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Stream: maths
Topic: a*a = b*c -> gcd a b = min a b
Rick Love (Aug 15 2020 at 13:48):
I'm trying to prove the following, but I am stuck. I'm not sure how to proceed.
A proof in words would be something like:
- get all prime factors for both sides
- the prime factors must match
- the union of all factors in a * a = b * c
- the common factors a,b + common factors a,c = all factors
- common factors a,b = min a,b
However, I don't know how to break the equality into it's factors and prove their intersection in lean
-- 4 * 4 = 2 * 8 -> gcd a b = 2 gcd a c = 4
-- 6 * 6 = 4 * 9 -> gcd a b = 2 gcd a c = 3
-- 6 * 6 = 1 * 36 -> gcd a b = 1 gcd a c = 6
theorem multiple_factors_then_gcd (a b c k : nat):
a*a = b*c ->
gcd a b = min a b :=
cases eq_or_not a b with ab_eq ab_neq,
-- case a = b
rw ab_eq,
rw min_self,
apply gcd_eq_left,
cases le_or_gt a b with ab_le ab_gt,
-- case a < b
have haltb : a < b, {apply le_and_ne_then_lt, split, apply ab_le, apply ab_neq,},
rw min_eq_left ab_le,
apply gcd_eq_left,
apply dvd.intro k,
-- revert a_1,
-- contrapose,
-- intros,
-- rw a_1,
-- rw nat.div,
-- case a > b
have hageb : a >= b, {apply le_of_lt ab_gt},
rw min_eq_right hageb,
apply gcd_eq_right,
-- case a > b
-- split,
-- apply dvd.intro a,
-- cc,
-- split,
-- apply dvd.intro d,
-- cc,
-- apply dvd.intro c,
-- cc,
Rick Love (Aug 15 2020 at 14:01):
Actually starting to make progress now that I had to think about how to do that in words:
-- 4 * 4 = 2 * 8 -> gcd a b = 2 gcd a c = 4
-- 6 * 6 = 4 * 9 -> gcd a b = 2 gcd a c = 3
-- 6 * 6 = 1 * 36 -> gcd a b = 1 gcd a c = 6
theorem multiple_factors_then_gcd (a b c k : nat):
a*a = b*c ->
gcd a b = min a b :=
intros h,
let faa := factors (a*a),
let fbc := factors (b*c),
have h_faa_fbc : faa = fbc := by { dsimp [faa, fbc], rw h,},
-- have
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 14:02):
How about 12^2=9*16?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 14:03):
Or even 6^2=9*4?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC