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Stream: maths

Topic: Referencing hypothesis

Christopher Hoskin (Jul 09 2023 at 20:11):

Given a subset s of lattice, I'm trying to define the set of supremums of finite subsets of s.

I've come up with:

import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite

variable (α : Type _) [Lattice α] (s : Set α)

def myset := { a |  F : Finset α, F  s  F.Nonempty  a = F.sup' _ id   }

The _ produces the error don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'H'.

I can't see how I should reference the hypothesis that F is non-empty in place of _?



Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 09 2023 at 20:18):

You'd write \exists F : Finset \a, \exists H : F.Nonempty, ... a = F.sup' H id

Yaël Dillies (Jul 09 2023 at 21:06):

Btw, what's the context for this? I have a PR with irreducible and prime elements in an order.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 10 2023 at 03:32):

When you write a ∧ b, propositions a and b can't depend on each other. If you need a proof of a to state b, then you have to use ∃ H : a, b H

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC