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Topic: Name for certain map in Hilbert spaces

Daniel Roca González (Jan 21 2022 at 17:41):


Let VV be a real Hilbert space and BB a bilinear map on it. Then we can define a continuous map VVV \to V as follows:
for vVv \in V, map it to the unique vector fVf \in V such that wV,B(v,w)=f,w\forall w \in V, B(v,w) = \langle f, w\rangle, which exists because of the Riesz representation theorem. How do we want to call this map? So far I've called it "Lax-Milgram map" because that's where I'm using it (the Lax-Milgram theorem can be stated as saying that this can be made a continuous equivalence under certain conditions), but @Heather Macbeth suggested we put it directly in analysis.inner_product_space.dual and give it a more descriptive name. She gave sharp B, end_of_bilin B and clm_of_bilin B as ideas. What do you think?

Heather Macbeth (Jan 21 2022 at 22:40):

I hope we can get some ideas here since I am not thrilled about the ones I suggested :). @Frédéric Dupuis @Patrick Massot what do you think?

Heather Macbeth (Jan 21 2022 at 22:42):

sharp is from the musical isomorphism

Daniel Roca González (Jan 21 2022 at 22:53):

In differential geometry this operation would be raising an index, so what about "raise"?

Daniel Roca González (Jan 21 2022 at 22:55):

Alternatively, we are basically converting a bilinear form to an endomorphism, so it could be to_map or to_endo

Heather Macbeth (Jan 21 2022 at 22:57):

For these latter ideas, this is indeed where I was going with the end_of_bilin and clm_of_bilin (clm for "continuous linear map"), but I think the of_bilin is necessary because it won't literally be in the bilin_form namespace.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 21 2022 at 22:58):

Yes, that sounds reasonable

Heather Macbeth (Jan 21 2022 at 22:58):

I quite like raise, though. And remarkably the word is not yet used in mathlib for anything else!

Heather Macbeth (Jan 21 2022 at 23:07):

By the way, another application of this construction will be when we prove the version of the spectral theorem which says that two symmetric bilinear forms are simultaneously diagonalizable. It would be deduced from the current version for endomorphisms, by converting the second form B to an endomorphism using raise with the first form as the inner product.

Heather Macbeth (Jan 21 2022 at 23:22):

Ah, perhaps @Moritz Doll would have an opinion here, too.

Frédéric Dupuis (Jan 21 2022 at 23:38):

I would vote for clm_of_bilin personally, it's completely descriptive and easy to guess if you're looking for it. (Never in a million years would I guess raise :-) )

Moritz Doll (Jan 21 2022 at 23:50):

maybe cont_linear_map_of_bilin or is that too long? I think clm is not really understandable

Heather Macbeth (Jan 22 2022 at 00:15):

We could call it continuous_linear_map_of_bilin and have local notation raise for continuous_linear_map_of_bilin, so that it isn't too much a pain to write code about.

Heather Macbeth (Jan 22 2022 at 01:24):

Or actually (keeping the name as continuous_linear_map_of_bilin), even notation (for sharp): I think having a series of lemmas about B♯ would look quite pretty and efficient, and it has more outside-mathlib precedent than some of our crazy notation.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 22 2022 at 09:05):

I kind of agree with the others that raise would not be immediately understandable: having the name continuous_linear_map_of_bilin and having # as local notation could be the best of both worlds.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 22 2022 at 09:07):

We also should define the inverse map, which works in arbitrary inner product spaces: it could be bilin_of_continuous_linear_map and have the notation

Patrick Massot (Jan 22 2022 at 09:35):

I like the idea of having a long name and a notation. We already do this, especially in projects depending on mathlib. One catch is that the doc website will show the long version.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 22 2022 at 09:35):

I think that the correct way to think about the map is that there is a (continuous) map (V →L[ℝ] V) →L[ℝ] (V →L[ℝ] V →L[ℝ] V), which is an equivalence if V is a Hilbert space (and the analogous statement for the complex numbers using is_R_or_C, of course). Then the Lax-Milgram theorem can be stated as saying that bijective continuous linear maps are mapped bijectively to coercive bilinear forms. This does complicate things though...

Patrick Massot (Jan 22 2022 at 09:36):

We could also decide that we really need a shorter long version of continuous_linear_map. clm is indeed already used in a couple of places, but very few.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 22 2022 at 09:36):

@Patrick Massot I think showing the explicit version in the docs instead of the obscure notation is a feature, not a bug.

Patrick Massot (Jan 22 2022 at 09:37):

The ideal situation would be to show the notation with something like a tooltip telling what it means. But clearly this is low priority until Lean 4.

Heather Macbeth (Jan 22 2022 at 13:56):

Daniel Roca González said:

having # as local notation

Note that I am proposing notation , not # :)

Daniel Roca González (Jan 22 2022 at 17:04):

how does it work when someone else wants to use for something else? can they simply define the notation in their own namespace and that's it, or would it be necessary to define a class like has_sharp in the vein of has_add, has_mem...

Yaël Dillies (Jan 22 2022 at 17:05):

You can wrap notation in locales using localized "the_code_that_you_want_to_be_localized" in name_of_the_locale

Yaël Dillies (Jan 22 2022 at 17:06):

Look for localized and you'll find a ton of examples in mathlib.

Heather Macbeth (Jan 22 2022 at 20:32):

In this case, I think it would be fine not to implement either of these methods (localized notation or a has_sharp class), they can wait until someone else actually has a use case for the same notation.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 24 2022 at 17:59):

So if nobody complains I would go for continuous_linear_map_of_bilin with the musical notation.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 24 2022 at 18:48):

Is there an explanation of what locales are and how they work anywhere? I'm looking at examples but I don't really understand them vs. namespaces. I didn't find anything in TOPL.

Reid Barton (Jan 24 2022 at 18:50):


Daniel Roca González (Jan 25 2022 at 19:03):

Okay so now my problem is as follows: I defined continuous_linear_map_of_bilin in the general is_R_or_C case, with the notation, but if I try B♯ it doesn't work because Lean can't infer the field, so I have to do (B♯ : V →L[ℝ] V) which is worse. Is there anything I could do to fix this?

Yaël Dillies (Jan 25 2022 at 19:27):

Make the field part of the notation?

Frédéric Dupuis (Jan 25 2022 at 19:47):

This likely means that we have to give up on localized notation, and use something like

local postfix `♯` := continuous_linear_map_of_bilin 𝕜

after having defined 𝕜.

Heather Macbeth (Jan 25 2022 at 20:33):

In fact, we have the same problem for the inner product itself. Practically every file on Hilbert spaces starts with

local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y

because it is more ergonomic to do this (even at the cost of the duplication and the making ⟪v, w⟫ a local notation which doesn't show up in the docs) than to have an ugly notation like 𝕜⟪v, w⟫ or something which explicitly mentions the 𝕜.

Yaël Dillies (Jan 25 2022 at 20:35):

lol, branch#inner_product_spaces

Yaël Dillies (Jan 25 2022 at 20:35):

Oh whoops sorry I deleted it. But this branch was using 𝕜⟪v | w⟫ all over the place.

Sebastien Gouezel (Jan 25 2022 at 20:45):

In the case of continuous_linear_map_of_bilin, doesn't it take as an argument a bilinear map over some field, and then why isn't it possible for Lean to get the field by unification?

Anne Baanen (Jan 26 2022 at 07:56):

If I remove the type ascriptions at line 74 in src/analysis/inner_product_space/lax_milgram.lean:

lemma bounded_below (coercive : is_coercive B) :
   C, 0 < C   v, C * v  (B : V L[] V) v :=
  rcases coercive with C, C_ge_0, coercivity⟩,
  refine C, C_ge_0, _⟩,
  intro v,
  by_cases h : 0 < v,
  { refine (mul_le_mul_right h).mp _,
    exact calc C * v * v
                B v v                         : coercivity v
    ...        = inner (B v) v : by simp
    ...         B v * v     : real_inner_le_norm (B v) v, },
  { have : v = 0 := by simpa using h,
    simp [this], }

The error is:

type mismatch at application
has type
  V L[] V L[]  : Type u
but is expected to have type
  ?m_3 L[?m_1] ?m_3 L[?m_1] ?m_1 : Type (max ? ?)

Anne Baanen (Jan 26 2022 at 07:56):

I suspect the →L[?m_1] versus →L⋆[?m_1] has something to do with this...

Anne Baanen (Jan 26 2022 at 08:12):

Right, star_ring_end ℝ is defeq to ring_hom.id ℝ, but star_ring_end ?m_1 is not. So with the type ascription, the elaborator figures out ?m_1 = ℝ, it can unfold star_ring_end ℝ and we're in business. And without the type ascription, it apparently doesn't realize that →L[ℝ] =?= →L⋆[?m_1] implies ?m_1 = ℝ.

Anne Baanen (Jan 26 2022 at 08:20):

I don't know why the elaborator skips unifying the type-level arguments here:

variables {V : Type u} [inner_product_space  V] [complete_space V]
set_option trace.type_context.is_def_eq true
set_option trace.type_context.is_def_eq_detail true
set_option pp.notation false
variables {B₂ : V L[] V}
example := (B₂ : V L[_] V)
[type_context.is_def_eq] Type u =?= Type ? ... success  (approximate mode)
[type_context.is_def_eq_detail] [1]: continuous_linear_map (ring_hom.id real) V V =?= continuous_linear_map (star_ring_end ?m_5) V V
[type_context.is_def_eq_detail] [2]: continuous_linear_map =?= continuous_linear_map
[type_context.is_def_eq_detail] [2]: ring_hom.id real =?= star_ring_end ?m_1
[type_context.is_def_eq_detail] [3]: {to_fun := id real, map_one' := _, map_mul' := _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _} =?= coe star_ring_aut
[type_context.is_def_eq_detail] unfold right: coe
[type_context.is_def_eq_detail] [4]: {to_fun := id real, map_one' := _, map_mul' := _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _} =?= lift_t star_ring_aut

Anne Baanen (Jan 26 2022 at 08:30):

Aha, type_context_old::is_def_eq_args unifies explicit arguments or implicit arguments of the form t =?= ?m first, before doing implicits. But the problem @continuous_linear_map real real real.semiring real.semiring … =?= @continuous_linear_map ?m_1 … looks like its first argument should be of that form :thinking:

Anne Baanen (Jan 26 2022 at 08:45):

Ok, I don't feel like stepping through this whole thing in a debugger, and I don't know if it's worth the effort to investigate this if Lean 4 might change this part of the elaborator radically anyway, so I'll leave it here for someone with more elaborator knowledge to investigate.

Daniel Roca González (Jan 26 2022 at 09:03):

Heather Macbeth said:

In fact, we have the same problem for the inner product itself. Practically every file on Hilbert spaces starts with

local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y

because it is more ergonomic to do this (even at the cost of the duplication and the making ⟪v, w⟫ a local notation which doesn't show up in the docs) than to have an ugly notation like 𝕜⟪v, w⟫ or something which explicitly mentions the 𝕜.

I has hoping this was not necessary, but if we're using it for the inner product too it makes sense to do it like this here.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC