul 31 2022 at 19:27):

Thanks. Weirdly I can't even state the analog for right tensoring by the identity because monoidal_coherence (X ⊗ A) (Y ⊗ A) isn't an instance. The left version is docs#category_theory.monoidal_category.monoidal_coherence.tensor but we don't have the right version.

Antoine Labelle (Jul 31 2022 at 20:13):

I'm getting some very weird behavior with monoidal_coherence. The first example here fails with an error message "failed to synthesize type class instance for monoidal_coherence X (X ⊗ 𝟙_ C)", but this instance does exist as shown by the second example:

import category_theory.monoidal.coherence

open category_theory category_theory.monoidal_category

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [monoidal_category C]

lemma id_tensor_monoidal_comp (A : C) {W X Y Z : C} (f : W  X) (g : Y  Z) [monoidal_coherence X Y] :
  (𝟙 A)  (f ⊗≫ g) = ((𝟙 A)  f) ⊗≫ ((𝟙 A)  g) := by simp [monoidal_comp]

example (A : C) {W X Z : C} (f : W  X) (g : (X  𝟙_ C)  Z) :
  (𝟙 A)  (f ⊗≫ g) = ((𝟙 A)  f) ⊗≫ ((𝟙 A)  g) :=
  id_tensor_monoidal_comp A f g

example (X : C) : monoidal_coherence X (X  𝟙_ C) := by apply_instance

Does anyone have an explanation?

Reid Barton (Jul 31 2022 at 20:28):

id_tensor_monoidal_comp is not general enough because it picked the "refl" instance of docs#category_theory.monoidal_category.monoidal_coherence.
You can fix it with

lemma id_tensor_monoidal_comp (A : C) {W X Y Z : C} (f : W  X) (g : Y  Z)
  [lift_obj X] [lift_obj Y] [monoidal_coherence X Y] : ...

Antoine Labelle (Jul 31 2022 at 20:33):

It works but I'm not sure I understand what lift_obj is doing here. What do you mean when you say it picked the "refl" instance?

Antoine Labelle (Jul 31 2022 at 20:52):

Also, even with lift_obj added the following fails

import category_theory.monoidal.coherence

open category_theory category_theory.monoidal_category

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [monoidal_category C]

lemma id_tensor_monoidal_comp (A : C) {W X Y Z : C} (f : W  X) (g : Y  Z)
  [lift_obj X] [lift_obj Y] [monoidal_coherence X Y] :
  (𝟙 A)  (f ⊗≫ g) = ((𝟙 A)  f) ⊗≫ ((𝟙 A)  g) := by simp [monoidal_comp]

example {W X Z : C} (f : W  X) (g : (X  𝟙_ C)  Z) :
  (𝟙 (𝟙_ C))  (f ⊗≫ g) = ((𝟙 (𝟙_ C))  f) ⊗≫ ((𝟙 (𝟙_ C))  g) :=
id_tensor_monoidal_comp (𝟙_ C) f g

Reid Barton (Aug 01 2022 at 19:41):

Whoops, I was looking at the wrong thing before. I actually meant the "of" instance of docs#category_theory.monoidal_category.lift_obj .

Reid Barton (Aug 01 2022 at 19:42):

But I don't actually understand how this works, and in particular why monoidal_coherence requires lift_obj instance but then doesn't use them at all.

Antoine Labelle (Aug 01 2022 at 19:53):

@Scott Morrison Are you familiar with that?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC