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Stream: maths

Topic: Writing readable uncluttered group theory

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:39):

I noticed that the definition of a group in Lean was one more axiom than it could be

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:40):

you can prove mul_one from the other axioms

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:40):

This may well have been talked about before

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:40):

But I thought I'd write a blog post on this

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:40):

and I wanted to talk about the proof of mul_one (which goes via mul_left_cancel)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:41):

for Lean-groups-without-mul_one

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:41):

But I could not make the arguments look beautiful

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:41):

This is kind of OK

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:42):

lemma gripe.mul_left_cancel {G : Type} [has_mul G] [has_one G] [has_inv G] [gripe G]
:  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c :=
  intros a b c Habac,
  exact calc b = 1 * b : (one_mul b).symm
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw [gripe.mul_left_inv a]
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : mul_assoc _ _ _
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
-- ... = c : by simp only [mul_assoc,one_mul,mul_left_inv] -- fails
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : (gripe.mul_assoc _ _ _).symm
           ... = 1 * c : by rw [gripe.mul_left_inv a]
           ... = c : one_mul _

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:42):

although all this has_mul stuff is both really cluttering things up and not actually telling us the one useful thing about it, which is that it is a map alpha -> alpha -> alpha

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:43):

I made a type for that

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:43):

class gripe (G : Type) [has_mul G] [has_one G] [has_inv G] :=
(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:44):

But got a bit sick about still having to say we have a has_mul. On the other hand I really want the notation.

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 05:45):

can you use extends instead of those extra parameters to the class? I've never used it myself but I see it in the algebraic classes

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:45):

Other complains about that calc proof is that I need to give too many hint, I seem to have to mention the type's name (gripe) randomly and I can only sometimes get away with _s, and why do I even have to put them at all?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:45):

I tried without the structure

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 05:45):

This may well have been talked about before


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:46):

lemma mul_left_cancel' {G : Type} [has_mul G] [has_one G] [has_inv G]
(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)
:  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c :=
  intros a b c Habac,
  exact calc b = 1 * b : (one_mul _).symm
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw [mul_left_inv]
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : mul_assoc _ _ _ -- why not just mul_assoc?
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
-- ... = c : by simp only [mul_assoc,one_mul,mul_left_inv] -- fails
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm
           ... = 1 * c : by rw [mul_left_inv]
           ... = c : one_mul _ -- why the _ ?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:48):

and that seemed to go better, but then

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:48):

theorem mul_one' {G : Type} [has_mul G] [has_one G] [has_inv G]
(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)
:  (a : G), a * 1 = a :=
intro a,
 apply (mul_left_cancel' mul_assoc one_mul mul_left_inv a⁻¹ _ _), -- aargh
 rw [mul_assoc,mul_left_inv,one_mul],

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 05:48):

@Kevin Buzzard edit > change title

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 05:48):

Oh, I guess you are complaining about has_mul being opaque to the reader wherever it appears, not that you had to write it twice?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:49):

I couldn't apply the theorem I proved without carrying around all the axioms.

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 05:49):

wrong thread

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:49):

I want to write a blog post which looks good and works in Lean and proves clearly that one of the axioms of a group follows from the others

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 05:49):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:50):

but I really want the kids to understand that they can also do some of their group theory example sheets in Lean

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 05:50):


Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 05:50):

How do you feel about using variables instead?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:50):

can I move this?

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 05:51):

@Scott Morrison sorry, had to move your messages as well; could you move your messages back to "notations in category theory"?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:51):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:52):

The stupidity of all the has_one has_mul stuff

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:52):

is that these typeclasses have notation attached to them

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:52):

and you want to use the notation

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 05:52):

variable {G : Type}
variable (mul : G  G  G)
variable (one : G)
variable (inv : G  G)

local notation a `*` b := mul a b
local notation 1 := one
local notation a `⁻¹` := inv a

variable (mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
variable (one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
variable (mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)

lemma mul_left_cancel' :  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c :=

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 05:52):

Maybe instead of local notation I can use instances

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 06:00):

oh, I forgot variables don't get along well with tactics

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:36):

I am just going to bite the bullet and implement it in 5 different ways and see which one is best

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:37):

class has_group_notation (G : Type) extends has_mul G, has_one G, has_inv G

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:37):

Does that class exist @Mario Carneiro ?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:37):

It seems to come with free and painless type class inference

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:39):

I had not appreciated how that barrage of classes in core.lean was actually just a barrage of notation. Each typeclass corresponds to precisely one piece of notation. I had not realised this before!

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:40):

I don't really understand notation and don't use any in my schemes work.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:40):

actually I think I suddenly understand it a whole lot better

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:41):

my class corresponds to a finite set of notations.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:50):

class group' (G : Type) extends has_group_notation G :=
(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:50):

@Reid Barton

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:50):

That's the way to get rid of all that continually carrying around [has_add]

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:51):

lemma group'.mul_left_cancel {G : Type} [group' G]
:  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c := sorry

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:51):

This thread is about making the proof that one of the axioms of a group as defined by Lean follows from all of the others

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:52):

look as nice and uncluttered as possible

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:53):

The strat is : first prove mul_left_cancel (without using mul_one of course), and then deduce mul_one. I know there are other strategies but that's the strategy I'd like to showcase in Lean

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:53):

so I can show the undergraduates one way of revising for their upcoming group theory exam

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:54):

I want to show them that using Lean to do abstract basic chase stuff around stuff in group theory is really easy in Lean

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 15:54):

I'll blog about it but I need to get it as nice looking as possible first

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 16:42):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 16:42):

My efforts using classes

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 16:43):

I had to keep writing the class name

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 16:43):

and the calc proof needed a lot of blanks

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 16:43):

How could this be improved?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 16:44):

I am going to try other ways of setting this up to see pros and cons

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 16:44):


(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))


(mul_assoc :  {a b c : G}, a * b * c = a * (b * c))

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:12):

Do you think that's right?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:12):

I changed it for the constants example

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:12):

and my tactic proof got worse

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:13):

if you change it then you don't need to put underscores

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:13):

I'll show you you're wrong

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:14):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:14):

But maybe you can fix it :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:14):

there is a point in tactic mode where I needed underscores :-(

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:15):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:15):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:15):

not there

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:15):

so where am I wrong?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:15):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:15):


Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 17:16):

In the calc proof, if you just begin every justification with by rw, you can make it quite uniform (at least in this case)

  exact calc b = 1 * b         : by rw group'.one_mul
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw group'.mul_left_inv
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : by rw group'.mul_assoc
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : by rw group'.mul_assoc
           ... = 1 * c         : by rw group'.mul_left_inv
           ... = c             : by rw group'.one_mul

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:16):


lemma mul_left_cancel :  {a b c : G}, a * b = a * c  b = c :=


lemma mul_left_cancel :  (a) {b c : G}, a * b = a * c  b = c :=

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:17):

do you feel that this change is actually justified rather than it being an attempt to sort out a problem?

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:17):

yes, because a could not be infered from the final type b = c

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:17):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:17):

I wondered if that was a reasonable justification for the change

Chris Hughes (Apr 28 2018 at 17:18):

It can be inferred from the hypothesis though.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:18):


Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:18):

well if you don't want to change it you can state the hypothesis explicitly using have

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 17:18):

... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw [mul_left_inv] -- why does that line even work? I believe it should fail. Is it a bug?

I was puzzled by this too up until quite recently. The reason it works is that rw does not rewrite the left hand side to the right hand side as one might think. Rather, it rewrites the desired equality 1 * b = (a⁻¹ * a) * b to whatever it becomes after the rewrite, and that rewrite might occur on either side.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:18):

so Kenny based on your logic what are the forms of the other axioms that I should be using?

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 17:19):

Then because the rewritten goal is of the form a = a, it gets solved by rfl automatically

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:19):

@Kevin Buzzard maybe don't make a explicit afterall, lol

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:19):


Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:21):

I don't quite know what I am looking for here. I guess what is going on is that different conventions produce different results which may or may not have slight annoyances

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 17:21):

Also if you use by rw on every line of the calc proof, then it doesn't matter whether you make the arguments of the axioms explicit or not

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:24):

Kenny in none of the standard typeclasses do I see variables in axioms being introduced with {}. I am imagining there is a good reason for this

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:25):

Letting them all be {} announces that you're 100 percent convinced that unification will save you

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:25):

well they have interface like

class semigroup (α : Type u) extends has_mul α :=
(mul_assoc :  a b c : α, a * b * c = a * (b * c))

lemma mul_assoc [semigroup α] :  a b c : α, a * b * c = a * (b * c) :=

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:25):

but letting them all be () does not mean you're giving up home

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:25):

oh wait

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:25):

because other things might fill in the gaps later

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:25):

right, you still need _ for mul_assoc lol

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:26):

so maybe change back to () and use Reid's approach

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:26):

Sometimes I did

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:26):

sometimes I didn't

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:26):

Oh I make the interface!

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:27):

I'm saying, the interface in the library still uses explicit variables

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:28):

exact calc b = 1 * b : by rw group'.one_mul -- that "shouldn't work" either

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:28):

why not?

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:28):

the goal is b = 1 * b

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:29):

Oh I see

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:29):

of course

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:29):

Kenny do you understand why that bug is not a bug?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:30):

line 33

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:30):

Oh I now understand

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:30):

I should think of what the rw actually does

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:30):

not what I want it to do

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:32):

lemma mul_left_cancel :  {a b c : G}, a * b = a * c  b = c :=
  intros a b c Habac,
  exact calc b = 1 * b         : by rw one_mul
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw mul_left_inv
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : by rw mul_assoc
           ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
           ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : by rw mul_assoc
           ... = 1 * c         : by rw mul_left_inv
           ... = c : one_mul

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:32):

Yes that's really nice

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:32):

That's just how a mathematician would explain it

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:33):

"apply this axiom"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:33):

"I don't care which way"

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:33):

"the obvious way"

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:33):

I'm sure you can have fewer lines lol

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:33):

of course

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:34):

but this is the raw beauty which you see here

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:34):

and then your begin intros exact kind of defeat the purpose of entering tactic mode

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 17:34):

ha ha you are exactly right

Reid Barton (Apr 28 2018 at 17:35):

I wasn't sure whether to comment about the intros line, haha

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:35):

comment about them.

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 17:40):

@Kevin Buzzard I just finished writing a file without ever entering tactic mode

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:47):

All the rewrites fail in the below

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:47):

class has_group_notation (G : Type) extends has_mul G, has_one G, has_inv G

structure group' (G : Type) extends has_group_notation G :=
(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)

variables {G : Type} (group'.G : group' G) [has_group_notation G]
-- variables (H : Type) [has_mul H] [has_one H] [has_inv H]

-- We prove left_mul_cancel for group'

lemma group'.mul_left_cancel :  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c :=
λ a b c Habac,
 calc b = 1 * b         : by rw one_mul
    ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw mul_left_inv
    ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : by rw mul_assoc
    ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
    ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : by rw mul_assoc
    ... = 1 * c         : by rw mul_left_inv
                ... = c : by rw one_mul

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:47):

I am using a structure

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:47):

I don't understand the error messages

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:47):

First is

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:47):

rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
  1 * ?m_3
G : Type,
_inst_1 : has_group_notation G,
a b c : G,
Habac : a * b = a * c
⊢ b = 1 * b

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:48):

I am unimpressed with Lean's instance-finding abilities here

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:48):

what am i missing?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:48):

I wondered how changing a class to astructure changed things

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:49):

I think all notation as a notational typeclass works great in these sorts of situations

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 20:49):

Lean only finds classes, not structures

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:49):

it's clear what it's doing

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:49):

and it's doing nothing more

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 20:49):

the structure isnt even in the hypotheses

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:50):

I don't understand

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:50):

I will take notation off

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:50):

and put pp.all on

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:50):

am I missing something simple?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:51):

kenny can you fix it?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:51):

that might help me understand

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:55):

Look at this beautiful proof

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:55):

lemma mul_left_cancel' {G : Type} [has_mul G] [has_one G] [has_inv G]
(mul_assoc :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)
:  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c :=
λ a b c Habac,
 calc b = 1 * b         : by rw one_mul
    ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw mul_left_inv
    ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : by rw mul_assoc
    ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
    ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : by rw mul_assoc
    ... = 1 * c         : by rw mul_left_inv
    ... = c             : by rw one_mul

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:55):

Can you show me how to make a proof which is just as beautiful, but using a class or structure?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:57):

I am getting sick of carrying the axioms around with me

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:58):

I have packaged up all the notation in a typeclass

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:58):

but I want to package all the group axioms up as well

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:59):

The typeclass system is perfect for notation.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 20:59):

There is very little risk of a diamond :-)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 21:00):

I want to package everything away but keep the proof beautiful

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 28 2018 at 21:00):

and once I have managed that, I think I am done.

Chris Hughes (Apr 28 2018 at 21:03):

Why aren't you just using the group typeclass?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 28 2018 at 21:21):

The has_group_notation class has been discussed in some of Jeremy's explorations, called group_struct, but it's not needed in mathlib as it is now

Mario Carneiro (Apr 28 2018 at 21:25):

The standard way to show that an axiom is redundant is to have an auxiliary constructor for group that doesn't have the redundant axioms

Chris Hughes (Apr 28 2018 at 21:32):

Is this better?

class has_group_notation (G : Type) extends has_mul G, has_one G, has_inv G

class group' (G : Type) extends has_group_notation G :=
(mul_assoc' :  (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c))
(one_mul' :  (a : G), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv' :  (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1)

variables {G : Type} [group' G]
open group'
-- variables (H : Type) [has_mul H] [has_one H] [has_inv H]

-- We prove left_mul_cancel for group'

lemma group'.mul_left_cancel :  (a b c : G), a * b = a * c  b = c :=
λ a b c Habac,
 calc b = 1 * b         : by rw one_mul' b
    ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * b : by rw mul_left_inv'
    ... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : by rw mul_assoc'
    ... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : by rw Habac
    ... = (a⁻¹ * a) * c : by rw mul_assoc'
    ... = 1 * c         : by rw mul_left_inv'
                ... = c : by rw one_mul'

Chris Hughes (Apr 28 2018 at 21:33):

You had two has_group_notation instances, one from group' and another one

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 21:33):

Just use a namespace and drop the fucking primes

Chris Hughes (Apr 28 2018 at 21:33):

one mul is global

Kenny Lau (Apr 28 2018 at 21:34):


Chris Hughes (Apr 28 2018 at 21:34):

but it doesn't know which one_mul I mean.

Mario Carneiro (Apr 28 2018 at 21:54):

def group.mk' {α : Type*} [semigroup α] [has_one α] [has_inv α]
  (one_mul : ∀ (a : α), 1 * a = a)
  (mul_left_inv : ∀ (a : α), a⁻¹ * a = 1) : group α :=
have ∀ a : α, a * a = a → a = 1, from λ a h,
  calc a = a⁻¹ * a * a : by simp [mul_left_inv, one_mul]
    ... = a⁻¹ * a : by rw [mul_assoc, h]
    ... = 1 : mul_left_inv _,
have ∀ a : α, a * a⁻¹ = 1, from
λ a, this _ $ calc
  a * a⁻¹ * (a * a⁻¹)
      = a * (a⁻¹ * a) * a⁻¹ : by simp [mul_assoc]
  ... = a * a⁻¹ : by rw mul_left_inv; simp [mul_assoc, one_mul],
{ one_mul := one_mul,
  mul_left_inv := mul_left_inv,
  mul_one := λ a, show a * 1 = a,
    by rw [← mul_left_inv a, ← mul_assoc, this, one_mul],
  ..‹semigroup α›, ..‹has_one α›, ..‹has_inv α› }

Scott Morrison (Apr 28 2018 at 22:54):

This is a common problem in making definitions --- do you go for maximal axioms (so that you don't need lots of lemmas later, and the big results follow easily from the definitions), or minimal axioms (so instances are easy to construct)? Often, the right solution in Lean is to go for maximal axioms with alternate constructors that require minimal axioms.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 29 2018 at 00:38):

The standard way to show that an axiom is redundant is to have an auxiliary constructor for group that doesn't have the redundant axioms

Yes but these are mathematicians with no functional programming background and I think they would prefer to see something which looks like an honest proof (never mention the axiom, then prove it) rather than wrapping anything in a complicated structure.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 29 2018 at 00:41):

Mario your proof is in some sense canonical, but I prefer mine for pedagogical reasons.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 29 2018 at 02:27):

Just use a namespace and drop the fucking primes

Kenny can you do it? Namespaces seem to lead to overloading anyway.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 29 2018 at 02:28):

I am reluctant to prime the axioms

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 29 2018 at 02:28):

but maybe I have to

Mario Carneiro (Apr 29 2018 at 03:18):

something which looks like an honest proof (never mention the axiom, then prove it)

I'm confused. Isn't that pretty much exactly what my proof does? I start with a semigroup with a one and inv, and the left_inv and one_mul axioms, and derive mul_one. There is no funny business at all, or complicated structures, it's literally just proving one statement from another, and then wrapping it up in a group. The proof part could also be factored out like so:

parameters {α : Type*} [semigroup α] [has_one α] [has_inv α]
  (one_mul : ∀ (a : α), 1 * a = a)
  (mul_left_inv : ∀ (a : α), a⁻¹ * a = 1)
include one_mul mul_left_inv

theorem group.mk'_aux1 {a : α} (h : a * a = a) : a = 1 :=
calc a = a⁻¹ * a * a : by simp [mul_left_inv, one_mul]
   ... = a⁻¹ * a : by rw [mul_assoc, h]
   ... = 1 : mul_left_inv _

theorem group.mk'_aux2 (a : α) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 :=
group.mk'_aux1 $ calc
  a * a⁻¹ * (a * a⁻¹)
      = a * (a⁻¹ * a) * a⁻¹ : by simp [mul_assoc]
  ... = a * a⁻¹ : by rw mul_left_inv; simp [mul_assoc, one_mul]

theorem group.mk'_aux3 (a : α) : a * 1 = a :=
by rw [← mul_left_inv a, ← mul_assoc, group.mk'_aux2, one_mul]

def group.mk' : group α :=
{ one_mul := one_mul,
  mul_left_inv := mul_left_inv,
  mul_one := group.mk'_aux3,
  ..‹semigroup α›, ..‹has_one α›, ..‹has_inv α› }


Mario Carneiro (Apr 29 2018 at 03:45):

Another way to present a proof like this is via an auxiliary class like your gripe, like so:

class gripe (α : Type*) extends semigroup α, has_one α, has_inv α :=
(one_mul : ∀ (a : α), 1 * a = a)
(mul_left_inv : ∀ (a : α), a⁻¹ * a = 1)

namespace gripe
variables {α : Type*} [gripe α]

theorem eq_one_of_idem {a : α} (h : a * a = a) : a = 1 :=
calc a = a⁻¹ * a * a : by simp [mul_left_inv, one_mul]
   ... = a⁻¹ * a : by rw [mul_assoc, h]
   ... = 1 : mul_left_inv _

theorem mul_right_inv (a : α) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 :=
eq_one_of_idem $ calc
  a * a⁻¹ * (a * a⁻¹)
      = a * (a⁻¹ * a) * a⁻¹ : by simp [mul_assoc]
  ... = a * a⁻¹ : by rw mul_left_inv; simp [mul_assoc, one_mul]

theorem mul_one (a : α) : a * 1 = a :=
by rw [← mul_left_inv a, ← mul_assoc, mul_right_inv, one_mul]

instance (α) [gripe α] : group α :=
{ one_mul := one_mul,
  mul_left_inv := mul_left_inv,
  mul_one := mul_one,
  ..gripe.to_semigroup α,
  ..gripe.to_has_one α,
  ..gripe.to_has_inv α }

end gripe

Kevin Buzzard (May 02 2018 at 17:47):

Here's how it ended up. https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2018/04/30/group-theory-revision/

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC