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Stream: maths

Topic: abstract polytopes

Grayson Burton (Nov 22 2021 at 01:31):

A friend (GH: vihdzp) and I (GH: ocornoc) are formalizing abstract polytopes and thought it would be nice to have in mathlib. Can we get non-master write access for a branch regarding this?

Alex J. Best (Nov 22 2021 at 01:31):


Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:32):

Great! I will send an invite shortly.

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:32):

Have you seen the recent discussion about abstract and concrete simplicial complexes?

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:33):

Invitations sent!

Grayson Burton (Nov 22 2021 at 01:33):

Scott Morrison said:

Have you seen the recent discussion about abstract and concrete simplicial complexes?

I haven't but I'll look it over. Thank you very much :)

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:34):

There may have also be a separate discussion about associahedra; I forget if that was in the same thread or not.

Grayson Burton (Nov 22 2021 at 01:51):

So, just exactly how limited in scope should the branch be? In order to aid in formalizing abstract polytopes, for example, it would be nice to have a bounded_order simply being the combination of order_top and order_bot, along with some theorems about it. should this be added into order/ (say, adding it near the top of order/bounded_lattice.lean with a few theorems)? or should this be in a polytopes/ folder? thanks

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:56):

Just a word of warning re: order_top and order_bot: see #9891 which is making some changes.

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:57):

PRs should basically be as small as possible, but no smaller. :-) Essentially, if there is a bundle of changes that makes sense without the "main" part of the PR, please do those as an initial PR.

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:58):

It's fine to make multiple PRs at once, and indicate dependencies between them. Sometimes this is helpful so reviews can understand the motivation for the initial PRs.

Grayson Burton (Nov 22 2021 at 01:58):

Scott Morrison said:

Just a word of warning re: order_top and order_bot: see #9891 which is making some changes.

Oh right, this got linked in the Xena discord. I think I'll block on that.

Scott Morrison (Nov 22 2021 at 01:59):

So for example, if you have some theorems that hold when both order_top and order_bot are available, that can probably be a PR by itself, and those lemmas should certainly not be in polytopes/.

Violeta Hernández (Nov 22 2021 at 02:32):

Oh, hi! Just found this thread

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC