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Topic: Path metric

Rémi Bottinelli (Sep 15 2022 at 08:38):

Hey, would it make sense to have a generic notion of “path metric” on a space as below ?
Possible uses would be the path metric on a graph, but also the “intrinsic path metric” on a metric space (using rectifiable paths).
What would a good API look like?

import data.real.ennreal
import topology.metric_space.emetric_space
import combinatorics.quiver.basic
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
import combinatorics.simple_graph.connectivity

noncomputable theory

open_locale classical ennreal

open emetric ennreal

structure paths (α : Type*) extends quiver α :=
  (inv : Π {a b : α}, (a  b)  (b  a))
  (comp : Π {a b c : α}, (a  b)  (b  c)  (a  c))

structure paths_with_lengths (α : Type*) extends (paths α) :=
  (L : Π {a b : α}, (a  b)  ennreal)
  (Lrefl : Π (a : α), infi (@L a a) = (0 : ennreal))
  (Lsymm : Π {a b : α}, Π p : a  b, L (inv p)  L p)
  (Ltran : Π {a b c : α}, Π p : a  b, Π q : b  c, L (comp p q)  L p + L q)

section path_metric

variables {α : Type*} [pl : paths_with_lengths α]

abbreviation  {a b : α} (p : a  b) := pl.L p -- can we make this work

def pl_edist (a b : α) : ennreal := infi (λ (p : a  b), (pl.L p : ennreal))
instance my_edist [pl : paths_with_lengths α] : has_edist α := pl_edist

lemma edist_finite (a b : α) (p : a  b) (Hp : pl.L p < ) : edist a b <  :=
  infi_lt_iff.mpr (⟨p, Hp⟩)
lemma edist_antisymm (a b : α) (ε : ennreal) (H : ε > 0) (Hab : Π p : a  b, pl.L p  ε) :
  edist a b  ε := le_infi Hab
lemma edist_antisymm' (a b : α) (ε : ennreal) (H : ε > 0) (Hab : Π p : a  b, pl.L p  ε) :
  edist a b > 0 := gt_of_ge_of_gt (edist_antisymm a b ε H Hab) H

lemma edist_min (a b : α) (pmin : a  b) (Hmin :  p : a  b, pl.L pmin  pl.L p) :
  edist a b = pl.L pmin :=
has_le.le.antisymm (infi_le (λ p : a  b, pl.L p) pmin) (le_infi Hmin)

lemma edist_min_nat (a b : α) (hnat :  p : a  b,  np : , pl.L p = np)
  (hnempty : nonempty (a  b)) :
 p : a  b, edist a b = pl.L p :=
  let Lℕ : set  := {n :  |  (p : a  b), pl.L p = n},
  have hLℕ :  n, n  Lℕ, by
  { let p := nonempty.some hnempty,
    rcases hnat p with np, pgood⟩,
    exact np,p,pgood⟩,},
  let n := nat.find hLℕ,
  rcases nat.find_spec hLℕ with p,pgood⟩,
  have :  q : a  b, pl.L p  pl.L q, by {
    intro q,
    rcases hnat q with nq,qgood⟩,
    have : nq  Lℕ, from q,qgood⟩,
    have : n  nq, from nat.find_min' hLℕ nqLℕ›,
    rw [qgood,pgood],
    exact coe_nat_le_coe_nat.mpr nnq›,
  use p,
  exact edist_min a b p this,

lemma my_edist_refl [pl : paths_with_lengths α] (a : α) : edist a a = 0 := pl.Lrefl a

lemma my_edist_symm_le [pl : paths_with_lengths α] (a b : α) : edist a b  edist b a :=
  apply @infi_mono' _ _ _ _(λ (p : a  b), pl.L p) (λ (q : b  a), pl.L q),
  rintro p,
  use pl.inv p,
  exact (pl.Lsymm p),

lemma my_edist_symm [pl : paths_with_lengths α] (a b : α) : edist a b = edist b a :=
has_le.le.antisymm (my_edist_symm_le a b) (my_edist_symm_le b a)

lemma infi_good {α : Type*} (f : α  ennreal) (hinfi : ¬ infi f = ) (ε : ennreal) (εp : ε > 0) :
   a : α, f a  infi f + ε :=

lemma my_edist_triangle [pl : paths_with_lengths α] (a b c : α) : edist a c  edist a b + edist b c :=
  suffices :  ε > 0, edist a c  edist a b + edist b c + ε, by {
    apply ennreal.le_of_forall_pos_le_add,
    rintro ε  hsum,
    exact this ε (by {norm_cast, use }),},
  rintros ε ,
  by_cases abt : edist a b = ,
  { rw abt, simp only [ennreal.top_add, le_top], },
  by_cases bct : edist b c = ,
  { rw bct, simp only [ennreal.add_top, ennreal.top_add, le_top], },
  -- rw infi_eq_top.not at abt,
  /-have : edist a b = ⊤ ↔ ∀ (p : a ⟶ b), pl.L p = ⊤, by apply infi_eq_top,
  have := iff.not this, rw this at abt,
  have : edist b c = ⊤ ↔ ∀ (p : b ⟶ c), pl.L p = ⊤, by apply infi_eq_top,
  have := iff.not this, rw this at bct,
  push_neg at abt bct,-/

  have :  (p : a  b), pl.L p  edist a b + ε/2, by
  { sorry,--unfold edist, unfold pl_edist,
    --apply infi_good (λ (p : a ⟶ b), pl.L p) abt (ε/2),
  obtain p,hp := this,
  have :  (q : b  c), pl.L q  edist b c + ε/2, by sorry,
  obtain q,hq := this,

  let pq := pl.comp p q,
  have : pl.L pq  edist a b + edist b c + ε, by
  calc pl.L pq   pl.L p + pl.L q          : pl.Ltran p q
            ...  (edist a b + ε/2) + pl.L q : add_le_add_right hp (pl.L q)
            ...  (edist a b + ε/2) + (edist b c + ε/2) : add_le_add_left hq (edist a b + ε/2)
            ... = edist a b + edist b c + ε : by {nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ennreal.add_halves ε,sorry},
  exact infi_le_of_le pq this,

instance my_pem [pl : paths_with_lengths α] : pseudo_emetric_space α :=
{ to_has_edist := my_edist
, edist_self := my_edist_refl
, edist_comm := my_edist_symm
, edist_triangle := my_edist_triangle}

end path_metric

section for_graphs

variables {V : Type*} (G : simple_graph V)

instance lol : paths_with_lengths V := {
  hom := G.walk,
  inv := (λ a b p, p.reverse),
  comp := (λ a b c p q, p.append q),
  L := (λ a b p, p.length),
  Lrefl := (λ a, by { rw le_zero_iff, convert infi_le _ (simple_graph.walk.nil' a), simp,}),
  Lsymm := (λ a b p, le_of_eq (by {norm_cast, exact simple_graph.walk.length_reverse p})),
  Ltran := (λ a b c p q, le_of_eq (by { norm_cast, exact simple_graph.walk.length_append p q, }))}

end for_graphs

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC