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Stream: maths

Topic: binary choice class

Sean Leather (May 23 2018 at 09:21):

Any thoughts (e.g. name and possible location in mathlib) on this class and instances? It's useful for the finset max/min stuff.

class has_choice {α : Sort*} (f : α  α  α) : Prop :=
(choice :  a b, f a b = a  f a b = b)

def choice {α : Sort*} (f : α  α  α) [has_choice f] :  (a b : α), f a b = a  f a b = b :=
has_choice.choice f

instance if_choice {α : Sort*} (c : Prop) [d : decidable c] : has_choice (@ite c d α) :=
⟨λ a b, by by_cases h : c; simp [h]

instance min_choice {α : Sort*} [d : decidable_linear_order α] : has_choice (@min α d) :=
⟨λ a b, by simp [min, (if_choice (a  b)).choice]

instance max_choice {α : Sort*} [d : decidable_linear_order α] : has_choice (@max α d) :=
⟨λ a b, if h : a  b then or.inr (max_eq_right h) else or.inl (max_eq_left_of_lt (lt_of_not_ge h))

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC