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Stream: maths

Topic: Product of `univ : finset (option α)`

Anne Baanen (Mar 02 2020 at 13:35):

What is the best approach to proving the following goal:

example {α β : Type} {x : α} {v : β  α} [comm_monoid α] [fintype β] :
  finset.univ.prod (λ (i : option β), i.elim x v) = x * finset.univ.prod v :=

I guess finset.sum_insert would be the first step?

Johan Commelin (Mar 02 2020 at 13:42):

I would show that univ : finset (option β) is the same as insert none (erase none univ)

Johan Commelin (Mar 02 2020 at 13:42):

After that, I think there are enough library lemmas to just follow your nose.

Johan Commelin (Mar 02 2020 at 13:43):

(Just a guess...) If you get stuck, then you've certainly found a hole in the library.

Patrick Massot (Mar 02 2020 at 13:49):

I can't even parse the statement. Can someone translate this into LaTeX for me?

Chris Hughes (Mar 02 2020 at 13:50):

What is LateX for option.none?

Patrick Massot (Mar 02 2020 at 13:50):

I guess it depends on context.

Chris Hughes (Mar 02 2020 at 13:50):

Here's a proof.

calc univ.prod (λ (i : option β), i.elim x v)
    = x * (univ.erase (none)).prod (λ (i : option β), i.elim x v) :
    conv_lhs { rw [ insert_erase (mem_univ (none : option β))] },
    rw [prod_insert (not_mem_erase _ _)], refl
... = x * finset.univ.prod v :
    refine congr_arg2 _ rfl (prod_bij (λ a _, some a) _ _ _ _).symm,
    { simp },
    { intros, refl },
    { simp },
    { assume b,
      cases b with b,
      { simp },
      { intro, use b, simp } }

Patrick Massot (Mar 02 2020 at 13:51):

I think I understand the statement now.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 02 2020 at 14:00):

Here's a proof.

but where's your proof that it's the best approach? ;-)

Anne Baanen (Mar 02 2020 at 14:00):

Ah, prod_bij is what I was missing!

Anne Baanen (Mar 02 2020 at 14:01):

Would it be worth it to include this in mathlib (as a @[simp] lemma)?

Chris Hughes (Mar 02 2020 at 14:01):

prod_bij is really handy. We need docs that say things like prod_bij is how you prove a lot of things about products.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 02 2020 at 14:06):

Patrick Massot said:

I can't even parse the statement. Can someone translate this into LaTeX for me?

It says xiβv(i)=xiβv(i)x\prod_{i\in\beta}v(i)=x\prod_{i\in\beta}v(i)

Patrick Massot (Mar 02 2020 at 14:08):

That translation explains why this is a hard Lean problem. Empty math implies hard Lean almost surely.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 02 2020 at 14:09):

Nice proof Chris. This is exactly, I guess, why one needs prod_bij: it says "the products over two sets that mathematicians might not be able to tell the difference between, are equal"

Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 02 2020 at 14:10):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC